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billies pov

I woke up in a white, bright room making me groan and instantly squint my eyes at the uncomfortable feeling.

"billie?! holy shit bil you're awake!" says finneas, running over to the side of my bed and pulling me into an embrace. I hiss at the sudden pain that shot through my body, making him immediately pull away.

"I'll go get a doctor," he said and rushes out, a chuckle leaving my lips.

suddenly my mom comes in and also pulls me into a hug making me hiss once again. "guys, I'm like, dying." I groan, rolling my eyes. my mom hit my arm and I rubbed it giving her a 'wtf' look.

"don't say that when it actually almost happened billie!" she exclaimed, giving me a death glare. I grin at her making her glare harder.

"dayum woman, okay" I mutter, looking at the other side of the room.


"I've been out for 2 days?!" I yell quickly sitting up but laying back down feeling pain again. the doctor nods and my mom rubs my leg. I sigh, this is all so stupid.

"she's healing very fast. the bullet didn't go in deep due to the movement she had at the moment, her adrenaline made her miss the shot and the sound causing her to not notice she was bleeding out." the doctor explained to my parents, making me huff.

"when can I go home?" I interrupted, feeling bored.

"billie you literally got shot?" said finneas, side-eyeing me.

I roll my eyes and look down at my hands noticing all my rings were gone. "ayo where my rings at?" I said, instantly panicking.

"I have them bill-" my mom started but got cut off by the door slamming open and klover standing there all sweaty and panting.

she quickly ran up to me and start tilting my head, lifting my arms, literally checking me everywhere she could. "what the fuck is wrong with you billie!" she yelled, making me jump with a shocked expression.

I've never heard her yell like that, not even during sex and I sure make her scream a lot. maybe I should change my technique..

"w-well I-" I started but words didn't want to come out. I just stared at her.

"do you know how scared I was?! one minute we're fine, the other you hang up on me, and then suddenly there is news everywhere saying 'billie eilish shot backstage'!" she exclaimed, worry present in her eyes.

I still just stare at her, taking in how worried she is about me. she actually cares.

klover drags her hands over her face and groans, her patience running low. "right now is not the time to just stare at me billie. you could've been dead! I would've came sooner but where the fuck would I get money for a flight from America to Paraguay?! and the hotels and oh my god transportation!" she ranted, a small smile now displayed on my face.

"you care," I whispered, my left hand going over to her face and cupping her cheek. her expression change into a confused one, her hands holding her up while she leaned on the bed.

"huh? sorry I can't hear you," she said, leaning closer to me.

suddenly my smile turned into a smirk. "are we about to kiss right now??" I asked, my eyes low. she scoffed and pushed me away, fixing her posture. "you're so annoying."

I laughed, making her flip me off.

klover walked over to my mom and hugged her, doing the same with my dad and brother. she asked them for details and they explained everything to her. I watched the interaction happen making me smile.

I love that she loves my family, I love that they love her. she's my girl.


"billie you need to eat." said mom, pushing the spoon closer to my lips.


"billie, you have to get food in your system," she said once again, trying to push the spoon into my mouth.

"nope!" I said, popping the p.

she looked at me, her look narrowing. almost as if a lightbulb lit up over her head, she turned over to klover, asking her to feed me instead.

klover walked over to me and my mom, grabbed the plate, and took my mom's spot.

she scooped up food and brought it over to my lips, opening hers and letting out a small 'ahh'.

I opened my mouth wide and ate from the spoon, happily smiling. I heard my mom scoff in the background making me and klover laugh.

"good girl ma, see? isn't it good?" asked klover making me immediately nod.

she smiled after seeing my cheeks turn into a light tint of pink. I got shy and looked down only to feel her finger pull my chin up. she directed another spoonful to my mouth and I gladly took it once again.

once I was all done eating my mom cleaned up the mess for us in exchange for klover feeding me. "thanks, thanks. thanks so much! thank you so much!" I said in a baby voice.

I see klover smiling and I smile, feeling satisfied I made her happy.

shit, I'm down bad.

hopefully, soon I'll be able to leave this hell hole and go back home. hopefully, my fans aren't throwing a ruckus.

I decided to grab my phone and log into Instagram. I clicked on my story and took a picture of a black screen with a caption saying:

helloooo!!! I'm fine lovies!!! I did what I did to protect the people who were in that room and the people who weren't. the suspect is currently getting trialed and I'll make sure they get what they deserve. I'll keep you guys updated and hopefully very soon I'll be able to continue to see and sing for you guys again. love youuuuuuu - billie.

I posted it and put the phone down after klover told me to. "thank you, sleepy time bil." said klover, pulling the covers up to my chest.

"anything for my favorite lady." I said, knowing she'd be scrolling through that sound in titkok. her face suddenly went red and I chuckled, pulling her down and kissing her forehead. "goodnight klo" I mumbled.

"night love."



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