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billies pov

guess what? I got my girl back. that's right! 

I've been jumping up and down the whole morning, energy rushing through me and a smile always on my face. I missed her so much, I'm literally so happy.

I walked into our mini living room, and jumped on the couch making drew scream. "billie my apple juice..." was all she said before staring at the carton which now is empty.

the juice got all over the floor, and I laughed, saying sorry in between.

she rolled her eyes and went to get a rag to clean it up. she finished cleaning up the juice before sitting back down next to me, playing the series she was already watching on tv.

I placed my phone down and watched it with her because it was getting juicy. the show was getting good until the tv turned off. me and drew yell a 'what the fuck' before standing up and searching for the controllers.

"dumb fuckers" I heard klover say and I turned around instantly smiling when I see her face. "I unplugged it because we're gonna be late." she said, grabbing her bag and my cap, and putting them on.

I was gonna wear it but she looks better in it anyways!

I walk up to her and hug her tight whispering a 'hi pretty' while resting my face in the crook of her neck.

I felt her heat up and I let out a small giggle. today we're supposed to go to a museum and get a tour.

after I was done teasing her we all grabbed our bags and made our way down to the lobby, I held onto klover in the elevator so she wouldn't go into cardiac arrest.

we walk out of the elevator and drew walks to her friends. me and klover stay together even tho she's just yelling at me to stop touching random stuff.

we got our instructions before proceeding to go where we needed, drew left with her friends so it was only me and klover.

the bus drove us to the museum and we got off, taking in the heat and beautiful views. "holy shit I'm sweating in places I didn't know I could sweat." I heard klover say which made me let out a chuckle.

I grabbed my bag and opened it, passing her a small fan she could hold in her hands. "here klo, don't pass out on me." I said, passing it to her. she thanked me with a smile before turning it on and letting a small moan out at the refreshing feeling.

I felt my face go red and something gets hard in between my legs but I ignore the feeling, grabbing her hand and walking through the entrance. They check our bags and we get out tickets, walking into a huge place.

I heard her let out a small gasp. "holy shit this place is as big as my dick bro" I exclaimed, feeling a slap on my shoulder. "there are kids here bil!" she said, shushing me.

I scoff and continue walking while still holding her hand. we go by a few paintings and statues.

we were standing looking at one painting when a girl came up to us. "hey! you guys are a really cute couple and I need some pictures for my journal! can I take a picture of you guys?" she asked. me and klover looked at each other blushing.

she was about to speak up but I cut her off. "sure!" I said smiling. I pull klover into a side hug while smiling. the girl took the picture and thanked us before walking off.

I look down and see klover who was now a blushing mess. I smile and keep walking with her by my side.

we came face to face with this funny looking one and I was the first one to let out a laugh. "why does it look like that?!" I cackle, throwing my head back.

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