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By the time Kiri and Rotxo had come back to the battle, they'd heard word from Tonowari that something awful had happened to Sao'Nae. The moment the words blood and Sao'Nae in the same sentence, Rotxo had been in panic mode, his mind running through the worst possible scenarios his dimwitted best friend could've gotten into. Kiri sat behind him on his Ilu, arms wrapped tight around his chest, her hands resting over his heart, feeling the banging drum against her palm.

Rain poured down his face, masking the tears that had proven stubborn, as he prayed to the Great Mother that Sao'Nae was actually completely fine and not in any way hurt. He knew it was stupid to hope for such a thing but told himself anyway.

Kiri sighed against his back, " She'll be fine." She assured timidly, " Sao'Nae will be fine."

She felt his body shake as he sobbed, no sound making it to the air. She knew he was crying. She didn't need to hear it to know it. Rotxo was anxious, the very way he sat echoing it in her head.

Rotxo swallowed hard, " Sao'Nae and I were born six days apart. We've been in each other's lives as long as we've been alive. She was in my life the moment I took my first breath..." He said, whining as Awa'atlu came into view, the only telltale sign being the light of fire in a few houses, " Losing her would be like losing the only family I have left..."

He knew it was difficult to say, but it was true. Rotxo's parents died a long time ago, before he could remember walking, and his brother died many years later. Now it was just him and his grandmother...and even she was nearing the end of her life-cycle. If Sao'Nae died, he really would be alone...

The thought of waking up in the morning and living in a world without Sao'Nae was like asking an Ikran to live without wings. Pointless and Cruel.

Kiri reached for his hand and tried her best to soothe him, " Rotxo. Don't think like that. We can only ask Eywa for more time..." She smiled, " Sao'Nae will be fine."

" How do you know?" He asked.

The girl closed her eyes and hugged him tightly, " Because she's too stubborn to die without proving her mother wrong." She swore, noticing the way Rotxo couldn't help but chuckle. He knew it was absolutely true.

" Sao'Nae has always taken care of others. Even when she wasn't she was." He claimed, thinking back to when they were kids and running mayhem around Awa'atlu. It was their own personal playground.

The paths, the sand, the water, the sky, the breeze. Everything was a game for them. They could stare at the starry night sky as kids and never once be bored. Back then, back when she was at her most happy, she was making sure Ao'nung and Tsireya were happier.

" You're right...She won't die until she knows her siblings are okay." He promised, slowly bringing the Ilu to a stop, climbing onto the deck and reaching his hand down for Kiri, " She's weird like that."

The two made their way to the shore where the medical tents were and rounded a corner towards the largest one. They spotted Lo'ak and Tuk hugging one another outside, Tuk appearing hopeful and frightened. Kiri let go of Rotxo's hand and gently looked towards her brother and sister, " What's wrong?" She asked, " How is she?"

Lo'ak swallowed hard and glanced at Tuk apprehensively, " She was shot in the abdomen, the bullet didn't get through." His eyes were glassy as he spoke, his voice breaking as he tried to remain strong. He couldn't let Tuk see him cry, not after he just made her happy,  " She was shot saving Neteyam..." He whispered.

Kiri gasped and covered her mouth, " Oh dear brother." She mumbled, quickly enveloping him in a hug, " I'm so sorry you had to see that..."

Lo'ak lent in close to her ear as tears snuck out his eyes, " I don't think she'll make it..." He admitted, only for her to hear,  " Neteyam will be devastated..."

When they pulled apart Kiri couldn't find the words. She couldn't think of anything to say to make Lo'ak feel better, or how to validate his words without hurting Tuk. She just stared at him, rain and tears falling down her cheeks.

Rotxo approached slowly, dragging his feet, his tail practically lining the sand behind him, " Sao'Nae?" He whispered hopefully, getting close to the tent flap but stopping. He couldn't bring himself to open it.

His hands shook.

He couldn't do it.

He backed away and stumbled, tripping in the sand and landing on his butt. Even then he continued scooting. Imagines of his brother's lifeless body flashing in his head. Pictures where he opened a tent exactly like this and saw him laying there...pale and motionless.

Rotxo refused to see her like that.

Tuk walked up to him and sat beside him, holding his hand in her own, " We have to stay out here so the doctors can do their job. Supporting them out here? That's our job..." She explained, " This is how we'll help."

Kiri quietly walked over to them and sat down, grabbing Rotxo's hand and leaning against his shoulder. Lo'ak, though reluctantly, sat down beside Tuk, staring at the entrance to the Tent and closing his eyes. They just had to wait. They had to pray to Eywa that Sao'Nae walked among them again, that's all they wanted.

Spider exited a Marui and spotted the gangle of teens outside the tent, furrowing his brows at the sight. His eyes linger on Kiri and Rotxo. He approached the group and sat down, though he made no moves to hold any hands, instead just resting in the rain.

" Who's Sao'Nae?" He finally asked.

Lo'ak chuckled sadly, " Neteyam's mate."

Spider's eyes widened. That's why she was important. That's why he was freaking out. He glanced over at Lo'ak before rubbing his face, " Since when did Neteyam mate with someone?" He asked.

Kiri smiled, " It's not official yet, but Neteyam has already told us he wants to be with her. She told me she wants to be with him." She found herself getting emotional all over again, " They were becoming so excited..."

Rotxo pitifully looked at the sky, looking at the eclipse, " Ao'nung gave his blessing...Neteyam asked him."

Spider glanced at his feet, " I'm sorry." He whispered.

Rotxo furrowed the skin of his brows, " For what? It's not your fault..."

Spider felt his throat tighten, " I know...I mean. I know but I don't always know, you know? Sometimes I feel like if I wasn't here so many problems wouldn't pop up..."

Lo'ak glanced at the boy incredulously, " Bro. You getting kidnapped isn't your fault. You getting tortured for us, isn't your fault. Sure you did what you had to to survive, but we know where your loyalties lie." He jutted his chin towards the tent, " Don't be sorry that we rescued you. Sao'Nae wouldn't have done it if she didn't believe it was important to me or Neteyam..."

This felt unreal. Like a nightmare.

Spider was saved...but Sao'Nae paid the price. That guilt? That overwhelming crushing feeling in his stomach? That made this so much worse.

" I hope I can meet her..."

Rotxo let out a shaky breath, " I hope you do too. She's the most respected young Tsahik Awa'atlu has ever seen..."

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