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For the rest of the night everything was light hearted. Everyone drank their fill until nobody could see straight, even pretty little Kiri managed to hold her alcohol farrrr better than Rotxo did. Sao'Nae's head lazed tiredly onto Neteyam's shoulder, unbeknownst to the girl---giving him a heart attack, meanwhile Ao'nung was passed out on the sand. Belly to the sky and arms spread like an Ikran.

Rotxo was flopped over Kiri's legs, his face in the sand, groaning quietly. It'd been a few hours since arriving so it's fair to say Sao'Nae had gotten what she was looking for. To get shit-face drunk.

Neteyam chuckled and moved his hand to the girls head on his shoulder, poking her cheek, " Ma'Tanhì...." He whispered, " You still awake?"

The girl made very small movements, nodding her head slowly, afraid she'd throw up if she moved too fast, " Yes, Ma'Teyam..." She mumbled, eyes drawn shut.

The boy smiled and looked around.

Tsireya was tending to a passed out Lo'ak who was asleep beside Ao'nung, the two becoming enthralled in a drinking game a few minutes prior. Now look at those idiots. Drunk and face up in the sand...

Neteyam looked back to Sao'Nae, " On a scale of one to ten how drunk are you?" He asked stupidly, causing the girl to raise the skin of her brows and glare.

" Ma' sweet sweet stupid Neteyam." She uttered with a shake of her head, " I am so drunk right now, the stars are vibrating and everytime I look up my stomach feels like it's crawling up my throat."

The boy paused, " I think that means it's time to head home, Ma'Tanhì."

Sao'Nae groaned and shook her head, further climbing into Neteyam's lap, too drunk to understand anything but the close of her eyes, " Noooo!" She whined softly, wrapping her arms around the boys neck and laying her head in it's crook, " I don't wanna go home, my mother will be so mad."

Neteyam sat with Sao'Nae in his lap, holding her as if she were a baby, smiling at her closeness, " But...Ma'Tanhì don't you think---"

"---Shhhh." The girl out her finger against Neteyam's lips, " Stop being rational."

The boy was frozen, " Ma....Ma'Tanhì I----" He took a deep breath, " It's definitely time to get you sobered up." He said, reluctantly standing, still holding Sao'Nae and having zero trouble getting the two of them up. He fixed her to be held like a baby, her head on his shoulder and arms around his neck.

Tsireya glanced over and smiled, " You handle that one, I'll handle these two."

Kiri nodded and softly pushed Rotxo off of her lap, " Ill get this skxawng."

The boy lifted his head slightly and glanced back at Kiri, " I---am not---drunk. I am the picture of perfect-----health." Rotxo slurred, " I can get home myself."

Tsireya looked at Kiri and shook her head, " Don't let him go home. His grandmother will kill him."

Kiri nodded, " I know, I'll probably wait here for him to sober up."

Neteyam gestured with his head to Sao'Nae, " I'm probably going to do the same with her. Gotta make sure the village celebrity gets her beauty rest." He laughed, ignoring her soft mewls in his ear.

God she was drunk.

With that being said, the boy started off down the beach, carrying her into his Marui once they arrived.

The boy stepped carefully into the doorway and sat her own the ground, beginning to light the fire in the center so she wasn't cold. He knew she was due chicken skin appearing on her arms the moment they left the bonfire.

You will fall (Neteyam x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now