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klovers pov

I watched zoey feed, her. I tried to not stare too hard because I don't wanna seem like a weirdo but come on man. 

I look over at drew and she's also staring at them, uncomfortably. she looks over at me and makes a gagging motion with her finger and mouth making us both giggle. they look over at us and we instantly stop pretending we were eating.

"what's so funny?" asks zoey, eyeing us down. she doesn't like us already. 

I shake my head and drew says nothing as we continue trying to not laugh.

billie on the other hand stares at us with a smile because she knows exactly what we're laughing about. 

we kept talking and eating even though zoey really just wanted billies attention. after everyone was done we were all in the elevator about to go up. 

I swallowed a lump in my throat as we boarded it. I'm scared of elevators.

when I was younger, I got stuck in an elevator for 4 hours. that shit literally traumatized me for life. Imagine being 4 and getting stuck in an elevator for four hours. fuck nah. 

I have so much trauma I laugh at myself.

I grip the handle that goes around the whole elevator, my knuckles turning white. 

we're on the fifth floor so it'll take a minute. I feel an arm snake around my waist and pull me towards them. I'm immediately met with billie's scent. 

I look up at her and see her staring back down at me. "I got you wells." she rasped out before leaning on the wall. so what if she knew all of my trauma? leave me alone.

I tightly hold on to her shirt and look around, drew smiles at me and I see jealousy burning through zoey's eyes. I slightly smirk, hugging billie harder and bringing her closer to me.

I hear her let out a small chuckle before she wraps her other arm around me.

I make a 'loser' face at zoey and shove my face into billie's neck. 

I don't know what was happening to me but I felt like claiming what I wanted, and I wanted billie. 

"bil... my tummy hurts." I heard zoey mumble in a babyish voice. I felt my face scrunch up in billie's neck. 

billie hummed not knowing what to do because it was an awkward situation for her. 

"I have some medicine for that in my bag, I can give you some when we get back into the room." I said, pulling away from billie when I heard the elevator door open. 

I looked back at zoey and see the discomfort on her face, obviously wanting billie to answer her instead. "um... yeah sure." she said dryly before hooking her arms with billie. 

I look up at billie and see her smile at me. 

I snap my head facing forward again before she sees the blush creeping up my face. 

I don't know what's going on and why I'm not cursing out billie right now. all I know I that it feels good to know that kierstan isn't talking to her anymore and isn't controlling her. 

we'll have to talk about this later.

we walked into our hotel room and of course, zoey was following behind billie. I offered her the pills but she said she was feeling better. whatever.

 I walked towards the room and started packing my bag since I didn't get to it earlier. 

"klover, have you seen my headphones?" said drew as she walked in. I looked around and saw her headphones laying on the nightstand. I point at them and she grabs them, thanking me. 

she puts them on and lies on her bed. I finish packing my shit and shove my suitcase under the bed, before doing the same as drew. 

I grabbed a pillow before positioning it comfortably under my head. 

a couple of minutes passed before billie and zoey walked in, having a conversation.

billie looks at me and I scoot over, giving her some space to lie down. I can always read her face. 

she jumps on the bed, landing on me making me let out a groan. "billie what in the world!?" I yell, holding my ribs. she starts laughing, busting a lung. 

I roll my eyes and spot her shoes on the bed again. "billie, stop. wearing. your. shoes. on. the. bed." I said, slapping her in between each word. 

she let out a few ow's while laughing, finally taking her shoes off.

"god, so serious about shoes." she mumbled before sighing, signaling zoey to sit on the chair across the bed. 

"of course I'm gonna be serious loser, I don't want ur dirt on our bed." I said, turning my back towards her. she grabs my waist and pulls me in, tickling me, and making me laugh. "I'm so so so so so sorry for having my shoes on the bed" she said, sarcastically. 

"okay! okay please stop" I said while laughing and holding my stomach. she finally let go and my back lays half on her half on the bed, my head resting on her arm.

I take deep breaths to calm down, wiping tears that were running down my cheeks. 

silence took over the room until zoey spoke up. 

"if there are only 2 beds and there are 3 of you guys, where is everyone gonna sleep?" she asks, looking at billie. 

"drew is sleeping over there and I'm sleeping with klo." said billie, embracing me in a tight hug. I hit her chest making her let me go, it's too hot for hugs right now. 

zoey nodded, kinda bothered. after an hour or so she finally left to her room and now it was only me, drew, and billie. I looked up from my phone and sat up, now parting from billie's arm. 

I looked down and billie was on her phone. I tapped her arm and she looked at me raising her eyebrow. 

"can we talk, please? outside in the kitchen." I asked, and she nodded in response. I stood up and walked out first, leaning on the kitchen counter. billie came out after a minute or so and stood next to me.

"so, what's up wells?" she asked, slightly tapping her foot. 

"um..." I started off, not knowing what to say even though I had a million thoughts in my head. 

she looked down at me and raised her eyebrow, waiting for a response. I pushed her face back making her laugh. "don't look at me I can't think" I said.

she looked ahead and I let out a sigh. 

"I'm sorry for being mean to you and not listening out to you when you asked me to, I was scared and I was mad at you when you left." I said, starting off with that. 

she nodded. "I understand klo, 100%. I wish I could have told you what happened exactly when it did but I couldn't and I'm sorry. I never outed you if you're thinking that. she overheard you that day when you were talking about this girl you liked." she said, looking down. 

I looked at her and turned my body towards her, cupping her cheeks. "I accept your apology bil, I'm sorry for being so rude. And I'm sorry for thinking you outed me, I was just blinded with anger." I said, my hands moving from her face to her neck, bringing her into a hug.

Her arms snake around my waist, taking me in. she rests her face in the crook of my neck and inhales my scent.

"fuck I missed you so fucking much." said billie.

"I missed you way more, bil." 


I've had stomach pain all day bruh

VOTE PLS thanks xx

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