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klover pov 

TW: bullying and slurs.

I sighed, stepping foot into the school. It wasn't a bad school don't get me wrong, but the people in it were tiring. I was okay with everyone, just some guys getting on my nerves here and there. 

why can't guys accept that some girls are into other girls and not them? god. it's embarrassing.

walking towards class, I stop by my locker. grabbing my books for today, I shove them in my bag before taking a few steps to the classroom door and walking in. I head straight for my seat, dropping the bag next to it. I sit quietly, grabbing my phone.

I scroll through Instagram, liking people's stories in the process. I exited it heading to my messages and before I got to click on my friend's contact a hand came crashing down on my phone.

I let out a sigh, controlling my temper before looking up. seeing the person I expected.

"what, eilish?" I question her. my eyes looking straight at hers. 

billie eilish, the biggest fuck girl in school, and my biggest enemy. she was always on my ass, no matter what it was. always teasing me or something along those lines. I never get a break.

"nothing, just felt like greeting my favorite person." she grinned, making me roll my eyes. fakest bitch on the land. "yeah whatever eilish, get your gross hands off of my phone."

I and her go way back. we were actually best friends until she betrayed me. she and I were the closest pair in the school. we were 13 and 14. of course her being older. I told her all my secrets, and she told me hers. or so I thought.

I have another enemy, her name is kierstan. she for some reason hated me since I ever first came to school. guess she can't beat my pretty face, huh? billie has always known my grudge toward her. kierstan was never kind to me, including the fact that she and her little friends bullied me until I was able to stand up for myself.

they always did it when billie was gone, so she was never there to help me. later I overheard billie talking to someone while I was searching for her. turned out billie and kierstan were friends, behind my back.

she betrayed me.

became friends with the person who made me hate myself, who told me how disgusting I was. 

chose hell, and is currently burning in it. 

but that's not my business. who am I to interfere with her friendships? she lost me, I didn't lose her.

"come on love, stop being cranky, hm?" she said, sitting next to me. her hand going up and playing with the ends of my hair. "do not touch me, eilish. fuck off and go to your seat, will you?" I said, slapping her hand away from me.

I heard her chuckle and saw her mouth opening, she was about to talk but luckily the teacher stopped her. "billie, please head back to your seat. we're about to start." I heard billie groan and grab her bag. when she fixed her posture she flicked my forehead.

"ow billie! what the fuck is wrong with you?!" I huff, rubbing where she flicked. she smiled and started walking away. "later, piggy." she said as she was doing so. 

I took another breath to control myself, not letting her get to me. 

after class was over, I packed everything and put my bag over my shoulder. while I made my way to the door, I felt myself get pushed and stumble back. "can you move? always in the way, damn." I heard billie mumble. I watch her walk out. what was I expecting? an apology? bye. 

I furrow my eyebrows, fixing my clothes. I walk out and fix my hair, making sure I look my best. I walk over to my locker and change my books. after billie, I refused to make a lot of friends. I was better off by myself. I only really needed myself to be happy. why waste my time?

once I finished changing my books, I turn around and look at my phone while walking. I looked up and made sure I was walking into the right classroom, before again, taking my seat. I repeated everything again, grabbing my phone but this time scrolling through tiktok. 

another hand came in contact with my phone. at this rate, I'll need to get another one.

I drag both of my hands down my face, groaning. "oh my fucking god." I whisper, accepting my fate. "hi, fag!" said kierstan, her minions giggling beside her.

after billie and I ended our friendship, she outed me to kierstan. since then she's always been calling me slurs and being homophobic towards me. she outed me but I never told anyone she had a dick did I? I should've. 

"what, kierstan? what is it this time." I sighed. tired of her behavior. it's been 4 years for god's sake. 

"aw why so grumpy, fag? sad your bestie left you for me?" she faked whined, pouting in the process. 

"no, I'm actually so glad she did." I smiled at her, dragging the 'so'. I saw her face change from pouty to angry. I love toying with her, sensitive bitch. "you're so annoying you whore. that's why you're fucking adopted." she said while huffing and puffing. 

It's true, I was adopted after my biological parents passed away.

"at least mine wanted me. didn't your dad leave, princess?" I ask, tapping my chin in a questioning manner. "ugh!" was the last thing that left her mouth before she turned around and started stomping away. 

what a baby. I shook my head and smiled to myself. always throwing tantrums at her grown age.

the teacher walked into the class, making everyone aware she was here. "good morning students! I have an important-" she was cut off when billie suddenly burst through the door. why did I actually think I was gonna get a break from both devils today? my god.

"I'm sorry, some teacher made her help her put up a bulletin board." she said, apologizing for being late. even though she was mean to me, she was always kind to everyone around her. the teacher accepted her apology and asked her to go sit down. 

after billie got situated, we continued. "as I was saying, I have important news." she continued. "we have a school trip soon for 2 weeks. we're going to Europe!" everyone in the class cheered and I smiled. I loved traveling, it calmed my soul.

"the school has already emailed your parents and luckily everyone's parents here agreed to the trip. tomorrow we will discuss where we're going and you guys are gonna get partnered up. I'm gonna partner you guys up. Understood?"

students groaned and nodded their heads at the information. 

the class continued and there was only one thought in my head. 

please don't let it be any of the devils.


new book new book new book WOOOOO - K 

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