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klovers pov

there was no way this was happening to me right now.

my hand clasped over my mouth as I stared down at billie. she held the ring out towards me, her hands slightly shaking from nervousness.

"for my first princess, klover wells, I won't make this too long because I'm not really good with my words but I love you so fucking much. my love for you cannot be described in words nor actions, only the stars above know how much love I hold for you. I love waking up to you and devyn each morning, dealing with her chaotic character and your calm one. I wanna keep waking up that way and I wanna live like that forever. I have an obsession with you and honestly can't live without you, so klover, will you please marry me and officially be an o'connell?" she said in one breath, her voice shaking along with her hands.

I sobbed, a smile spreading on my face before eagerly nodding, desperate to jump in her arms. she slipped the ring into my finger and stood up which made me instantly jump on her. her arms tightly wrapped around my waist.

"I fucking love you so much," I said, pulling away.

she laughed and wiped my cheeks, kissing both of my eyes, making me giggle.

"I love you so much more." she suddenly looked down and picked up devyn who was playing with some rocks and throwing them at birds.

who's white child is that??

she stood devyn in front of her and knelt down again, holding both of devyn's little hands in her. she looked into devyn's blue eyes, her blonde hair falling perfectly over her small face.

"and for my second princess, devyn o'connell, will you make mama the happiest person on earth and allow her to marry mommy?" asked billie, a wide smile displayed on her face.

devyn looked clearly confused but yelled yes anyways, making both billie and I laugh.

billie stood up with devyn in her arms, hugging her tight and pulling me in as well which made devyn start laughing.

"mama! mama!!" devyn yelled, making both me and billie pull away.

"yes baby?" said billie, fixing devyn's clothes.

"I pooped."


"oh god,"


we walked into the big house after arriving from dinner, which was delicious by the way. I ate a steak while billie ate some vegan food. devyn ate from both of our plates, who knows what devyn is.

devyn was asleep in billie's arms which directed billie straight to devyn's bedroom. I greeted shark and refilled his food bowl, opening the backyard door so he could do his business. I walked to the kitchen and sat my bag down.

I stared down at my ring and smiled, playing with it. I felt butterflies in my stomach just thinking that she wanted to marry me.

I felt strong arms circle my waist and a pair of lips kissing my neck. I leaned back on billie and sighed, genuinely feeling content with my life.

"are you happy, angel?" she asked, her voice husk.

"so happy my love. you make me happy." I turned around and wrapped my arms around her neck, smiling up at her. I saw love in her eyes, genuine love.

she leaned down and connected our lips, euphoria shooting through me. we made out but it wasn't rough or desperate.

it was passionate and filled with love. I loved sharing moments like these with her.

I pulled away for air, her doing the same.

"my fiance" I smiled and teased her, making her blush.

"that's me, princess. your fiance. soon to be wife." she said, squeezing my waist and making me giggle.

"I can't wait till you become my wife. now everyone will know we're legal and no one can take you from me." I said, protectiveness suddenly coming out. billie smiled and pecked my lips.

"that's right baby. legal and yours completely. and baby number 2?" she said, raising one of her eyebrows. I laughed again and smacked her chest.

"when devyn is older," I said, making billie pout.

"but why? that's too long!" she said, now following me around the kitchen as I walked around grabbing a cup.

"baby, devyn is a walking chaos. come on, she was throwing rocks at birds earlier." I pointed out making her giggle.

"you're right. but still, that's not an excuse. give me an actual excuse!" demanded billie making me turn around and look at her.

"excuse me?"

"I mean- kiss me precious," she said, coming up to me and grabbing my waist trying to kiss me. I laughed and pushed her off, walking to our bedroom with a glass of water.

"wait for me!" billie steps were heard behind me, her hand meeting my ass making me jump.

"billie!" I furrowed my eyebrows, rubbing my ass.

"sorry it's just so... juicy looking." I gasped and ran after her up the stairs but she beat me to our bedroom.

I'm so in love with this woman.


do I smell an ending soon?!?!? - key 

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