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Sao'Nae let out a soft grunt as she sneaked across the floor, both Lo'ak and Neteyam quick to follow behind her through the drop-pool area of the ship. The younger boy glanced to his older brother and smirked silently, to which Neteyam simply rolled his eyes. He knew Sao'Nae was awesome. He definitely didn't need his baby brother teasing him to know that. The Metkayina girl glanced over her shoulder and put a finger to her lips before pointing upwards at the shafts lining the edge of the roof. She approached the metal pillar as best as she could and began climbing upwards, gesturing for Lo'ak and Neteyam to follow her lead.

Sao'Nae couldn't understand why the Sully sons wanted this traitorous monkey so badly, but nevertheless trusted Neteyam's judgement. In an odd way she figured it was like losing a pet. She wasn't really against humans, but after learning of everything they'd done, after they killed her mothers Tulkun sister and calf---It was safe to say she was a bit upset, in retrospect.

Nothing against the monkey though...

" Nae-Nae!" Lo'ak whispered, sloth-crawling beneath the metal rods, " What are we--"

"Sh!" She hissed, using her eyes to gesture to the corner where a group of humans could be seen leading the Spider-boy. She wrapped her legs around the shaft and hung upside down, taking her knives off her thighs before sighing...Once the group of men were directly beneath them she looked at the boys and nodded, unwrapping her legs and falling towards one of the men.

Since she was falling upside down she focused all of her momentum in her legs and flipped, landing behind man number one and slitting his throat and tossing another knife across at another man. Neteyam and Lo'ak were quick to follow, Neteyam grabbing a man by his shirt and flinging him against the wall, surely shattering his spine due to the 90° angle.

Lo'ak punched a man in the face and tossed him over the railing, and overall used very human like tactics to get rid of them. Soon though, even the Spider boy got involved, taking the mask off of one of the guys and punching him out cold. Lo'ak snatched the gun from one of the men and bitch-slapped him with it, grunting as he did so.

Sao'Nae's eyes widened as she noticed a man going for a weapon lying on the floor, her reflexs a tad behind, though luckily Lo'ak noticed as well and---quite stupidly---shot him back. His bullets meeting the walls and the man's chest. He had the aim of a fuckin' squid-fish.

Sao'Nae stared at him in shock and disbelief, " Lo'ak, you moron!" She shouted.

Lo'ak laughed and reloaded the gun, " Hey! I'm outta practice!" He defended.

Neteyam huffed at his baby brothers antics when it came to guns and rolled his shoulders, " Let's go." He beckoned, tapping Lo'ak on his arm and turning to walk away. The four of them began running, Neteyam jumping down from the catwalk and landing closely knelt to the ground. Sao'Nae was right behind him, Lo'ak and Spider following.

Spider glanced at Sao'Nae hesitantly. Obviously because he didn't know her. His eyes softened and he smiled, " Hey guys, thanks for saving me." He laughed, directing the comment mainly towards the brothers.

Before the two had the chance to reply, another Demon-Na'vi walked into view, his eyes quickly locking onto the group of teenagers. Sao'Nae had seen them first, jutting forward and pushing the human and Neteyam down and kicking Lo'ak behind a crate. She stared at the man as he raised his gun and hissed, ducking down herself.

" We gotta get out of here!" She shouted.

Neteyam watched as Lo'ak went to shoot but quickly shook his head and began pushing him towards an exit by the moon-pool. Sao'Nae gasped as she felt bullets spray around her, " Monkey, you first!" She demanded, pointing to the water.

Neteyam grabbed the gun from Lo'ak and took sneak peaks around the corner before shooting, it was obvious who had more training between them. Sao'Nae growled and took her bow off her back and slid to another crate, shooting as well in order to defend the younger two.

The blue skinned boy flattened his ears and bared his teeth, " GO GO GO!" He yelled, continuing to shoot his gun until they had jumped into the water. Neteyam glanced at Sao'Nae, watching her ululating and yelling as she shot her bow, most times landing them directly into the skulls of the humans.

He gritted his jaw, " Sao'Nae, you next!"

Sao'Nae rolled her eyes and notched another arrow, " No! I'll cover you!" She assured, lodging the next arrow into the Na'vi wannabes shoulder. Like hell she was gonna leave him up on the ship under heavy fire.

The boy hissed, " Now is not the time Ma'Tanhì!"


The two bickered like a married couple for a few seconds before they realized they were running low on ammo. Neteyam peaked around the corner and grimaced, " Listen, we go together!" He decided, " They'll need to reload soon enough!"

Sao'Nae glanced at the men one last time and nodded, " Deal! You're closer to the water so you move first then I'll go! We'll do this together!" She promised, counting her arrows, " I got three left! Ready-----" She took a deep breath, " GO!"

Neteyam took her words seriously and as soon as he heard her say go, he began sprinting towards the pool, and just as Lyle went to shoot, an arrow was lodged in his rib.

Try to breath now fuck-face.

" SAO'NAE COME ON!" Neteyam screamed, fear in his voice.

Sao'Nae growled, turned head, and ran. She could hear the man yell and pull the arrow out, and quickly before he could get another shot in tackled Neteyam into the ocean. Not before one single gunshot was heard...

Neteyam's arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her close as they fell into the water each of them taking deep breaths as they were forced below the waves.

Sao'Nae hissed in pain and began swimming with Neteyam in her arms, using her tail sorta like a propeller. They all swam beneath the ship until they came up on the outside.

Lo'ak and Spider laughed, giving each other high fives.


Moments later Sao'Nae and Neteyam popped up, Neteyam finally separating and heaving in gulps of air. When Sao'Nae opened her eyes she could see Ao'nung sitting on his Ilu, looking at the four of them expectantly. " Come on, we don't have all day!" He lectured, his head on swivel.

Neteyam began swimming towards the boy when he suddenly glanced back at Sao'Nae, hearing her labored breaths, " Ma'Tanhì?"

Everyone suddenly paused and looked over.

" Fuck-" She hissed, reaching down and feeling a gunshot in her stomach, " This is gonna ruin my whole day..."

You will fall (Neteyam x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now