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As Sao'Nae stomped onto the beach she sighed deeply through her nose and waved the others over to her, eyes narrowed and eerily calm, "We found her! Don't worry. Rotxo! Come here!" She demanded, the the looks on Neteyam and Kiris faces not going unnoticed by anyone. It was like a mixture of disappointment and concern.

Rotxo rubbed his neck and walked slowly towards his friend, knowing how she got when she was upset, "Yes, Nae-Nae?" He asked, using his childhood nickname for her in hopes of getting off easy.

It didn't work.

"The next time I ask you to watch someone and you lose them, I will become a kin-slayer." She grumbled, staring at the boy with a void-told face. Rotxo nodded rapidly, stepping towards Kiri and looking towards his feet.

"I apologize for losing you. It will not happen again---" Like he was some kind of poet, he knelt to the ground and shook his head, "If you can find it in your heart to forgive me---"

Kiri's face lit up with a blush and her eyes widened, "Uh. Um. Uhhh. You don't have to do that, Rotxo...You..uhhh. It was my fault. Not yours. I wandered off..." She said, looking everywhere but where Rotxo was knelt before her.

Lo'ak grinned sheepishly but Sao'Nae just stared in approval, glad that Rotxo was apologizing but also glad that Kiri accepted that it was too on her shoulders. Sao'Nae crossed her arms and adjusted her waist-beads, not liking the way they felt on her skin at the moment.

"Well, since we found her I see no reason why we must tell my mother and father. Instead, we are going to pretend this never happened." She looked over everyone's faces, "Yes?"

Ao'nung huffed, "You aren't the Tsahìk yet, you don't have to boss us around." He mumbled, to which Sao'Nae stared at him. She wasn't being bossy. She was being efficient. Already on their first day of training one of the Sully's had gotten lost, and had Tonowari heard what had happened, her Inkimaya would've been cancelled quicker than the changing tide.

"Brother. If you want, we can speak later. But now I need you to understand that what I do, is for the best." She said firmly, glaring halfheartedly at her brother. Ao'nung did nothing more to egg on his sister, instead stepping backwards, lowering his head and raising his hands.

Tsireya stared in concern at her older siblings, "Guys, come on." She whispered, " Don't put your issues on display." She said, nodding towards the Sully's who just stood awkwardly.

Sao'Nae rubbed her face and looked back at the four, "Okay...okay." She spoke before getting straight to the point, "Most of you guys breath like babies, you don't hold oxygen correctly, and you flounder around in the water like pa'li tossed in a frying pan." She explained, "There is much work to be done."

Everyone watched as Sao'Nae turned on her heel, and instinctively everyone followed her, unsure as to where they were going in the first place. She led them to a rock clearing, the waves washing up occasionally and creating beautiful sea-foam, "This is where our teachings of the basics will be done. Every morning you will meet me here. Here is where you'll be taught sign language, how to distribute air without passing out, and over there---" She pointed to the shallow water, "Is where I'll show you how to properly swim."

Lo'ak raised a brow, " What is wrong with how we swim? It is how we were taught." He said, not sounding like a dick for the first time since he's been in Awa'atlu.

Sao'Nae glanced at him and smiled, "In short term, your swimming would be fine. But swimming for longer periods of time---such as when you're hunting---your body will tire of jellyfish swimming. Therefore you must learn to swim like an eel. Left and right. Tight form." She taught, using her hands as descriptors, running her fingers down her torso, Lo'ak nodding with understanding.

You will fall (Neteyam x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now