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When later finally came, the other teenagers had gone to do their daily chores. Lo'ak went to feed the Ikran, Kiri to weaving lessons, Tsireya to the healing tent, and Ao'nung and Rotxo went hunting with the other young men. It just left Sao'Nae and Neteyam, the only two who'd somewhat already completed their duties. Technically Sao'Nae's ending in a dumb screaming match, but it's safe to say that was over and done with after the whole mother debacle.

The two sat alone in the sand for a moment, bathing in the cool breeze and unwavering sun. It was a beautiful day, all the things considered, but that didn't stop either of them from feel less gloomy...

Neteyam was the first to speak, like always, his eyes raising to meet Sao'Nae's as his shoulders slumped, " I think most of the clan heard your mother today..." He uttered, his breath shaky, " I do not want to stop seeing you. Or being your friend." He admitted, causing Sao'Nae to drop her head low.

" I don't want to stop seeing you either, Ma'Teyam. That is why the argument took place to begin with....I just...I couldn't drop the subject." She told him, her gaze lingering on her fingers as if they were the most important things in the entire world, " I always listened to my mother."

Neteyam glanced at her knowingly. In an odd way he understood, you could tell by the way he looked at her, " My dad is to me what Ronal is to you. He is the driving force of my family. If the great Toruk Makto told to do something then you did it, no questions asked." The man hesitated.

" But he also demands me to watch over my younger siblings, whether I'm with them or not..." He seemed nervous, swallowing hard like it is throat was dry, " But unlike how my father is with me, your mother doesn't give you a choice when it comes to things that are important to you. Even with the Omatikaya people, when I was meant to become Olo'eyktan, my mother and father said I could choose a mate as I wish..."

Neteyam's words seem to drawl off, his eyes staying on Sao'Nae's face and examining her every movement an twitch. He could read the faint fear and sadness in her eyes, the fear that the two of them would be separated...

Sao'Nae inhaled deeply, as if she were showing him the breathing exercises she'd taught almost a month ago, " I wish you were Olo'eyktan..." She admitted, causing Neteyam's eyes to widen, waiting for her to continue, " I wish I could choose you..."

With a sudden jolt of confidence Neteyam moved like his mother, crawling and leaning towards her, " What do you mean, Ma'Tanhì?" He asked, tilting his head, watching her ever still.

" Maybe...maybe if you were Olo'eyktan my mother wouldn't disprove of me----" She hesitated, lowering her head and closing her eyes, not wanting to look at him more she needed to. She didn't want him to see her so distraught.

Neteyam smiled, " Please, talk to me, Sao'Nae."

As her name fell from his lips, she felt the familiar cusp of his hand against her cheek. He was so warm, all the time. Compared the the normally cool skin of the Metkayina, he was so inviting and peaceful. Sao'Nae was beginning to crave him...she was beginning to hate herself for wanting him so badly.

" I have only known you...for a few months. I have only known you a few months and yet I feel as if I've known you forever. When I look in your eyes I feel like I've seen them before. When I speak with you, no matter how little, I feel as though we are connected at the mind." She took a shaky breath, " I wish you were Olo'eyktan so I could finally pick you and take you as my mate."

A silence hung in the air, Sao'Nae not daring to open her eyes.

" Ma'Tanhì..."

" Ma'Teyam----"




You will fall (Neteyam x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now