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klovers pov

[I had a shit eating grin on my face while writing this one]

we made it to finneas's house and billie pulled into the driveway, putting the car in park. I watched billie get out and waited for her to come open my door patiently. she demanded that she has to open the door for me.

billie opens my door and I get out, kissing her lips as a 'thank you'. I turned around and grabbed the baby bag that was sitting between my legs while billie grabbed devyn, who was fast asleep from the ride.

we both walked to the front door and knocked two times, paused, and knocked again. that was our way of letting finneas and claudia, his now wife, know it was us.

an excited finneas opens the door and instantly brings me into a hug making me giggle. "hi finn!" I squeak, returning the hug. he pulled away and patted billies shoulder before letting us inside.

I hear billie scoff while I laugh. "I'm your sister and I get a pat on the back while she gets a whole hug?" she questioned, shaking her head.

"I don't like you." said finneas, slapping the back of billie's head.

"if it wasn't for me holding dev right now, I would've thrown hands," murmured billie making me chuckle. I kiss her lips before setting the baby bag down on the couch. I walk over to claudia who was holding their newborn, audry, in her arms. I bent down and kissed claudia on the cheeks and billie followed, doing the same.

I sat by claudia's left while billie sat by her right.

I looked down at audry and smiled, taking her small hand in mine. "claudia, she's so beautiful." I whispered, not wanting to wake up the baby.

"thank you, she has my eyes and after that, it's all finneas," she commented, making me lowly laugh.

"that's an ugly ass baby" whispered billie, also holding audry's hand.

I raised my hand and slapped her forehead, making her hiss. "billie the fuck is wrong with you??" says finneas, sitting next to billie.

claudia slowly retrieves her hand from under audry and slaps billie's leg, making billie's free hand fly to her leg.

"don't call my baby ugly."

"it's true! devyn was ugly as fuck too, now she's cute!" commented billie, leaning down and kissing devyn's forehead. claudia and finneas laughed while I shook my head smiling.

devyn suddenly started making a fuss while waking up and billie passed her over to me so I could calm her down. I walked outside to the porch and sat on a rocking chair, looking straight out at the yard in front of me.

I bounced devyn up and down in my arms, shushing her.

"It's okay tesoro, mommy's here. mommy's here." with that, she calmed down and slowly fell asleep again, sucking on her small thumb. I looked down at her and smiled.

my little princess.

she's growing so fast. she's able to walk and run, able to make out some sentences. it scared me at first since she was so much more advanced than most babies but soon after I got used to it.

I kept rocking back and forth, taking in the nature in front of me. I heard the sliding door open and billie walked out, sitting in the chair next to me.

"what happened baby?" I asked, wondering why she decided to come out.

"they're putting the baby to sleep and apparently, I was distracting," she mumbled and I laughed at her cuteness.

it went silent once again and now the only thing heard was the wood of the rocking chairs.

"you know.. you're really beautiful," said billie after a few minutes making me blush madly.

I smiled and let out a small 'thank you' avoiding eye contact with her.

"no seriously baby you're so beautiful. my pretty girl. thank you for loving me," she said, holding her hand out and grabbing mine, interlacing our fingers.

I smiled at her and looked down at devyn before speaking up. "no, thank you for loving me and devyn. thank you for being the mother to my child." I breathed out. billie leaned in and kissed my lips, pulling away shortly after.

"my two butterflies."

suddenly devyn woke up and her small eyes opened. she slowly sat up and looked at me, then at billie. a small smile struck her face making both me and billie melt.

she opened her arms towards billie. "mama,"

billie took her in her arms and kissed her forehead, holding her close to her chest.

I watched as billie talked to devyn, making her giggle.

I couldn't have asked for anything better. I love my little family and I'll love them till the day I die.

billie looked over at me and caught me smiling, a grin appearing on her face. she pulled my chair closer to hers where now they were both touching. she draped her right arm over my shoulders and pulled me in.

I lay my head on her shoulder and sighed contently, feeling my life complete. both me and billie chatted with devyn and reacted to her little sentences. my smart baby. I kissed billies jaw and felt her smile, making me smile more.

"I love you, baby" I hummed.

"I love you."

The End

I loved writing this book sm holy shittttttt. this was my first book everrrr. I was thinking of maybe writing a story based on devyn and her future lover? who knows what the future holds. but anyways thank you soosossosoosososososososoSOSOSOSOSOOSOS MUCH FOR READING, every single one of you mean the absolute world to me. hasta luego, mwah!

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