Chapter 4.

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Perhaps Ryujin was in denial; denying that she was capable of change. Ever since that night, she was beginning to come to the realisation that maybe she no longer wanted to be the monster which she claimed herself to be. If she decides to leave her job, what would become of her? Her psychopathic tendencies would become too much-- building inside her that she'd resort back into a disastrous cycle of killing people then feeling the guilt. She was too far gone for redemption, no matter what she does, nothing would change her.

Ryujin sat in front of the television screen, watching the news break out about the murder of a successful businessman. She watched as the body was escorted out in a bag on a gurney. Her spoon twirled around her fingers as she ate her ice cream. The victim was found with a playing card on his body.

Playing cards had a huge significance for the hitman since her youth, her father would invite his friends over to their small, dilapidated home to play poker. She watched as 5 middle aged men would gamble their life savings away for a chance to take more money from everyone else. The reeking smell of alcohol lingered throughout the house as they would yell at each other while the winner took all.

When she was in the institution, the only source of entertainment she had was a deck of cards. Since she was deemed unstable by the doctors and nurses, she was forced to play by herself, solitaire. She'd play days on end, losing herself into the systematic order, matching the cards into suits and order. It became an addiction for the young girl, she watched how her skills improved over time and eventually beating her own score.

After leaving the institution and becoming a hitman, she no longer used the cards for her amusement but utilising it as a marking for how severe her victim's crimes were. The playing card that was left on the victim's body is an 8 of spades. If life was a card game, she was dealt the worst hand.

As soon as the news segment ended, Ryujin became restless, so she decided to go for a walk. She put on her black shirt and ripped jeans and walked out the door.

"Did you hear the news, Ryujin?", she turned around to see her elderly neighbour.

"No... What happened?", she said in a concerned tone.

"There's been a murder near our area. Please be careful darling.", the old woman smiled to which Ryujin returned the gesture.

"Yes ma'am, I'll look after myself. Have a good day!", Ryujin turned around and headed down the stairs. She didn't opt to use her bike today as she didn't have a destination in mind. The dark-haired girl strolled down the street, watching as people walked by, she didn't pay any attention to them.


As her footsteps took her to a familiar street. She found herself in front of a building-- The Architect's. Her eyes wandered across the sign in front of her with huge black letters that spelt out 'HYJ'.

Dark clouds formed around the towering building; rain drops dripped down her worn out leather jacket. Ryujin looked up into the sky, taking pleasure in the cool liquid that poured down on her. The rain was Ryujin's favourite weather, the way cold water caressed her face like a warm embrace.

The dark-haired woman stood in the middle of the path allowing herself to be baptised by the sky, but she remembered that she would be scolded by Chaeryeong if she came home sick therefore she ran into the cafe for refuge.

All the tables are taken by customers who had the same idea as her-- taking shelter from the weather. She searched thoroughly for a vacant table and found one in the corner of the room. As she walked to the table, a book was left on the seat. Ryujin assumed that the person occupying the table wouldn't mind if she took a seat there.

She took the book off the seat and read the cover, 'Mine'. Intrigued by the cover, she opened the book and became invested in the story.

Books had a big influence on the girl, when she wasn't playing solitaire, she would be head deep in the pages. Stories helped the hitman with connecting with people, whether it be with conversing with customers about their favourite novels or it be helping her further understand other people's emotions, viewing character's perspectives on life.

While she is lost in the book, she didn't notice a woman standing in front of her with a coffee cup in hand. The woman reached into her bag and slammed a piece of fabric on the table causing the hitman to look up from the story.

"You forgot this.", The woman slid the fabric across the table. Ryujin picked up the fabric and realised who the person standing in front of her was. The CEO. The hitman's eyes grew at the sight of the mask she had forgotten to take with her from the night before. She snatched the mask and shoved it into her jacket pocket.

"Did you come here just to give it to me?", Ryujin said in her husky tone as she closed the book. The CEO glared at the other woman.

"I came here to get a coffee and read but my book has been taken hostage by an incompetent assassin.", The orange haired woman shifted her glaze to the book that is still in her hand. Ryujin placed the book on the table which the CEO took to put into her bag.

"Thank you, goodbye.", she turned around to leave. Ryujin's mind rans rampant with a million questions wanting to be answered.

"Why did you put a hit on yourself?", The question caught the cat-eyed woman in surprise, causing her to stop in her tracks. She turned around to look at the hitman who was not looking back at her. The CEO walked back to the woman and took a seat in front of her.

"Why does it matter?"

"I want to know."

"Why do you want to know?"

"Just answer the question.", Ryujin grew to be infuriated by the CEO's rebounding responses, her nails digging into her palms.

"I'm just tired, okay?", The CEO answered blankly as she took a sip of her hot latte. "I'm not going to answer any further."

"Okay. What's your name?", Ryujin changed the topic. She wanted to get know the woman better.

"Yeji, Hwang Yeji. What's yours?"

"I can't answer that."

"Fine, I'm leaving.", Yeji got up from the seat, ready to leave from the awkward conversation between the two.

"Shin Ryujin.", She sat back down and leaned into the table.

"Shin Ryujin... that's a good name but I'm not sure if it fits you." Yeji taunted the woman causing the other to give her a death glare. She smirked at the reaction.

"Look, why did you accept the offer if you couldn't execute the job?", She rested her chin on her hand, staring at the hitman with her piercing eyes. Ryujin hesitated to answer because she didn't know the reasoning herself. Was it because of her values stopping her from completing the job? Was it because the woman sitting in front of her is perhaps the most beautiful woman she has ever encountered? Or was it because she is changing and it's scaring her more than she can comprehend.

"Earth to Ryujin, hello? You still in there?", Ryujin shook herself back into reality, realising that she had been staring at the CEO a second too long.

"I needed the money.", she plainly answered.

"You could've gotten the money if you actually completed the job that you agreed to do.", The hitman stayed silent. She was right. If she had killed her, she'd be rolling in money. She could have move to another city with Chaeryeong, change their identities; a fresh start that she desperately needed.

"Since you didn't finish the job, I have to find another way to die. Thanks for your help, I guess? Nice meeting you, Ryujin.", she nodded at the hitman and got up from her seat. As she walked past the woman, a hand stopped her from leaving.

"You're really committed to killing yourself huh?", the two avoided eye contact with each other.


"I'll kill you then. Not now though. Stay for another year if you still want to die-- I'll kill you myself. I won't ask why, only ask how.", Yeji looked over to the seated woman, she watched the hitman's desperation in her eyes.

"Promise?", Ryujin nodded her head once.


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