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Neteyam's eyes widened with fear, his heart stopping the moment she moved her hand and he saw blood. The very second her heard her little gasps, he felt as if his world was shattering. He jutted forward in the water, shock festering in his eyes, " Sao'Nae!" He called, watching as she tentatively glanced up, her doe eyes scared and begging.

Ao'nung lurched towards his twin while riding his Ilu, helping Neteyam lift her up in the water and onto the back of the creature. He quickly began tearing up, " Sister! Sister keep your eyes on me!" He ordered.

Sao'Nae huffed a small smile, " Skxawng...I ain't dead yet...." She mumbled, her hand pressed tightly over the wound, " Did...did it go through? Did Ma'Teyam get hit...?"

Neteyam wanted to cry as he heard her words, but climbed behind Ao'nung, holding Sao'Nae on his lap and looking at her back. He glanced to Ao'nung and gave him a small shake of his head, it hadn't gone through. The bullet hadn't gone through.

The younger brother choked back his own sadness and looked at the others, " I have to get Sao'Nae to a doctor...." He said, " Get on your Ilu, I brought some with me. I told Kiri to stay with Rotxo by three-brothers rocks so we leave the rest to the warriors. Lo'ak, find your sister and meet us back at the village!"

Lo'ak nodded, " Got it bro, just go! Save my brothers mate!" He said, pushing the Ilu away, " Quick! Go!'

Ao'nung nodded, setting off quickly in the water. The war still waged around them, but at least Quaritch had no hostages. It was just him and Jake now. Sao'Nae moaned softly in Neteyam's arms, wind softly blowing over her face...

" Neteyam....we never...."

Neteyam shook his head and brushed hair out of her face, his hand pressed down on his gunshot wound, " My love, please, save your strength." He begged, " We can talk about this after."

Ao'nung listened closely as he rode, wanting to be able to...hear his sisters last words if she...if she...

Sao'Nae had tears in her eyes as a strangled sob left her throat, " Neteyam I'm scared..." She whispered, feeling the pain in her abdomen, " Neteyam it hurts."

Neteyam blinked away a few unshed tears and tried to remain strong, " I know baby, I know." He meekly said, pressing her wound harder. He had to keep as much blood as he could inside of her, " I know it hurts..." He looked towards Ao'nung, " We need to go faster!"

Ao'nung reached one hand back and held his sisters hand, squeezing it tightly, yipping at his Ilu and beckoning it to go quicker. To swim as fast as it ever had before.

" Sister, you will not die today." He growled, " I will not let you."

Sao'Nae was pale. Paler than a Na'vi should be, and the dawning realization that she could die erupted into her head. She could die. She was dying. Her eyes cast back to Neteyam above her, his beautiful face and intricate braids. She did this for him. She couldn't lose him.

" Brother, make sure ma...mama knows...this wasn't Neteyam's----" A sob left her lips, " This wasn't Neteyam's fault. You promise you'll tell her!" She pleaded, " Don't let my mate live in shame or guilt...."

Ao'nung shook his head, " Sao'Nae, you can tell Mama yourself."

She cried softly, " Brother, promise me."

Ao'nung glanced back at Neteyam, watching the boy silently cry and look away from Sao'Nae's body. He stared back at his sisters sad eyes and nodded, he nodded so that she could stop worrying. He promised her.

" I promise, big sister."

She laughed, which probably hurt more than crying, " Good....." She whispered, " Good. Good."

Her eyes drifted to the sky, noticing Eclipse was coming. It was so peaceful. Besides the cries of Neteyam and Ao'nung sounding in the air, and the gentle crash of the waves over island rocks...everything was quiet.

" It's so pretty..." She mumbled, a dazed smile on the corner of her lips, " Ma'Teyam...I'm tired." She said, eyes fluttering.

Neteyam shook his head and gently whimpered, " It's not time to sleep yet. Tomorrow. Tomorrow when the war is over, and my father kills that bastard Quaritch, you and I will sleep together. I will hold you tight in my arms, your eyes shining brightly, and I will protect you. You and I can rest. We will not hide anymore." He said, one of his bloody hands caressing her face.

Sao'Nae huffed, glancing down at the blood pooling around her stomach. This was a fucking nightmare. Her lip trembled.

" Neteyam...I'm...I'm---"

Her words were cut off.


Absolute silence.

Ao'nung's body shook, tears falling down his face as he didn't dare to look back, " Is my sister...." He bit his bottom lip, trying to control himself, " Is my sister dead?" He asked.

Neteyam's heart fell to his stomach the moment her words began dropping off, his eyes wide as he leant his head down to listen for a heartbeat. He exhaled loudly.

" She just passed out from blood loss! We can still save her! We need to get to Awa'atlu NOW!"

Within moments of pulling up to the shallow end of the lagoon, Neteyam had Sao'Nae carried bridal style as he ran. Tramping through the water until he was on the beach, not stopping there. He screamed. Screamed loud enough for everybody to hear.

" Help! HELP! HELP!" He cried.

Medics rushed out of their newly set up medical tents and stared at the daughter of the chief, the next Tsahìk, being carried to them. Bleeding out. Their eyes grew to the size of saucers, " Get her in the tent!" They demanded, " Now!"

Neteyam did as told and didn't stop running, rushing past them and into the hut, laying her down on the woven mat. The healers all ushered around her, so far she was the only person to return so she had undivided attention. Neteyam wouldn't have it any another way.

One of the head healers rested her head on Sao'Nae's chest before looking at the Omatikaya boy, " How long as she been passed out?" He asked.

Neteyam blinked. His eyes empty and full of tears.

" Uh...ten minutes ago...ten minutes ago."

The healer nodded, " Okay. Her body is shutting down, and it's shutting down fast. She's lost more blood than recommended, almost forty percent. Organ failure is the next stage if we don't  patch up the bleeding---"

Another healer, a younger one, chimed in, " We could cauterize the wound---"

" Her body will go into shock long before we stop the bleeding. We'll lose her...No we have to do this the natural way." He said, " Boy, you must leave and get the Tsahìk. Tell her that her daughter has been shot and is destabilizing fast!"

Neteyam shook his head, still in shock himself. Now that he had gotten her to the healers, it felt like everything was settling around him, " No..." He whispered.

" Boy did you hear me? I said---"

Neteyam glanced up from the ground and hissed, crouching down and scraping over towards Sao'Nae. Ao'nung finally entered the room, having set aside his Ilu, and saw the state of the situation, hearing what the doctor had said. He breathed shakily.

" I'll get my mother." He said, his eyes locked on Sao'Nae's almost lifeless form, " Neteyam will not leave his mates side..."

You will fall (Neteyam x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now