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klovers pov

we all walked towards the buses and got another bus ride after the airport. spain was beautiful. I sat by the window while billie sat in the middle and drew by the aisle, the same as the plane seating. 

we finally arrived at our destination and we made our way to the hotel. we entered and immediately looked around. I let out a small 'woah' to all the marble and gold around the lobby, this shit is huge. 

billie started walking around and touching stuff, almost making something fall. I look behind me and see the class being given their keys. 

"woah look at this... is it real gold?" I hear a curious billie behind me. 


"billie quit being a child and let's go." I sigh, grabbing onto her wrist and pulling her towards the class. she didn't pull away or anything, weird

the teacher handed us our room key and we made our way there. 

we walked down the hall and I placed the card up on the door lock, hearing a clicking sound. I turn the door knob and walk in. This place was huge.

It had a mini kitchen and living room, along with a huge bathroom and some beds, obviously. 

billie and drew walk into the bedroom and I hear an 'oh' making me walk towards them. 

two beds.

my mouth hangs open while we all three stare at the beds. 

"well what the fuck do we do now." says drew, dropping her suitcase and sitting on one of the beds. I set my stuff down and walk near the ceiling-high windows, staring at all the buildings. 

"someone has to share a bed." says billie, laying down on the second bed. I see her put her feet on the bed with her shoes on and I slap her foot. "get your feet off the bed." I glared at her. she obeyed and dropped her feet down, not missing sticking her tongue out at me. 

I roll my eyes. 

I looked around and looked back at the girls. well, mostly drew. I avoided billie. 

"I think guys should share a bed." says drew, lying down on her back. I look at billie to see her already staring at me. I look away feeling something. I don't know what it was but my body wasn't letting me decline the offer. 

"Is that okay with you klover?" questioned billie, now pulling out her phone. "yea I don't mind as long as there are pillows between us." I say, slapping her foot once again after I see her set it on the bed. 

she tries to kick my hand but I move it before she gets to.

"stop being so dirty, we're sleeping here tonight." I said, standing up and walking towards the door. "wait, klover." says billie.

I look back and see her staring at me once again. 

"I um... I got you some apple juice." she says, grabbing her bag and pulling the juice out. I bite back a smile and walk toward her, grabbing the juice. I mumbled a 'thank you' and made my way out the door. 

I walk towards the mini kitchen island and see a coffee machine. I smirk knowing what I was going to do next. waste coffee and make one for fun. 

I was about to grab a cup but my actions got interrupted when I heard a knock at the door. I went toward the door and looked through the peephole. 

safety first.

I see that it's billie's friend from earlier. I frown, grabbing the door handle. why is she here? nevermind its none of my business.

I open the door and give her a small smile. 

"is billie here? she told me this was her room." said the girl, looking a bit nervous. "yeah, she's down the hall and the door to the left." I said, moving aside so she can walk through. 

she thanked me before walking off. why do I feel the need to follow her? what is wrong with you klover?

and why is billie being so nice to me all of the sudden?

"she's being nice to you because kierstan isn't there anymore to control her actions." I heard behind me. drew made me jump. "holy shit drew you scared me" I said, rubbing my chest. 

she smiled a little before sitting down on the couch, inviting me to sit next to her. "did I say my thoughts out loud" I ask, not noticing if I did and I saw her nod. I groan and throw my head back hearing her laugh. 

I walk towards the couch and sit next to her, grabbing a pillow and setting it on my lap. 

"so you're saying that kierstan controlled how billie treated me?" I asked drew and she leaned back nodding.

"sometimes billie used to come to me crying because she didn't wanna treat you that way. the poor girl felt horrible." she added. we go quiet and I look down, feeling guilty for the way I treated her. 

we hear their laughs in the background making me huff, I feel drew shift next to me. now she's sitting crisscross on the couch. 

"jealous?" I heard her ask. I instantly shake my head no. "no why would I be? we barely even talk." I chuckled nervously. 

she nods, but I know she knows I'm lying. drew is way too good at reading body language and it annoys me because I can't hide anything from her. 

"it's okay to still be in love with her klo, she was your first love after all." she says making me feel somewhat better. 

"who's that girl anyways?" I asked, fidgeting with the edge of the cushion. "zoey." she says. "zoey hermon, she's a senior like us." she added making me nod. 

"she also has a fat crush on billie" she said smiling at me. I glare at her which makes her cackle even louder. 

"yeah well whatever, billie isn't mine so if they start dating good for them" I say, which was a big lie. I would be hurt, crying like a big baby. sensitive ass.

"yeah sure, whatever klo. I'm gonna go down to the lobby and get some food. do you wanna come with me?" she asks and I nod. we walk over to our room and knock on the door, opening it. 

I see billie sitting with her back against the headboard and zoey slaying on her stomach at the other end of the bed. 

me and billie make immediate eye contact but I look away.

"we're going to go to the lobby to get something to eat, do you guys wanna come with us?" asks drew. both zoey and billie make eye contact and nod at each other. 

"sure, we'll go." says billie, standing up. me and drew head out with zoey and billie walking behind us. they had their own conversation while me and drew had our own.

we arrive at the lobby and see some students eating. we went to the food line and got what we wanted to eat, going to a four-seat table and we all sat down. we all chatted and were having a good conversation.


zoey started feeding billie. 



me personally, I would bomb zoey - K

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