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klovers pov

tw: anxiety attack

the weekend passed, and I packed everything I needed for the trip. a suitcase and a bag, technically everything I needed to survive. 

I watched my dad put my luggage in the trunk of the car along with the backpack. I thank him before getting in the back seats, my parents both in the front seats. my dad pulled out of the driveway, heading to school.

I looked out the window, getting anxious. a place I've never been to before without my parents. I was scared but I guess you need to take risks in life. we park in the parking lot of the school, and I get my bags from the trunk. 

my hands are slightly shaking. I'm starting to overthink everything. It's not that I have attachment issues, I just get anxious in new places with people I barely know apart from billie. 

but right now, I don't know her. 

me and my parents walked towards the entrance of the school where everyone else was standing. kids are saying goodbye to their parents while teachers are packing all the suitcases onto the bus. 

my teacher takes mine but I stay with the bag, I have my charger and headphones in there. at least I think I do, I was using them last night so I hope I put them in my bag. I bid goodbye to my parents and walked toward the bus. 

"everyone please start boarding the bus! we have to leave soon!" my teacher yelled, making all students say their last goodbyes. 

I walked into the bus, going up some stairs at the door. I stand in the hall and look at the seats. we were assigned to sit with our partners. I see billie and drew all the way in the back, billie sitting next to an empty seat and drew sitting in a seat that was next to a door so there wasn't a seat next to it. 

I walked down the aisle and sat next to billie, letting out a long sigh. "you could at least hide that you don't like me." I heard billie mumble, slightly scooting over. that lowkey hurt. 

I don't respond, ignoring her comment. 

I put my bag in between my legs and reached into it to grab my headphones. great, they're not in there. I reach in deeper to see if maybe they fell to the bottom of the bag but no. 

I groan, closing the bag and sitting back. my teacher was the last person to walk onto the bus and sit down. "ladies and gentlemen, we're about to make our way to the airport. please buckle up." we heard through the intercom.

everyone adjusted their seats and buckled their seatbelts. once the bus started going, my leg started bouncing. I looked out the window, seeing my parents wave at me. I bit my lip trying to calm my breathing. 

this is a once in a lifetime experience so I wouldn't miss it at all. but I forgot it came with some side effects. 

I play with my fingers, closing my eyes. my leg bounces a bit faster but I can't help it. soon I felt a hand land on my leg, stopping it from moving. I open my eyes and look down realizing it was billie's hand. how could I not with all those rings? 

"relax wells, I know you don't like me but I'm here with you alright? you'll be okay." she simply said, not adding more to it. her words surprisingly calmed me down. she kept her hand on my leg making sure it didn't start bouncing again. 

after a few minutes, the bus got loud. I mean, it's a small space with 36 students. I turn my head to billie and see her staring out the window. 

"billie?" I let out, barely over a whisper. her head whips in my direction. "hm?" she hummed, looking down at her phone. 

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