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klovers pov

It's been a couple of months since me and billie have solved our shit, she's been the sweetest to me. she asked me to be her girlfriend when we arrived back in cali.

I said no.

kidding, obviously, I said yes. she asked me after we fucked but it's billie so I don't know what I expected.

we graduate high school in about 2 weeks which I'm literally so excited about because this school is the reason I'll kill myself.

currently, I'm at billie's in her room playing with pepper. she's recording some songs with finneas so I've been waiting for a couple of hours.

"pepper stop biting that, bad girl," I said, grabbing billie's shoe from her. she whines and lays down with her head on my lap giving me puppy dog eyes.

I sigh and pout, petting her head. "I know baby but billie would kill us both if you break it," I said, bending down to kiss her nose.

pepper has my whole heart I swear.

she continues crying until the door opens revealing a tired billie.

I stand up and walk towards her about to kiss her but she swerves my kiss.

"oh? are you okay my love?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. that lowkey kinda hurt.

she just nodded her head and lied stomach down on her bed, grabbing her phone and ignoring my presence.

I go up to her and gently pat her back. "ma are you okay?" I asked once again, now rubbing her back.

she shakes off my touch making me frown once again.

maybe she just had a bad time in there.

I tried to not overthink it by sitting on the floor and playing with pepper once again.

30 minutes pass by and I check my phone looking at the time, 6:00 pm.

"baby let's go," I said, excitedly getting up and sliding my shoes on.

"go where?" asked billie, keeping her eyes on the phone. she was texting someone but it's best for me to mind my business.

"um, our date?" I said, stating the obvious. we planned to go on a date today to go to an arcade, I was so excited.

"oh... sorry klo can we move it to another day?" she asked, using my nickname. oh, okay.

I slowly nod my head. "sure my love, that works." I said. I grabbed my jacket and slid it on, petting pepper.

"bil can you take me home?" I asked and she sighed before nodding.

am I being a bother right now?

"you know what? It's okay I can walk home." I grabbed my belongings before walking out her door feeling hurt. usually, she'd ask for a kiss but not today I guess.

"you're leaving klover?" asked maggie making me jump a bit.

I sent her a smile and softly nodded my head. "yeah, my mom needs help at home." liar.

"oh! tell her I said hi! but klover, isn't billie taking you home?" she asked, making my heart race.

think. think. think.

I shook my head and grabbed a cookie that she made. "billie doesn't feel so well mama mags." I said, taking a bite of the cookie. "and these are delicious!" I exclaimed while walking towards the door.

I hear her laugh which made me smile. "okay well, be safe love!" she yelled. I nodded and closed the door behind me. I sighed and looked at dragon who was peacefully sitting there. I walk passed it while whispering 'what's wrong with yo momma'.

I walked to my house, which took me a good 20 minutes. why did billie have to do this? I mean maybe she was having a bad day or something but what happened to communication?

whatever, maybe she just needs time.

I arrived home and unlocked the door, walking in and closing it. I kick my shoes off before walking up to my room and locking myself in it.

the overthinking is really getting to me, did I do something? did finneas? I didn't hear any yelling so I don't think.

I groan before grabbing my phone and laying down in bed, my cat, charms, laying next to me. I click on Instagram and respond to some chats I left on read. I put my phone down and turn my tv on, clicking on Netflix.

I settle on watching love island and an hour passes before I hear my phone ping.

I look down and read the Instagram notification:

BillieEilish just posted.

huh? I didn't think much of it and picked up my phone making my way to instagram. I open the app and click on a few stories, finally getting to billies. It was a picture of her feet and some other feet across from her, captioned safe place.

safe place? I thought I was her safe place? after 6 months of dating I'm not her safe place? maybe I'm overthinking this.

I feel a turning feeling in my stomach, my guts telling me somethings wrong once again. I feel nauseous and my need to eat quickly left. I leave Instagram and open the phone app, clicking on billies contact.

calling william 🗣...

come on baby, please.




"sorry this person cannot come to the phone right, please leave a message."

"ugh!" I yell, throwing my head back onto the pillow. maybe I should just text her? she's probably too busy to call.

maybe I shouldn't bother her?

yeah, I shouldn't.


plot twist?????? 🤭 - k

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