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klovers pov

couple years later.

[self-harm warning]

"yes babe but I don't wanna do anything," I said to my girlfriend, grabbing my water bottle and taking a sip from it. I put it back down, sighing.

we were currently at the gym working out together, discussing my 21st birthday that's coming up on July 23rd.

"but baby come on we could throw a party, do all that fun shit," she said. she has a thing for pressuring me.

"anna, really, I don't want to." I said, grabbing my water bottle and walking away from the bench. I heard her scoff behind me making me roll my eyes. "you're no fun."

"anna, please! I'm actually so fucking tired of you pressuring me into shit, god." I groan, grabbing my gym bag and walking out of the gym, her trailing behind me.

"oh klover, please. quit being such a big baby! you're always being so fucking boring, maybe that's why your ex cheated on you! I would too!" she yelled, making me stop in my tracks.


I feel tears burning at the brim of my eyes, making me blink repeatedly. she didn't have to bring up billie.

"walk home. get your shit and leave the house, I'm done with you." I said, walking to my car and closing the door. I buckled myself up and change my joystick to R, reversing out of my spot and driving down the road.

I wipe my eyes, feeling more spilling out.

"hey BMW, facetime drew."

it rang only twice until drew picked up.

"hey klo, what's up!" she said in a cheery tone.

"me and anna broke up."

"oh." she said in a not so cheery tone.

"she kept pressuring me into throwing a party for my birthday and then brought up billie! drew, she brought up billie!! she knows how much that hurts me." I said, now sobbing.

"okay first, calm down babes you cant crash while on the phone with me okay? you know how lame that sounds? klover wells dead in a car accident. at least make it interesting." she said, trying to mumble the last part.

"shut up drew, I'm going through a crisis right now," I said, quietly chuckling. she laughed, standing up and walking to her kitchen.

"and for anna... I'm actually really glad you left her. she's always been so rude to you, I truly don't know how you kept up with her for a year." she said, making me nod.

"I guess I was just scared of being alone and or that she'll hurt me," I said, turning on my turning signal, turning right.

"you should've reported her to the police klover, she's a dangerous individual." sighed drew.

anna used to hit me every time we got into an argument, blaming me for everything that happened.

"I know, I know," I said truthfully. but I was too scared to man up.

"well, how about we go to dinner tomorrow? you, me, and matteas?" asked drew, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I chuckled before nodding and wiping my leftover tears. "sounds good mountaindrew"

"ugh stop calling me that!" she groaned before hanging up, making me laugh.

I drive into my driveway and unbuckle myself. I walk up to the door and put my passcode in before opening it and closing it behind me.

I hear a 'meow' and look down to see charms who was circling my feet. I bend down and run my nails through her fur, cooing at her. "hi my precious baby"

I fix my posture and drop my keys into the container, looking down and seeing anna's shoes gone. I walk up the stairs to my bedroom closet and see all her clothes gone too.

finally, peace and quiet.

ring, ring, ring!

I groan and reach over to my phone, not caring to check the caller ID.

"what?" I spoke into the phone, closing my eyes.

"that's not a way to talk to your favorite person, is it?" I heard a voice say.

my eyes shoot open and I quickly sit up.

"finneas????" I yelled, a smile instantly creeping on my face.

"what's up little one, missed me?" he said, chuckling on the other line.

"so much! oh my god where have you been?" I asked. I haven't talked to him in months due to him just disappearing.

"listen, I know you don't wanna hear her name but I was on tour with billie and things got busy," he said, making my heart sink to hearing her name.

billie and finneas both became famous after me and her broke up. cheater or not, I'm proud of her achievements.

"hm, that's cool fin. how's clauds doing?" I asked, now fiddling with the sheets of my bed.

"she's fine, currently taking a nap since we just finished our last show. she missed you so much," he said, letting out a small laugh at the end. I laugh along with him.

"is that klover?!" I hear a voice say. maggie. I heard fin respond with a yes before maggies voice blasted through the speakers making me pull back quickly.

"klover, my love! how have you been?!" she asked, excitement present in her voice. I talk with her for a few minutes before finneas directs the call back to him.

"fin?" I said, sorta quiet.


"how's... how's billie?" I say, not knowing if it was the right thing to ask.

I heard him sigh and his tone changed from happy to almost disappointed.

"she's- I won't even lie to you, she's horrible klo. she's barely eating, always falling asleep, shes drinking often and once did self-harm. I found her on the bathroom flo- floor." he said, his voice breaking at the end.

I felt myself tear up before responding with a hum. we talked more abt billie and the others before I finally hung up, laying down.

I stood up right after remembering I needed to shower. I did my business before sliding on my silk pajamas, laying down to actually stay.

I groan once my back hits the bed.

I turn my lamps off and plug in my phone.

I closed my eyes, letting sleep pull me out of reality.


season 2 take 1 😈 - k

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