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klovers pov

we arrived at the party in another hotel room, thank the lord because a bitch isn't about to walk 30 minutes for a party.

we walk in and it's completely packed, people on the beds, couches, balcony, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, you name it.

I pass by some people while holding billie's hand murmuring a few "excuse us" here and there. we finally found a spot where we could sit without feeling tight. I sat on the counter while billie stood between my legs, her back facing me.

drew and matteas did the same but matteas facing drew.

"this shit is packed as fuck" she billie, almost yelling over the music.

I nod agreeing while drew adds on, "I'm surprised we're even allowed to do this."

"I mean the teachers are pretty cool" said matteas.

"they said we could party if there were no alcohol." points out drew.

I bring my hands up to billie's shoulders while they have their conversation, massaging them. I dig my fingers into her shoulders and rub, feeling the fabric of her hoodie under my touch.

I hear her let out a low quiet groan and throw her head back, laying it on my chest. she opened her eyes and looked up at me with low eyes. "mama if you keep doing that we might have to recreate what happened last party." she said.

I felt my eyes widen and heat rise to my cheeks making me drop my head. luckily, my hair fell to my face covering it. her hand came up to my face and moved the hair out of the way.

she stood up, fixing her posture before turning her body so it faces mine. both of her hands cup my cheeks and she looks at me holding eye contact.

"you're so pretty angel, have I told you that yet?" she said, softly smiling at me.

"only like a million times." I said, smiling back, seeing her smile break into a grin.

"shut it" she responded, leaning down and pecking my lips.

the party went on like normal, we played a few games and figured some students snuck in drinks and drugs like last time, not surprising.

soon, I felt myself get dizzy. I was sitting with drew and billie while some friends were around us. I tried to keep my head up and tried to seem normal but that quickly failed when my head landed on billie's shoulder.

she looked down at me and her hand came up to my cheek, forcing me to look at her.

"are you okay princess?" she asked, gently rubbing my cheek.

I nod, slightly smiling. "yeah, but I think I'm leaving. I'm getting a little dizzy." I commented, pulling away from her warmth and grabbing my belongings. "I'll go back with you so you don't have to go alone." she said, about to stand but I softly pushed her back down while shaking my head.

"stay love, enjoy the last party okay? I'll be okay" I said, bending down and kissing her cheek. "but-" she started before I cut her off. "billie." I said sternly. she sighed and gave in, leaning back.

I bid goodbyes to others before billie shouted, "call me when you get there!"

I chuckled and showed her a thumbs-up before walking out of the room. I walked down the empty halls, getting to my room. I entered, closing the door behind me.

it's quiet, but an eery quiet. I frown, slowly putting my purse on the floor. I turn on the light to the entrance seeing nothing. I slowly but quietly take off my shoes, setting them down in that same manner.

I slowly walk down the hall feeling like I wasn't the only one in the room.

and I was right.

I felt someone grip my arm, harshly pulling me towards them making me yelp. I felt a metal pressed up against my neck.

"if you move or make a sound I'll leave you headless."


"zoey- zoey what?!" I asked, internally panicking.

"you wanna take what's mine wells? then you'll be getting consequences." she whispered, the knife getting closer to my skin by the second.

"what the fuck are you talking about?" I asked, trying my hardest to not move knowing the knife will touch my neck.

"billie! you dumbass, billie!" she yelled, the knife now on my skin. I hiss a little, feeling the sharpness on my neck.

"she isn't mine!" I yelled back making her grip my arm tighter, a whimper leaving my mouth.

"oh, oh yes she is! I've seen the way she looks at you klover." she whispered in my ear making me gulp. I open my mouth about to respond but the door swings open, revealing a heavy-breathing billie.

"zoey let her go" she said, gritting her teeth and walking towards us.

"stop! take one more step and ill slice her neck!" yelled zoey again, this time in my ear. I groan at her loud ass voice before seeing billie come to a halt.

I make eye contact with her and see her give me a genuine 'ill get you safe' look.

"zoey, come on man let her go! she's done nothing to you." said billie. drew ran in along with matteas and some other kids I didn't recognize.

"oh she did so much billie! you fell in love with her! not me! she took you from me!" she yelled once again, more people entering and a few gasping.

I look up at billie and saw her face red, her hands slightly shaking. she's in love with me?

billie takes a deep breath before speaking, "yes, zoey fuck! I am in love with her okay? yes everyone! I'm gay! god, finally I can breathe! and you zoey, you're honesty so fucking annoying. I only hung out with you because I pitied you."

she took a step forward, looking straight at zoey. "you're so fucking obsessed its ridiculous, I'm out of sympathy for you. you don't deserve to feel so hurt, you got a lot of fucking nerve for that you know!"

she took another step forward, still keeping eye contact. "I should've left when drew said you were bad news." that was the last thing she said before grabbing my arm and pulling me away from a shocked zoey whose hand was still in the air holding the knife.

billie quickly checked my body and my neck, asking me if I was okay. I told her yes and hugged her tightly, colliding my body with hers.

our teachers came in running straight towards zoey, grabbing her and the knife out of her hand.

everyone left, including drew and matteas to give us some space.

we were both laying in bed, my head on her chest and her hand playing w my hair.

"god baby I'm so so sorry." mumbled billie. I shake my head and smile, "it's nothing bil. I'm just glad you saved me." I say, drawing circles on her stomach.

"angel, it is something! you could've died or bled out." she said. I shook my head but heard a little sniffling.

I look up and see billie's cute nose now red and her teary eyes staring down at me. "are you crying?!" I said, panic present in my voice. she slowly nods while pouting before completely breaking down.

I quickly climb on top of her and pull her head to my chest, hugging her tightly.

"I d-don't wanna lose you klo.. I'm scared to lose you again." she sobbed.

seeing her like this broke my heart.

"shh baby, you're never losing me."

she nods, tightly grabbing my shirt.

"and i'm in love w you too billie eilish."


guys how do I get rid of a resting bitch face??? - k

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