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Soe'Nae stepped onto the sand with little mind paid to what the night would be like. She knew that the last celebration held to this standard was her father's Inkimaya, tales from when he was a young man standing to this day. And for better or worse, Sao'Nae was determined to have fun and not stress. That's where a few cups liquid courage would come in handy...

She brushed a curly strand of hair behind her ear, careful as to not knock the white water lily out her hair, and took a much needed deep breath. She used her hands to flatten her skirt, failing to not look nervous. This is fine, She told herself. Totally fine.

Tsireya walked beside her and looped their arms together, the younger sister grinning with the strength of a thousand suns---never ceasing to look confident and beautiful. Tsireya glanced to her sister and titled her head, " Nae'nae, just breath. It's just a little party." She assured, causing Sao'Nae to fiercely snap her neck in the direction of her baby sister.

" Little party?!" She whisper shouted, becoming silent as the bonfire came into view. Tsireya raised the skin of her brow and laughed, " C'mon. It's not like you haven't partied before."

Sao'Nae rolled her eyes, " When I party, it's by myself. I drink by myself. I dance by myself. And I smoke by----" 

Tsireya smacked her hand over her sisters mouth as an elderly woman hobbled by, giving her a warm smile as she walked passed, " Be careful who you speak near." She giggled, shaking her head and finally unlocking their arms, " Now I am going to find Lo'ak. Maybe you should look for Neteyam---"

Sao'Nae glared, " I will not."

" Damn, Ma Tanhì. Tell me how you really feel." A voice chimed, causing a shiver to run down Sao'Nae's back and a shit-eating grin to cross Tsireya's face. When Sao'Nae glanced over her shoulder she saw Neteyam with his arms crossed, for the first time in his life with his hair pulled into a bun---his braids out of his face. A bright blush ran across Sao'Nae's face, knowing he'd heard her.

She chuckled awkwardly, staring at the tall boy and not even noticing Tsireya sneaking away behind her, " Oh, hey! Um...Hi, Neteyam." The girl rubbed her arms and looked at the floor, " It wasn't personal..." She found herself mumbling.

Neteyam laughed and shook his head, letting his eyes rake across the girls exposed flesh, stopping at the dark blue accent colors on things like her waist-beads, bracelets, earrings, and rings. Sao'Nae followed his gaze and smiled, giving a little spin, " You like?" She asked, eyes alive with stars.

Neteyam bit his cheek and nodded, " I do."

Sao'Nae laughed, " Good. I spent much time picking these pieces out." She admitted, " Besides my hair, I think that took the longest..."

The boy reached his hand forward and softly grabbed hers, lifting it to his lips and delivering a chaste kiss to her knuckles, " Well, your efforts are appreciated. Ma Tanhì." He smirked, " Getting pretty for me?" He asked.

Sao'Nae rolled her arms and pulled back her hand, giving Neteyam a playful glare, " Oh I see how it is hot-shot." She giggled, " I in no way got pretty for you."

He scoffed, " Then why is your face so red?"

Instinctively Sao'Nae went to hide her face in her hands, but quicker than she was able to, Neteyam caught her wrists, " Ah ah ah, no denying it now." He laughed confidently, causing Sao'Nae to want to die of embarrassment.

Where did this newfound bravery come from?

" I hate you." She whispered, unable to hide her self from his prying eyes. Neteyam gave a lopsided smirk and leant down to her height, still towering over her, " The funny part about that, is I don't believe you."

You will fall (Neteyam x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now