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The next time Sao'Nae opened her eyes she was alone in her Marui---face up in her cot with iridescent light filtering though the woven roof. It was a beautiful day, and unlike how Sao'Nae was feeling, the birds of Awa'atlu sang peaceful songs. The girls skin was paler than usual and her throat was on fire, not even opening and closing her mouth relieving the growing tension.

When she tried to roll over she nearly screamed, catching sight of her baby brother on the floor beside her. An audible gasp left her lips, and if not for Tsireya walking and and waving her hands, she surely would've woken him up. Ao'nung was laid down on his stomach just below Sao'Nae's cot, his face mushed to the floor and slight drool dripping down his face. An occurrence that only happened when he got drunk.

Sao'Nae groaned and flopped back on her back, covering her eyes all the meanwhile.

" Reya, why did you let this happen to meeeee." She uttered, listening to her sisters pixie-like laughter.

" I don't think anything or anyone could've stopped you from drinking, Nae-Nae." The girl assured, shaking her head and crossing her arms, " You're lucky father convinced our mother to let you sleep due to your hangover, she almost made you get up to prove a point."

Sao'Nae glared harmlessly at her baby sister, peaking down at Ao'nung once again, " Why is this Skxawng in here?"

Tsireya smiled, " I couldn't keep him out." She admitted, " After you and Neteyam left I tried to get him and Lo'ak home. He started mumbling where's Sao'Nae? Where's my Skxawng sister? And once we got home he just kinda....crawled in here. Would've leave your side even If I tried to make him..."

The thought of Ao'nung Te Reyo Tonowari'itan asking or even begging to be in his sister's presence was enough to make Sao'Nae raise a brow, and if not for the incessant throbbing in her head or the pool of alcohol still lingering in her system she would've questioned the girl. Though even with that in mind, something else caught her attention...

" Neteyam? What do you mean I left with Neteyam?"

Tsireya began to giggle, " You know, after you got drunk and the boys passed out. Neteyam being the gentleman he is offered to help you sober up. I think he took you to his Marui, since you didn't end up coming home until early morning. Ao'nung was dead asleep by the time you got here."


Neteyam took me home?!?!

Sao'Nae's face instantly flushed, " He saw me drunk?!? I was alone with him while I was drunk?!?" She almost screeched, stilling attempting to keep her voice low as to not disturb her brother.

Tsireya nodded, still smirking sheepishly, " Yep."

" Tsireya, you know I'm a flirty drunk! Why do you think Rotxo never drinks when he knows I'm drinking?!?"

Tsireya shrugged, " Well, at first Rotxo wasn't gonna drink but I think Ao'nung said something about impressing Kiri, so you know how Rotxo is..." She laughed, trailing off, " But don't worry. I don't think anything happened between you and Neteyam. Besides you calling him nicknames."

Sao'Nae froze and slowly turned her head towards her sister, " What. Nicknames."

" Don't worry, they were cute. Things like Ma'Teyam and handsome---"

" WHAT?!?!???? I CALLED HIM WHAT?!?!?"

" Ma'Teyam or handsome?"

" BOTH!"

Tsireya rubbed her neck, flinching away after hearing the echo in Sao'Nae's voice as she finally shouted. The eldest child of the chieftain began rubbing her face, trying to remember anything from the night before---coming to unsurprising conclusion of nothing. The last thing she remembers clearly was taking the bottle from Ao'nung once arriving at the beach...

Tsireya glanced at their brother, Ao'nung finally beginning to groan and shift around on the ground, his voice low and raspy, " Now look what you did, you woke up this txìm."

Ao'nung covered his face as light streamed into his face, " Don't call me an ass, little sister. Or else I may drown you in the middle of the night."

Sao'Nae glared at both of her siblings, " How about I drown both of you?" She replied, standing up and walking over to her wash basin which held some fresh water, splashing it into her face to clean any possible nightly muck. Or drool...

Mostly drool.

Ao'nung rolled over off his stomach and sat up, scratching his head, " What's got your tail in a twist?" He mumbled, opening and closing his mouth much like Sao'Nae did when she woke up, " Lemme guess, you finally discovered you're the less superior twin?"

Sao'Nae huffed, " Ohhh, you're really funny, baby brother. I only wish I cared enough to laugh."

" You know you care, sea-slug."

" Call me that again and I'll roast your tongue on a stick."

" Sea. Slug."


Before Sao'Nae could jump and attack Ao'nung, Tsireya got between them and rolled her eyes, " You guys are so much nicer to each other when your drunk!" She admitted, pushing by both away by their chests, " I swear sometimes I act older than you both!"

Sao'Nae raised a brow, " Clearly you've never taken the blame for your shenanigans." She mumbled beneath her breath.

For a moment everyone was quiet.

Ao'nung rubbed his neck, " Why did I get woken up again....?"

Sao'Nae groaned, " We're back to this?!?"

Tsireya shrugged, " Its not my fault you yelled because your not ready to accept the fact that you and a forest boy are destined for each other."

Ao'nung's eyes went wide, " Wait pause, what the fuck are y'all talking about?!?"

Sao'Nae looked to her brother, " Tsireya thinks Neteyam and I have a thing going on." She said, crossing her arms over her stomach.

" Do you?!?!?!?" Ao'nung curiously asked.



" What do you want me to say, bro!"

" THAT YOU DON'T LIKE HIM???!" He yelled obviously as if it were the simplest answer in the world. Though in good conscious Sao'Nae couldn't say that she was 100% sure that she didn't like him.

" You know I can't do that."

The three shared devious glances, Tsireya smiling and Ao'nung glaring. The only brother rubbed his face and looked between his sister's, " Seriously? Both of you? Both of you have a thing for the sons of Toruk Makto?" He asked, " Why? Why couldn't y'all like someone...I don't know...normal?" His voice was no longer as angry, more so disappointed, as if he knew that It would happen eventually.

Sao'Nae chuckled slightly, " Normal? You mean someone like Rotxo? Or Kol'Zaro?" She questioned," I don't know."

Tsireya glanced at her fingers, " I like Lo'ak because he's funny...and nice."

" Funny? You like an outsider because he's funny?" The look of exasperation began to reappear on Ao'nung's face, " Tsireya, if he's funny, LAUGH!"

Sao'Nae blinked in surprise a couple times, " Ao'nung, c'mon. She's still young. And she's our baby sister. Lo'ak is a very respectable young man."

Ao'nung looked at Sao'Nae incredulously, " We must not have met the same Lo'ak." He assured, taking a deep breath, " Neteyam, maybe. Lo'ak?! No. Neteyam is a respectable warrior, Lo'ak is lucky he doesn't get killed half the time!"

Sao'Nae was beginning to dread this conversation, " We'll talk about this later! You must remember we are still the children of the Olo'eyktan and the Tsahìk, and we have duties to uphold. I'm meant to help our mother...."

You will fall (Neteyam x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now