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The next morning Sao'Nae woke and and told herself to never speak of her dream. Not unless absolutely necessary. Or maybe she would tell her mother when she'd return home....Her mind was jumbled and confused, conflicted about what her dream meant. Perhaps it was just a stupid dream. Something that meant nothing. But then again who knows the last time Sao'Nae had a dream where it wasn't just pointless nonsense, this was nothing of the sort. It was serious and calm.

If you'd ever seen Sao'Nae's dreams before this, you'd know it was more like her falling from really high up or smacking fish and laughing about it because they would just flip and keep swimming. That's more like Sao'Nae Te Reyo Ronal'ite.

Not dreams of Eywa.

The girl huffed and broke down her shelter, returning the beach to how it was before she'd got there. Any evidence of her arrival washed away by the tide. She approached the edge of the water and called her Ilu, bonding with the creature and once more taking to the ocean. Sao'Nae had hope that this was the last night she'd have to stop, hopefully being able to travel fully without taking another night for rest. She missed home terribly, and if she had to miss a few days of sleep to get there, then so be it.

Time passed slowly, feeling as if she'd seen nothing for ages. The landscape looked exactly the same as it did twelve hours ago, the only true difference being the position of the sun. The longer she rode the more her dream became background noise in her mind, slowly becoming less important as the need for land arose deep in the pits of her stomach.

Every now and then Sao'Nae would stop and hunt some more, adding to her birthday pile and occasionally eating some dried kelp that Kol had packed for her many days before. He was so generous.

Eventually, after a few days, she saw it.



SAW IT!!!!!

A wave of excitement built in her chest and all the sudden she was kicked into overdrive, tapping the back end of her Ilu and pointing forward, " We're home! Sahatì! We're home! Go! Go! Quick as your fins will let you!" Sao'Nae hollard, a large smile erupting onto her face and peaceful cackling ringing into the air.

Sahatì swam as fast as the tide, feeling the same joy that her rider felt. Before anyone in Awa'atlu knew what was happening the girl was halfway to the shore, and before Sahatì could even reach the sand, Sao'Nae jumped off and trudged through the water.

A villager was the first to see her, looking up from their fishing net with wide eyes, " SAO'NAE HAS RETURNED! THE PRINCESS HAS RETURNED!" He yelled, drawling the others from their Marui pods, " SOMEONE GRAB THE CHIEF!"

Like swarming ants the entire village was gathered, Tonowari and Ronal pushing through eagerly, a few others following behind them. Sao'Nae stood with her chest puffed out, spear at hand, war paint brandished. When Ronal caught sight of her daughter she nearly sobbed, grabbing hold of her husband's arm.

That's when Sao'Nae's eyes began to drift lower.

" Sa'nok....ngeyä hu 'evi?"

Ronal smiled even wider, " Yes. It is true. I am with child." She said aloud, causing Sao'Nae to grin and rush forward, hugging her pregnant mother despite the protruding belly.

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