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Sao'Nae grabbed onto Neteyam's hand and began trawling him inside the dimly lit cave, her eyes wide with girlish intent as she giggled like a toddler. Mainly at his skeptical appearance and shifting eyes through the darkness, glowing golden orbs staring back at her blue ones. The girl pressed her lips into a thin line when she glimpsed over at Neteyam, "I call it Wan rey'eng. Hidden balance..." She stammered nervously, " I found it when I was little and have been coming ever since."

Neteyam's hand gently squeezed hers, "It's kinda hard to see, Sao'Nae." He admitted, " Is it always this dark? We could always come back in the morning."

The girl laughed and finally stopped walking as they reached a pool of water, the looks of it going beneath some rocks, "Most people stop here, but the real fun part is through here---" She said, stepping slowly into the freezing cold water, gently grabbing onto Neteyam's hand and tugging him in behind her.

Sao'Nae dropped beneath the waves with her hand still firmly gripped on Neteyam as she led them both through the twists and turns of the water, the tunnel so dark that the boy was unsure how she knew where she was going.

But nevertheless she did.

Eventually they came up in another pool on the other side of the wall, and unlike the previous cave this one was lit up with bioluminescent algae and much more. Vines hung down and lit the once permanently eerie space with various things decorating the area. In the corner was a pile of what looked to be woven kelp or possibly some type of sea grass, which was creating a bed with sea-shells and sea-glass circling the hand-made cot.

Neteyam stared in amazement, his mouth slightly parted as he released a shaky breath, "This is so cool." He admitted.

Sao'Nae nodded and returned the grin, "I'm always bringing stuff here. Sometimes I even come during the day, when I have no chores or work just to lay down...It's so calm." She babbled, "This is my secret spot I go when things are too much. Somewhere my mother can't find me..."

Neteyam glanced at the girl with a sweet softness in his eyes, " Why would you show me this? This is your area, I wouldn't ever want to infringe upon your personal time." He said quietly, unsure of what to look at as he stared at his feet.

"I showed you because..." She looked towards the ground as well and sighed, "I honestly don't know why I showed you. I don't even know why I'm talking to you right now or why I followed you out of my Murai..." She watched as Neteyam took a step closer, his lean muscled frame towering over her, "I don't know why I trust you." She whispered.

Neteyam gave an invisible smile.

"I trust you as well." He said, " I----"

The boy looked deep in thought, pausing his words in an instant, looking as if he wanted to say something important, but his lips betray him and stay shut tight. Sao'Nae titled her head curiously, waiting for what came next...

"I----" He began looking nervous, "I respect you..."

Why would that make him nervous? Sao'Nae wondered, the skin of her brows furrowing together. She nodded and turned her back for a second, "I'm glad we respect one another. I'm glad you came and got me me tonight." She chuckled under her breath, "I'm glad you came to Awa'atlu, you've only been here weeks yet it feels a century."

You will fall (Neteyam x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now