Chapter 6.

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Ryujin sat on the balcony of her apartment with a sketchbook in hand. It felt like a lifetime ago since she picked up a pencil to draw without a thought in mind. She allowed her hand to take control as she moved the lead across the paper.

For Ryujin, drawing offered her a way to focus her attention on something soothing. It calmed her, keeping her grounded and getting some peace that she desperately needed.

As she added the finishing touches on her artwork, she received a text message.

XXX - You're losing, Ryujin.

XXX- Are you finally giving up?

XXX- The infamous hitman of Seoul finally hanging up her blades.

XXX- What a fucking pussy :P

The hitman clenched her phone tightly and threw it beside her. She picked up the pencil and aggressively dragged it across her artwork, the lead destroying the masterpiece she created. Another text message was sent to her phone, Ryujin groaned and picked up the phone.

Red Head Bitch- Dude, where are you?!! We are waiting for you at the restaurant!!

Ryujin looked at the time. 6:45pm. Shit. She ran back into her bedroom and picked up a random set of clothes that she left on the floor. The dark-haired woman grabbed her keys and a scarf before locking the door behind her.


"Finally, did you fall asleep on the balcony again?!", Chaeryeong walked towards the late woman and gave her a light punch on the shoulder.

"Lost track of time.", Ryujin panted after running as a result of not being able to find parking, even with a motorbike.

"Stupid. Anyways, come meet my friend", She grabbed Ryujin by the arm and dragged her to the entrance of the restaurant. "Ryujin, this is Lia", the two shook hands.

"Nice to finally meet you, Ryujin. I heard a lot about you.", Lia smiled at Ryujin to which the latter returned the gesture.

"I'm hoping nothing bad."

"You really think that little of me?", Chaeryeong turned over to her best friend with her arms crossed.

"To be fair, I'm not the easiest person to be around.", Ryujin retorted as she flashed her whisker dimples at her. Chaeryeong whacked her again causing her to rub her arm.

"Don't worry Ryujin, my friend is also a pain most of the time, but I manage.", Lia turned around at the sound of heavy footsteps making its way to the group of girls.

"Sorry for being late!! There was no parking, so I had to park down the str--", Yeji immediately stopped talking as soon as she saw the person standing in front of her with the same shocked expression. They stared at each other, unable to move as if there stared at Medusa's eyes.

"Uh... do you two know each other?", Lia spoke up, breaking the awkward tension between the two.

"No", they both said at the same time while still trying to register each other's presence.

"Oh...kay... should we head into the restaurant now?", Chaeryeong said before opening the door, letting Lia walk in first then following her inside.

Yeji walked closer to the hitman, "Don't mention anything about what happened, got it?", Ryujin nodded and opened the door for the CEO to walk in.


"She farted and stared at the manager dead in the eyes and winked at him", the group laughed with Lia being loudest amongst the group. Chaeryeong recalled Ryujin's iconic moments during their time together.

Lia and Chaeryeong sat opposite from each other leaving the other two to awkwardly face one another. They shared an army stew that is placed in the middle of the table.

Yeji picked up her chopsticks and reached blindly into the stew for a piece of rice cake. A rice cake was placed in her bowl, Yeji looked over to the woman sitting opposite her who was sitting back down. Ryujin looked away and sheepishly put the tips of her chopstick between her teeth. Surprised by the dark-haired girl's actions, she mouthed 'Thank you' to her to which the other takes a shot of soju.

"Yeji, what do you do for a living?", Chaeryeong said as she slurps up the hot ramen.

"I'm a CEO of an architectural company.", she replied, taking a bite of the rice cake that was gifted to her. Chaeryeong started coughing, placing her hand onto Ryujin's shoulder.

"Are you okay?!", Lia poured out a glass of water and handed it to the choking woman.

"Sorry sorry, I didn't expect that...", Chaeryeong said after taking a sip of water.

"Yeah, a lot of people didn't expect that title when Yeji tells them that.". The startled woman turned over to the woman beside her, looking for confirmation. Ryujin subtly nodded confirming her suspicions.

"Are you happy with what you do?", Everyone looks over to Ryujin who spoke for the first time since arriving at the restaurant, Yeji stared at her with deep intents of jumping over the table and strangling the life out of her.

"It's okay, I guess.", the CEO sighs.

"Really? I would say that it's a lot of work. It seems tiring, is it not?", Ryujin said slyly, wanting to subtly remind Yeji of their previous conversation from the cafe.

"Yeah, it's tiring but you should know with your job too.", Yeji took a shot and wiped her mouth with her sleeve.

"What's your job, Ryujin?", Lia asked curiously.

"Uh... a professional... cleaner.", she stuttered. Yeji smirked.

"A cleaner?"

"Yeah, I get paid to clean up other people's messes.", Ryujin said with a low pitch, still staring at the cat eyed woman.

"Well, if you ever find yourself needing another job. I'm sure Yeji has some positions open for you.", Lia smiled and took a bite of her fish cake.

"She's right. You should come to my office whenever your free. I'll find something for you to do.", the CEO smiled at the clearly conflicted hitman in front of her.


The group of newly made friends finished their meal. They fought over the bill with plenty of obscene language thrown at each other. Lia ultimately won the battle and paid for the dinner, Chaeryeong and Ryujin promised to pay for their next dinner.

Chaeryeong and Lia walked together along the street discussing their project from work which left leaving Yeji and Ryujin to follow them. Yeji slowed her pace and grabbed Ryujin's wrist to make sure they were out of earshot from the other two.

"Come to my office tomorrow.", Yeji lowers her voice but loud enough for the dark-haired woman to hear.


"I need to discuss something with you."

"About what?"

"Your... cleaning job.", Yeji emphasised her words hoping that Ryujin would catch on. She did not.

"No, I don't want a job at your company.", Ryujin plainly said and began to quicken her pace, but Yeji pulled her back.

"That's not what I meant. I need you for your... skill set...", the hitman widened her eyes in shock.

"... I'm not gonna have sex with you."

"WHAT THE FUCK?!", Yeji screamed out, covering her gaping mouth.

Ryujin leaned closer to the CEO, "I'll see you tomorrow."

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