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billies pov

suddenly the door opened faster than I could've processed. sully instantly stood up and called for me making me stand and mute myself from klover. I looked over to the door and see a breathless zoey standing by the door, panting and smirking.

"zoey what the fuck!" I shout, looking down at my phone and hanging up. as much as I didn't want to, I didn't want klover to see this scene.

✧ angel ✧

sorry, emergency.

I feel sully's body protecting mine and I looked up, throwing my phone onto the couch. I make eye contact with zoey, anger completely taking control of my body.

"what are you doing here?! I thought I got rid of your ass!" I yelled once again, moving sully out of my way but he quickly grabs my arm.

"oh dear billie, I told you. you'll never get rid of me," she whispered, slowly coming towards me. sully pulls me back behind him, talking into his earpiece. "breaking into billies room, the suspect is armed." I heard him say.

I look all over zoey's body and see her holding a gun behind her, my heart slightly dropping.

"zoey what are you doing with that?" I asked, taking some steps back along with sully.

"baby, you know what I'm doing. was my friendship and love not enough for you? what does she have that I don't?" she asked, her grin widening. I gulp and hold onto sully's arm.

I look towards the door and see four security guards running in but halt when she turns to the pointing her gun toward them.

she reaches into her back pocket, grabs another gun, and points it toward me and sully. "how the fuck did she get in here with two guns and none of you morons caught her!" yells sully, making me jump. I've never seen him so heated before.

"I-I'm sorry sir.." one of them apologizes and zoey starts laughing.

"oh a bunch of muscular dumbasses, that's what you all are," she exclaims looking toward the guys at the door.

suddenly, I feel a rush of adrenaline and rush toward her, pushing sully to the side. I jump onto her back and hear sully yelling for me.

I knock both of the guns out of her hands and straddled her, pinning her down to the floor.

I turn her around and my fist starts punching from instinct. "you. fucking. bitch." I say, a punch in between each word. right now, it's only me and her.

I tune out everyone else and every sound, my knuckles bleeding from the impact. I black out, not recognizing what I'm doing, my body completely moving on its own. right now the only thing I can think about is what she did to klover and I.

suddenly I'm pulled back and can hear everything. I look down and see my hands bleeding and my clothes dirty with blood belonging to zoey. I'm heavy breathing and sweaty. I look toward the door and see my mom, dad, and finneas running in.

the guards picked up zoey's now unconscious body and drag her out.

"billie you're bleeding!" exclaims my mom, instantly checking my body. I see her eyes tear up making me frown. "mom that's not my blood, I'm fine?" I say, confused.

she suddenly sits me down and my dad rips the bottom of my shirt, pressing down on my stomach making me hiss. I look up and see my mom sobbing and finneas comforting her with tears in his eyes.

my dad lays me down, dropping to his knees.

I looked around the room and everyone seems alarmed. I feel my vision falter which makes me look down toward my dad with furrowed eyebrows.

"what? whys everyone freaking out?!" I yelled, now freaked out myself.

"billie you got shot!" yelled my dad, grabbing his phone and typing in a number. I feel myself freak out even more and start hyperventilating. I got shot?

my adrenaline was so high I couldn't feel or hear anything.

tears suddenly cloud my eyes as I reached out to my mom, my vision getting darker. I must've lost blood while hitting zoey. am I gonna die? I can't die, no, not yet. please.

"mom? mom!" I call out, reaching toward her. she quickly grabs my hand and rubs my head, kneeling next to me. "you're gonna be okay my baby, you'll be okay bil." she whispered, tears running down her face.

"mommy I don't wanna die, I can't die!" I choke out, now hot tears burning my face. I feel my vision get darker by the second.

"billie you're not gonna die!" she said, gripping my hand tighter in hers.

"mom it hurts!"

paramedics ran into the room but before I could say anything it all went dark.


idk if this is cringy or not but - key

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