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It was hard pretending that there wasn't anything between them in the following days, not even so much as smiling at one another in the shining light of day. Ronal watched Sao'Nae like a hawk, her gaze unforgiving and taut, almost unrecognizable from the look she normally gave her sweet child. Sao'Nae did what her mother expected of her. She stopped teaching the Sully's, she dove head first into hef Tsahìk studies, and overall returned to that perfect daughter.

So as she sat around their homes sweet hearth, silence drowned the family. Ao'nung shifted uncomfortablely, looking between Ronal and then to his twin sister. The two couldn't even look at one another.

Tonowari sighed deeply, " Sao'Nae, you must understand not seeing Neteyam is for the best..." He spoke, " I'm proud that you've been listening this past week. Once your married and bonded perhaps you and Neteyam can remain friends---"

Sao'Nae glanced over harshly with a glare, not towards her father, but her mother. After all, this was her fault.

" What is wrong with Neteyam?" She barked suddenly, her voice hoarse from lack of use during the day. She only ever spoke to Neteyam and the Sully's now, she and Neteyam often sneaking out and gone to the cave to hide from the world.

Ronal finally raised her gaze from her food, her ears flattening as she hissed quietly, " Don't start this, Sao'Nae."

" Start what? A conversation about my future?"

Ronal slammed her plate down on the floor with both hands and scoffed, " You're future?" She repeated, " You forget everything you do must be for this family. You're family." She reminded, turning her full body to stare at the girl she'd raised to be headstrong. Perhaps too headstrong.

Tsireya looked weary as she hid herself away from the argument, knowing at any moment they could switch gears to her, the outcast lover.

Sao'Nae bit the inside of her cheek, " Neteyam is kind. Neteyam is strong. Neteyam can hunt with the best and learns faster than anyone I've ever taught! He is an amazing Na'vi!" She couldn't help but press, " Back in the forest Neteyam was being taught the ways of Olo'eyktan, he knows how to lead, his father is Toruk Makto for Ewya's sake! Who would be more eligible if not Neteyam?!"

Tonowari glanced nervously between Sao'Nae and Ronal...

The room was silent.

The room had gone from heated argument to unearthly in mere moments. Ronal looked away as well, feeling her daughters gaze, hearing her rigid breaths from raw emotion. The mother closed her eyes and sighed, picking up her plate and continuing to eat.

" For starters....I was thinking Kol'Zaro." She said, biting into her fish and chewing as if she hadn't just spoken words that could crush her daughters heart and soul.

Sao'Nae was shocked, eyes wide and teary, " What? No...No don't say that." She mumbled, shaking her head softly, her wild curls falling in front of her face. She felt her stomach tighten in a sickening way, pain filling her face and cracking against her skin.

Ronal continued, " He is the future chief of his village, his has more tattoos than any other male his age---"

" Tattoos?!? You think I care about tattoos?!?" Sao'Nae shouted, her voice echoing.

Tonowari reached over and put a hand on her shoulder, " Arranged marriages aren't so bad, my sea-star...All you have to do is give it a chance----"

" NO! Easy for you to say when you married for love!" Sao'Nae's breath was shallow as she felt a panic rising in her being, a feeling like she was drowning, " I...I can't....please...Neteyam."

You will fall (Neteyam x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now