Chapter 19.

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Yeji sat at on the swings, hoping that she'd come back. She watched as her figure became smaller and smaller. She's not coming back. She fell to her knees, the wood barks pierced into her skin but the pain could never compare to the ones she felt inside her.

It was almost certain that Ryujin would never love her as much as she did. She blamed herself for believing that there was a glimmer of hope that she could be with her. Yeji thought that she could have a chance with her, after everything they've been through.

She walked alone that night with rain caressing her with it's cold touch. She looked up to the sky, letting the water drip down her face, washing away the tears formed by Ryujin.

After countless minutes of walking, she made her way to Lia's apartment. Yeji knew better than to go home alone, knowing that she had the potential of being self destructive in her solitude.

She pushed on the buzzer, hoping that her best friend was still awake at the late hour.

"Hello?", the voice panted through the intercom.

"Lia...", Yeji weakly replied, wiping her eyes with her soaked sleeve.

"Oh shit, Yeji?", Lia frantically pressed the button to open the door for her. "Come up."




The door swung open, Lia immediately hugged Yeji who sobbed on her shoulder. The brown haired woman lead her into the apartment. The CEO widened her eyes when she saw Chaeryeong sitting on the couch, straightening her clothes.

"Are you okay?", Chaeryeong stood up to offer her a hug, which Yeji desperately needed.

"I'll get you some clothes, wait here.", Lia patted the CEO's shoulder and ran into her bedroom.

"... Is Ryujin capable of loving?", Yeji whispered out beside Chaeryeong's ear. She pulled back, shocked by the sudden question. "She doesn't love me, Chaeryeong."

Chaeryeong patted Yeji's head and took a deep breath. As she began to open her mouth, Lia bursted into the room and handed her a set of pyjamas.

After changing into a new set of clothes, Yeji took a set on the couch beside Chaeryeong. Lia was in the kitchen making hot chocolate for all of them.

"Okay, tell us what happened.", Lia set the mugs onto the table, Yeji silently thanked her and took a sip of the warm, creamy hot chocolate.

"For the first time in a really long time, I finally felt happy with where I'm at in life. I just got a new stakeholder, the company is improving rapidly and I have new friends.", Yeji looked at Chaeryeong and gave her a slight smile. "But I found myself connecting with Ryujin."

Yeji placed the cup onto the table and grabbed a pillow and held it for comfort. "As we all know, Ryujin is cold and reserved. She doesn't show much care or interest in anything. But once I spent more time with her, she is one of the most warmest people I've ever met.", she clenched her arms tighter into the pillow, near puncturing holes into the fabric.

Chaeryeong and Lia continued to listen to Yeji, understanding her emotions.

"We were sitting at the park and stared at the moon. I looked at her and thought that it would've been a good time to express how much she means to me and... that... I like her.", Yeji hid her face into the pillow, concealing the tears running down her face. "She walked away."

Lia reached over to Yeji and gave her a side hug. Chaeryeong nibbled on her fingers, not sure how to explain Ryujin's actions without telling Lia about her diagnosis.

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