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Turns out his mother was an extremely professional and kind woman, Tsitzari---or better know as Zari, was accepting of Sao'Nae's presence in the tribe. Immediately she was gifted with a small hut, hardly bigger than that of her old living room, but still enough that she had room to lay her head for the coming nights, due to Tsitzari's hospitality. For the days after that, Kol spent a lot of his time talking to Sao'Nae, simply getting to know her and her little quirks. They swam laps around the reef, something Kol said he did often to keep fit, and even played Spä'lìng.

Sao'Nae will never admit whether or not he beat her....never.

But then, whenever night would fall, Sao'Nae would go hunting, never forgetting her purpose for being out near Ta'unui to begin with. She was to hunt and then bring her spoils back to Awa'atlu. That was her job. No way around it.

Deep in her thoughts, Sao'Nae hadn't seen Kol sneaking up behind her until his hand was pressed firmly against her shoulder. He sat down and grinned, " Don't think too hard, you might scare the fish." He laughed, " What's got you looking like a Tsawl'kxa?"

Sao'Nae, startled from her own mind, glanced over at Kol and his bright smile before sighing, " Sorry, I was thinking about home. I miss it." She said, eyes slightly glazed over.

Kol raised a brow before chuckling, " I get that. For my great hunt I went even further east, didn't come home for two months." He admitted, causing Sao'Nae's head to practically explode.

" Two months?" She asked aloud, turning to face him.

The boy nodded, " Yeah. I accidentally traveled more than a weeks worth of sea, so going to and from was difficult."

Sao'Nae shook her head and sunk back into the sand, " I could never..."

Kol never broke his gaze on the girl, " What do you have waiting for you at home?" He asked curiously, " I'm a only child so I was pretty much just leaving my parents and my friends."

Sao'Nae laughed and thought about home, " Well, I have a twin brother named Ao'nung. I'm older. And then I have a baby sister named Tsireya." She smiled, " My best friend was a boy named Rotxo, and----"

She paused.

" And?" Kol pushed further.

" And....And I have a good friend named Neteyam."

Kol wasn't buying that. The boy gave Sao'Nae a pointed look, though his smile didn't falter, " Oh you are so full of shit Nae'nae. That is your boyfriend, huh?" He questioned, watching how immediately Sao'Nae's face turned bright with blush, " Admit it he's your boyfriend!" He laughed, poking the girls sides.

Sao'Nae giggled and pushed him away, taking a deep breath, " Neteyam is not my boyfriend." She assured, " He's just a really nice boy staying at my village."

Kol raised the skin of his brows, " Oh? Do tell me more."

" Well....He came to Awa'atlu with his family after leaving the Omatikaya people. His family needed sanctuary and his father chose my clan. When they came, my father tasked me with being the one to teach them our ways. The way of the water. I tried to hate him but he was just so nice and sweet. Now he is a close friend of mine " She explained, staring at her greenish-blue skin as she picked at her nails.

The boy wasn't stupid. He had eyes.

He snickered and smirked, " You like him, Skxawng. And you don't even see it."

" I do not like Neteyam!" Sao'Nae argued with a smile shoving the boy.

He rolled his eyes, " You totally do!"

" I do not!"

" Do!"

" Do not!"

As the day progressed and Sao'Nae did her chores, she was constantly pressed about this boy from the forest by none other than Kol and his friends. They were like gossip ridden flesh-sacks, only eager for more knowledge, though Sao'Nae was hesitant to give it.

Pope smirked, " Is he strong? Could I win in a fight?" He asked, flexing his muscles. Sao'Nae rolled her eyes and looked up from the water, holding tight to he fishing spear.

" You're bigger than him, but he is fast."

Pope rolled his eyes, " That's not an answer Nae'nae!"

Nani smiled and brushed her short hair behind her ears, " It is though! You're strong but lover boy is fast! Hence he'd beat your ass!" She assured, rolling her dollish eyes and giving Sao'Nae a thumbs up, " I got you!"

Sao'Nae chuckled and speared a fish, ignoring the bickering behind her.

" What about his eye color, what's his eye color?" Gida asked, perched on a rock and resting on her arms, looking to be in a dream-like daze. Kol smirked and glanced at the girl.

" Sao'Nae said their a golden yellow. More yellow than a sunset and twice as beautiful."

Sao'Nae glared, " I said they were golden! You liar!"

Kol shrugged innocently, " I read the pretext." He claimed.

It was no use. No use in arguing with any of them. They were extremely persistent and would honestly wait around her for hours even if she was hunting, just to get information about this Neteyam boy. Even when Sao'Nae walked off they followed, all four of them curious beyond belief.

Sao'Nae entered her tiny hut which was only meant for one person, and witnessed all the other cramming themselves inside the doorway, sitting firmly on the ground and waiting for Sao'Nae to keep talking.

As she began skinning the fish, she looked up, " When Neteyam and I first met, I tried to ignore him. But no matter how hard I tried, he kept talking to me." She started, " And whenever I was teaching he'd have to sit beside me, claiming it helped him hear better. Whenever I'd correct him he'd smile and say, yes ma'am. It irritated me beyond belief at first..."

Gida leaned forward on her knees, " At first?" She asked.

Sao'Nae nodded, " But then the week went on, and his stupid little quips became the best part of my day. Even when I pretended they were just dumb jokes, I actually loved hearing them. I started teaching him sign and the first thing he wanted to know was my name. How to spell it. How to sign it...just, stuff like that." She said, pausing and looking over here new friends faces.

Nani smiled, " And then what happened!?"

Kol was listening closely, his eyes full of a childhood wonder despite being the oldest in the group. Sao'Nae sighed and titled her head, " And then I told him about my Inkimaya. That I wouldn't be home for a few weeks. Three at most." She confessed, " But then he snuck into my house one night before my preparation day..."

Suddenly everyone was on the edge of their seats, leant forward and curious. Sao'Nae smiled at their faces, shaking her head, " He came to my room through my window and asked me to follow him. Like an idiot, I did. He took me on the beach where he kept his Ikran, and then he took me into the sky. We flew around for hours, just joking and talking...---"

" Sao'Nae, Tsitzari wants to see you." A voice chimed from the door way, interrupting the talk.

Pope, Nani, Gida, and Kol all groaned in frustration, watching as Sao'Nae smiled victoriously and stood from her seat on the ground, setting her skinned fish to the side.

" Good talk." She smirked, going to Tsitzari's tent, thankful she didn't have to say any more. She felt awkward and had thanators trampling through her stomach, making her both nervous and sick. So she decided to push it deep deep deep down.

Smart right?

⚠️️Filler chapter⚠️

You will fall (Neteyam x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now