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"I let Rotxo watch a forest person one time and he loses her in the Eywa forsaken ocean!" Sao'Nae barked, glaring at her friend as she thought of what her father would say if he found out she lost Toruk Makto's eldest daughter. She turned briskly to the side and looked at her brother, "Ao'nung, you get Tuk back to the beach, I can't have her getting lost as well. Rotxo, go with Tsireya and look near the east shores, maybe she washed up over there due to the currents. Lo'ak and Neteyam, go with Ao'nung---"

Neteyam immediately shook his head, "No I will help search." He assured, swimming closer. Sao'Nae groaned and pushed his shoulder.

"No, you can't. You're lungs are still feeble when underwater, you can hardly hold your breath for thirty seconds. I can't have you down there and drown when I'm not paying attention. That would make me risk losing Kiri in the reefs." She said as she nodded to her siblings and friends, "Understood?"

The blue boy scoffed and continue swimming near Sao'Nae despite her having pushed him away, "Push me all you want and command me as you wish, but it is my duty as the eldest to keep my siblings safe. You must get that." He said, "My father will kill me."

Sao'Nae hissed angrily and smacked the water, though she didn't disagree. If she'd lost Tsireya or even Ao'nung in a similar situation---maybe if the roles were reversed and they were in the forest---She would also want to help. She glared at Neteyam and sighed, rubbing her face with her fingers, "Fine! FINE! You will come with me and search the floor, Lo'ak you go with Tsireya and search the shores! But listen well Neteyam, If you for one second think you can't hold your breath, YOU will go back to the beach!"

Neteyam smiled and nodded, bowing his head, "Yes ma'am."

His words made a jolt go through Sao'Nae's spine but she kept her nerve, exhaling shakily and tapping his shoulder, "Come. We must be quick." She once more glanced at the others, "Do as told."

Ao'nung hesitated. He looked at his sister with empty eyes, his face void of emotion, his resolve evident. The boy said nothing, but Sao'Nae heard him loud and clear as he turned and dove beneath the waves, his hands wrapped firmly around Tuk as he sauntered towards the white sandy beaches.

Sao'Nae sighed and began swimming back into the reefs, Neteyam following her like a lost Ilu. She looked everywhere she could imagine and for many minutes saw nothing. Each time she turned her back she watched as Neteyam attempted to hold his breath, his cheeks puffed out and chest wide. If not for the situation at hand Sao'Nae would've stopped everything just to teach him the ways of the water. He wasn't holding oxygen correctly. He'd get nowhere how he was.

But that wasn't the days priority...

The girl felt a rush of relief as she saw the blue skinned girl staring at the wildlife of the reefs. Her eyes full of a star like wonder. Immediately Sao'Nae swam towards the girl in an almost angry manner, waving her hands in front the Kiri's face.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU LIVING AND BREATHING MORON?!? WHAT IF I HADN'T FOUND YOU AND YOU DROWNED---" Kiri stared in confusion as Sao'Nae frantically motioned with her arms, the skin above the girls eyebrows furrowing together to further prove her point.

Neteyam swam slowly behind Sao'Nae, seeming glad that he found his sister alive, but he didn't dare go here the Metkayina girl when she was angry...

Kiri stared at Sao'Nae and shrugged her shoulders, pointing upwards before beginning to swim. Sao'Nae watched with narrowed eyes and tightened lips, looking over at Neteyam. She knew he didn't understand sign, but she didn't know what else to do to convey her thoughts.

"This was a big mistake! Letting you guys come to the reef!" She gestured, shaking her head and following Kiri to breach the waves. Neteyam stared at Sao'Nae in confusion, all he knew was she looked upset.

Once above water Kiri glanced at Sao'Nae and rubbed her eyes, "What happened? Is everything okay?" She asked, unaware that Sao'Nae was ready to destroy the reefs to find her, hoping to avoid the scolds of her father.

Neteyam glanced at Sao'Nae and hoped that the future Tsahìk didn't jump on his sister, his hands seeming ready to grab her just in case. Sao'Nae exhaled deeply and closed her eyes, mumbling in her native tongue, "Eywa give me strength. Do not let me tie this skxawng to a rock and leave her to the serpents--"

The blue boy put a hand on the girls shoulder, "Calm down, Nae'nae. It's not that serious." He lied, not seeming to believe in his own words.

"What's going on?" Kiri asked.

Sao'Nae glared and scoffed at the girl, "You could've died, Kiri! I assigned pairs for a reason, you cannot swim off by yourself! Ever! You do not know the reefs! You do not know the creatures or poisonous plants! Had you stumbled upon a Tsawl'kxa, you could've been swallowed whole! Just because you can hold your breath doesn't mean you are ready to be alone!" She shouted, hitting the girl atop her head as if it were hollow inside, "What were you thinking??!"

Kiri attempted to dodge the girls flinging hands but failed.

" Tsawl'kxa?" Kiri repeated.

Sao'Nae nodded and rolled her eyes, "Big mouth fish of the deep. It swims closer to shore during the sunny seasons for food, and that means staying out of certain areas, LIKE THE ONE YOU WERE IN!" Sao'Nae explained, her eyes still holding fire within them and her hands clenched in angry fists as she floated.

Neteyam shook his head, "My sister is sorry, Sao'Nae. She understands, no going off alone." He tapped his sister with his tail and gestured to the girl, " Tell her, Kiri."

Kiri licked her lips and wiped her face once more, "I understand. I apologize, Sao'nae." She mumbled, seeming tired. Sao'Nae made a sour face...

She normally hated when people didn't listen, and Kiri was no exception. Sao'Nae wasn't a lazy or ignorant person. She was a warrior and the future Tsahìk. But still...her people even referred to her as a well respected figure.

"Let's go back to shore...Rotxo was worried sick." Sao'Nae hissed, turning away from the siblings, "Come." She demanded, diving under the surface and beginning to make way towards the beach.

Neteyam looked at Kiri and sighed, "Next time, just stay with the group..."

You will fall (Neteyam x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now