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The swim back to Awa'atlu was long, and towards the end of it Sao'Nae was more cranky than a starving palulukan. The girl had let down her braids so they were cascading over her shoulders, relieving her of the steamy sun, and giving her head some rest of holding those bitches up. She leaned on dear Sahatì and sighed deeply through her nose, glancing back at the two dragging Tsawl'kxa and multitude of casual sea-fish.

" Fìkem ke tì'o'...." She grumbled, hissing quietly to herself as they moved slowly through the water. They'd traveled for two days already and going off of what Kol had said before she left the village, she should be home in two to three more days. That's many miles across the ocean just to get to Awa'atlu.

Like a fish out of water an island came into view, one much like the first night of Sao'Nae's great hunt. A small little island in the distance where the two could rest. The girl clicked at the back of her throat and pointed forward, sitting up in her saddle, " Forward." She said aloud, adjusting her butts placement to be more effective.

Sahatì, as always, did as told. Swimming towards the large grove and stopping at the shoreline. Sao'Nae climbed off and smirked, looking towards her dear little 'eylan. She raised her hand from her forehead and gestured forward, the Ilu doing a bow with her head and returning to the water for some much needed rest.

Sao'Nae sat on sand and flopped on her back much like Rotxo used to do and smiled. The sun was still up, but that didn't make her any less joyous, not even with the sun screaming in her face like a big ball of hate. The girl laughed aloud for only herself to hear and used her arm to cover her eyes, still chuckling all the meanwhile.

She was excited.

She was excited!

She could imagine all the things she would be able to do when she got home. She'd be officially considered a woman and not a little girl. She'd be seen as the future Tsahìk and not just some girl playing with spirits. She'd see Rotxo, Ao'nung, and Tsireya---her most loyal friends and family, and not to mention she'd see him. Her mind rested on the pictures of Neteyam, about just him in general.

She didn't like Neteyam.

She hardly knew him.

There was no way she was interested in pursuing a relationship with the boy from the Omatikaya. Her mother would be furious. But then again, who has eyes like Neteyam does? Who makes Sao'Nae smile like Neteyam does? Truth be told, nobody had ever made her smile more than that skxawng ass blue skinned boy.

" His favorite color is purple..." Sao'Nae mumbled aloud, still face up in the sand covering her eyes, " His favorite food is niktsyey, typically meat wrapped and smoked in leaf wraps. His favorite animal is the yerik. His favorite thing to do is make military strategies, though I think that's because of his dad..." Everything Sao'Nae could think of she delved on. She wanted to see how much she knew about him.

" I don't know him." Sao'Nae reminded herself, sitting up and sighing, resting her arms on her knees and looking left and right across the beach. She huffed reluctantly and stood up, beginning to gather driftwood and palm leaves---stacking them up to make a basic little shelter in the sand to keep her safe for the nights being. At first light she and Sahatì would head for Awa'atlu once more.

The girl hummed to herself to stay sane, having grown tired of her own voice the more she worked. For awhile she tried to talk to herself, speaking all her thoughts aloud, but in the end sometimes we get sick of ourselves and decide to shut the hell up.

When she did complete her shelter, she did the same thing as before and flopped down beneath it, slapping her arm over her face.

She was done talking.

She was done humming.

To be honest, she was grow tired of hunting as well. While she very well could've hunted for some dinner, she instead decided to just lay down and rest. Eventually her eyes shut, despite the restless sun, and she fell into a deep slumber. One so deep Sao'Nae wasn't even aware she'd fallen asleep.

In a dream, probably somewhere far away, she imagined a beautifully tall Na'vi woman. One with beautiful multi-colored skin, some parts being blue, some parts being more like Sao'Nae's skin tone, and others she didn't even recognize. The woman had coily wire like hair, reminding Sao'Nae of her people back home.

She had two different colored eyes. One blue and one yellow.

Immediately Sao'Nae knew who was standing before her, instantly falling to her knees and bowing her head.

" Nawm Eywa. Nawm Eywa, kem si ayngenga tìng oe tse'atswo?" She asked, not daring to look up at the great mother's beauty. The woman didn't say anything, she just stood there silently, her eyes more wonderful than Sao'Nae dared to stare at.

While Eywa didn't say anything, Sao'Nae felt warm and comfortable near the woman. It was like swimming in the sea at night, and feeling the sun when you leave the water, warming your bones straight to your core like alcohol in your belly. It felt like the air was giving you a hug, and made you feel at peace no matter how you felt...

" Great mother, why have you come to me?"


" Is something happening?"


Sao'Nae lifted her head, urging herself to meet the woman's eyes, and like a flood gate had opened whispers filled her ears like a thousand indescribable voices. Some low and deep while others were high pitched and methodic. Sao'Nae was so shocked that she forgot to blink, staring at the smiling face of Eywa.

For what felt like many minutes Sao'Nae tried to listen to the voices, only making out very few words.

The people.






Those were the words that stuck out to the girl, and while she wanted to be scared of the words, she wasn't. Eywa was smiling at her. The great mother wouldn't tell her such news with glee. The way the woman looked at her read like a beautiful book, saying something along the lines of you'll be okay.

" Something's going to happen... isn't it."

For the first time, Eywa moved. Just a little. She shifted her head and nodded.

" Yes."

You will fall (Neteyam x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now