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klovers pov

It was wednesday, on friday we went home and I didn't want to leave. as much as I was scared to come here, it's been one of the greatest experiences. I'm slowly learning how to be responsible for myself.

but to be honest, I just don't want to stop sleeping with billie.

I loved being in her embrace. the way her arms feel around me when I wake up. when she makes me my breakfast without me asking.

I love getting the princess treatment.

I woke up at the same time as always, 8 AM for school purposes of course. If it was my choice, I'd be asleep until 1-2 PM.

I tossed and turned, reaching out for billie but she was gone.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes, confused. I looked around and saw drew asleep, but no billie.

I was half asleep and started crawling to the edge of the bed when my hand slipped off and I landed face-first on the ground.

I groan in pain, feeling an ache in my wrist. I chose to ignore it and stood up, putting pressure on the wrist but hissing in the progress.

I walk out of the room, bumping into a wall, and curse at it for being in my way.

"bil?" I called out, look. towards the bathroom but there was no one. only darkness.

I groaned once again, looking the other way. I walk towards the living room and again, no one. I became frustrated and sat down on the couch.

I huffed and looked down at my wrist, seeing it getting bruised. "stupid wrist." I mumbled and walk towards the bathroom, feeling the need to suddenly pee.

I closed the door and sat down on the toilet, letting it all out. I sighed and looked down, getting jump scared by the sudden redness.

just great.

I grab my phone, pull up billies contact, and ring it, hoping she'd pick it up.

it rang.

and it rang.

and it kept ringing.

finally, she picked up the call and her voice came through. "hello?"

I suddenly felt relieved and my body relaxed.

"bil.. I got my period and I don't have pads. can you buy me some?" I asked, looking down at my wrist. gladly it was my left wrist so I didn't really need it.

"oh, uhm..." she started but suddenly I hear zoey's voice in the background calling for billie and telling her the food arrived.

I feel my stomach sink and my eyebrows furrow. "I see you're busy. sorry." I said and before she got to respond, I hung up.

I felt tears brimming my eyes and I looked down at my phone. today is not a good day.

I wiped my eyes and my privates before laying toilet paper down on my underwear. every man for themselves.

I stood up and changed my pants to some tighter, black ones. I kept my sports bra on and grabbed my wallet and phone.

I put my hair up in a tight ponytail and slid one of billie's baseball caps on.

I walked out the door and strode down the hall.

number one rule, always seem confident.

I walked down the stairs, avoiding the elevator. I have bigger problems to deal with right now.

I walked out of the hotel, of course notifying my teacher where I was going, and walked towards the convenience store that was around the corner.

I entered, taking a look around before going to the sanitary aisle, and grabbing my size of pads.

I walked towards the chips aisle and grabbed takis, as well as some spanish snacks.

I walked towards the register and paid for my shit, walking out and back to the hotel.

right when I walk in I see billie and zoey together, zoey back hugging billie while she's playing in the arcade of the hotel.

my heart broke, just a little. I mean who am I to tell them what to do? I'm just billies best friend. nothing more.

I heard their laughing and yelling, making me feel worse. I walk into the hotel bathrooms to change my pad and to ignore their aggravating noises.

I walked into a stall locking it. I feel my eyes water, soon enough they're spilling. stupid period.

"it's not true.." I whisper to myself, trying to make myself feel better. I changed my pad while quietly sniffling. crying isn't like you.

when I'm done, I leave the stall. I wash my hands and leave the bathroom. I was looking down when I suddenly feel myself bump into someone.

"oh my god, I'm so sor-" I look up and realized it's billie who I walked into. "hey, you okay?" she said, smiling a little.

"yea, sorry." was what I said, giving no reaction as I walked towards the stairs. when I bumped into her, my wrist hit her making it hurt. I hold it gently while walking, looking down.

hurt wrist.


billie and zoey.


I'm overheated.


zoey is gonna make me rage fr - k

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