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klovers pov

I woke up due to the sunlight breaking in. I groan and look around, not recognizing my surroundings. I quickly stood up, looking down at my body. I'm still wearing the same outfit from yesterday.

I leave the room, my breathing increasing by the second. I ran through a few halls considering this was a huge house and finally found the stairs, rushing down.

I feel a sharp pain in my head making me grab it and close my eyes, running into someone while in the process.

I hear someone groan and I immediately look up, seeing billie holding her shoulder.

"where am I? why am I here with you?? where's drew and-"

"woah baby slow down, you're at my house," she said, rubbing her shoulder while frowning.

"do not call me that eilish, I wanna get out of here." I look around and try to find the exit but find myself in another hall.

"sorry" mumbles billie, sadness taking over her eyes. "eat breakfast first, and then I'll take you home," she said, looking down.

"billie I wanna go home now." I pushed, crossing my arms.

"klover eat please, you drank too much last night." she was now looking up at me.

I sighed and looked at her, looking away two seconds after. "whatever."

she turns around and starts walking, me trailing behind her. we make our way to her kitchen seeing breakfast already prepared.

I feel my mouth becoming wetter and wetter at the smell of the food causing me to automatically sit down at the table and grab a plate.

I start eating, feeling billie sit in front of me while also having a plate of food. none of us daring to start a conversation.

I feel another presence in the room and I looked up, locking eyes with finneas.

"fin!" I yelled, my eyes widening.

"klo!" he yells back, making his way toward me and bringing me into a hug.

"god, I missed you so much," I exclaim, hugging him a little tighter before letting go. I sat back down and he sat beside me with his breakfast.

me and finneas talk about everything he did on tour and we also talk about how I've been doing these past months. I completely ignored billie's presence.

every time I ever sent her a glance, her head was down and she was only looking at her food. it was barely touched and I noticed she was playing with it.

I finished my meal and so did finneas, us continuing to converse.

"billie are you gonna eat?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

she looked up and looked back down, almost as if guilt took over her.

she shook her and head pushed the plate of food away from her body, making finneas reach for it and take a bite out of her food. I chuckled at finneas before noticing billie standing up and leaving the table.

"hold on finn, I'll be back," I said before standing and following billie out of the kitchen.

"billie?" I called out but she ignored me and continued walking.

"billie," I said more sternly, trying to catch up to her fast walking.

"billie!" I shout, seeing her figure finally come to a stop.

she turns around and looks at me, suddenly making me feel small.

"um.. are you okay?" I asked, looking everywhere but at her. "yeah, sorry." she said, almost in a whisper.

"why are you apologizing? you didn't do anything." I said, genuinely confused. she shrugged her shoulders.

billies pov

I felt like I had to apologize. I hurt her, I broke her. I was her first love and I hurt her more than I ever should've. I've been feeling guilty ever since and I can't shake it off.

last night I realized I didn't deserve her as a partner, not after what I did.

I'm not trying to be overdramatic but a partner is supposed to be there as someone you can love and trust, clearly, I broke that rule.

"I'll take you home soon. just lemme change first." I said, before walking to my room and grabbing a change of clothes.

I slid on some grey sweats and a wife beater, showing off my arms. I walked out of my room and met klover who was already standing by the door on her phone. she looked up at me and checked me out, not hiding it. I internally smirk before walking passed her and to dragon.

we both get in the car, me opening my phone and passing it over to klover. "your address please." I say, turning on the car and pulling out of the gated driveway.

she stays quiet for a second and then places my phone on the phone stand. I look at the address and furrow my eyebrows.

"that's... not a house." I state, looking at the address that said 'freedom park'.

I didn't look over at her but I felt klover roll her eyes, making me roll mine. "no shit eilish. don't think you're gonna kidnap me and then bring me home like nothing happened." she said, turning her head towards the window.

"for fucks sake! I didn't kidnap you!" I groan, gripping the steering wheel and pressing on the gas. "you should be grateful I saved your ass from creepy men grabbing drunk women!" I defended myself, speeding down the highway.

"billie I swear to god if you kill us both here I'm dragging your ass to hell." says klover, gripping the door handle.

I scoff, slowing down a little. "we're going to hell dragged or not, we're gay."


I ripped my nail off taking off my acrylics 🥲 - key

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