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billies pov

[love making]

klover laughed in my face and shook her head in an 'I can't believe you' motion. "you horny fuck"

I let out a dramatic gasp and placed my hand on my chest before smiling and nodding. "yes, I am a horny fuck and I'm not ashamed of it! but I don't wanna fuck." I stated, my hands resting on her hips.

"but you said round 2," she said, confusion taking over her beautiful face.

"yeah mama but I want to make love to you," I whispered, my eyes trailing down her body while my thumbs massage her hips.

I looked up at her and saw a blush creep onto her cheeks making me smile.

I picked her up and walked to her bedroom, kissing her on the way there. I left soft kisses along her jaw, slowly moving down to her neck. I heard her breath speed up and her head tilting back letting me know she was enjoying my love bites.

I walked into her bedroom and gently lied her down on the bed and pulled away from her. I pulled her shirt over her head and slid her pants off her pretty legs. I pulled back and stared at her figure in awe, wondering how I got so lucky.

"stop staring at me!" she exclaimed, shyness showing up. I chuckled and leaned down, kissing her lips.

"you're just so beautiful baby, I can't help it." I kissed her jaw again, making my way down her body while my hands snuck their way to her back, unclipping her bra.

I took her bra off and kissed her collarbones, leaving hickeys on them. I kissed down to her breasts, kissing around her nipples. my lips wrapped around her right nipple, sucking it and biting it gently.

I heard klover let out soft moans, turning me on even more. I switched over to her left nipple and did the same motion, twirling my tongue around it.

I kept moving down, leaving small kisses on her stomach. I got to her lower part making me pull away. I looked at her, looking for any signs of consent.

she nodded at me and I instantly pulled down her underwear. I leaned down to her pussy and did one long stride across the folds with my tongue, instantly tasting her juices.

"holy fuck angel, you always taste so good" I felt her spread her legs more, making more room for me.

"more please, billie" she breathed out, her hands now tangled in my hair.

"more what princess?"

"I need more of you. I need all of you" she said, desperation shown in her voice.

I went down on her again, my tongue now flicking her clit making beautiful moans fall out of her pretty mouth.

I moved my fingers from her thigh to her pussy, my fingertips circling her entrance. I felt her move her hips against me, that alone begging me to enter her.

I entered two fingers at once, pumping them in and out of her. I looked up at her and she looked down at me, love present in both of our eyes. I curled my fingers and saw her roll her eyes making me smile against her pussy.

"right there! oh please! I'm about to cum billie" she exclaimed, her hips rising up.

I pushed them back down and fingered her harder, feeling her walls tighten around my fingers. klover let out a loud moan before cumming all over my fingers and my tongue, making me moan at her taste.

"fuck you taste so good precious"

"and you feel so good mommy" she said out of breath, her chest rising up and down dramatically.

I began kissing up her body again, leaving small I love you's in between.

"can we stop it here for tonight? I'm really tired" asked klover, still panting. I smile gently and ran my fingers through her messy hair. even though she only came once and we did just make love, I'll never force her into doing more.

"of course we can angel, just let me clean you up and get you ready for bed my love." I walked to the bathroom and did my usual aftercare routine.

after all of that I lied down next to her and held her in my embrace, playing beauty and the beast on the tv.



"thank you." she said and I stared down at her confused, tilting up her chin so we were making direct eye contact.

"thank you?" I repeated, confusion shown.

"thank you for loving me and not giving up on me." she breathed out, barely over a whisper.

"I'll always love you mama and don't thank me, it's the bare minimum. I promised you I'd be here forever."

she smiled at me and looked down, tears brimming her eyes.

"I regret it billie, so much."

"regret what ma?"

"leaving you without hearing you out" she now cried, her tears staining my shirt.

"precious look at me." I whispered, both of my hands cupping her face and forcing her to look at me.

"you did what you did to heal and I respect that. I made a huge mistake and I deserved what happened, you took time for yourself and here we are together. it was mean to happen angel."

she let out a shaky breath and hugged me tight, shoving her face into my chest. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her, kissing the top of her head.

"you'll always be my princess, klover."


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