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billies pov

I saw her freeze, taking in the question.

did I ask too early? was it not the right time? is she going to hate me now? did she use me for her enjoyment?

"billie.." she started, looking down.

I felt my heart beat faster by the second, sweat collecting on my forehead. maybe it was too early, not the right time. it was a mistake.

"sorry- sorry I shouldn't have asked that." I chuckled and felt my tears threatening to fall. I stood up and grabbed my phone along with my belt, pathetically putting it back on.

"wait billie-"

"forget it klover. I don't even know why I asked." I mumbled and walked to the couch, slipping my shoes on.

"billie let me finish-"

"klover enough."

I tied my last shoelace before aggressively running my hand through my hair.

I walked towards the door and reached out to the handle but suddenly felt a hand yanking me back.

"billie!" klover yelled, making me stop. I sighed and turned around looking right at her with no emotion.

"what? if you're gonna reject me just say so and go." I yanked my hand from her hold making her stumble. as much as I wanna hold her steady she can break her face for all I care right now.

she sighed and looked down, her hands fiddling with each other.

a couple of minutes passed and it seemed like she was trying to make a sentence but apparently, that was too hard for her to do.

"klover ion got all day, okay? spit it the fuck out."

"I- I wasn't going to- reject you," she whispered. I felt relief shift off my shoulders but I was still mad.

"then why did you act like you were? was it really that hard?" I glared at her.

"billie it just isn't easy when I'm scared you'll do the same thing again!" she exclaimed pointing out what happened in the past. I stayed quiet and looked down, understanding where she was coming from.

I ruined her.

"let's talk on the couch." I sighed and walked towards the couch hearing her feet hitting the ground behind me and making a pitter-patter sound.

we both sat down on the couch and silence was playing the main role.

I cleared my throat and decided to speak up knowing she wasn't going to.

"so, tell me. do you want me or not?"

she looked eyes with me and nodded her head, her face going a bit red.

"words klover, we've been over this."

"I do wanna be with you billie, trust me, I do. I just don't wanna risk what we had like last time you know? I'm not asking you to do over the top just... communicate with me. I don't care if you have friends but don't be around people who have tried to hurt me. I felt like I was betrayed, I need to earn your trust again."

I nodded, grabbing her hand and holding it in mine. her leg was bouncing and her hand was shaky but when my skin made contact with hers, she immediately calmed down.

"I understand baby, don't worry. I'll try my best to earn your trust back and I promise you I won't do anything else, I won't disappoint you, mama. I promise. I can't afford to lose you again." I whispered and brought her hand up to my mouth, kissing the back of her.

her eyes went soft and a gentle smile tugged her lips making me smile back, she stood up which made me furrow my eyebrows. suddenly, she sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck.

she leaned down and grazed her lips over mine, her hot breath hitting my lips.

"ask me properly." she almost demanded making me instantly give in.

"klover, will you be my girlfriend?" I looked straight into her eyes not wanting this moment to be taken for granted. I wanted to enjoy it as much as possible.

suddenly a smile broke into her face and she nodded, leaning down and kissing me hard. I slipped my tongue into her mouth and met hers, us both fighting for dominance.

she pulled away making me whine but she just smiles.

"yes billie eilish, I will be your girlfriend," she says making a smile overtake my face.

"I love you, angel."

"I love you more my love."

"round 2?"


sorry this took so long I've been stressing over finishing bluey and now I don't have any more episodes 😞 - key

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