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klovers pov 

I walked into the hotel room, hearing chatter. I walked around the corner and see drew and her friend, matteas, chatting on the couch. they both look at me and smile, drew sending me a small wave.

I smile and wave back before turning around and walking into our shared bedroom, kicking my shoes off. 

I don't understand why I'm acting this way. I'm just a friend to her and she can be with whoever she wants. 

but it's okay for me to hurt too, she's my first love. 

I'm learning to accept my feelings. 

I sigh, jumping on mines and billie's shared bed before getting on my phone. 

a good 2 hours pass and I feel tired. I turn my phone off and close my eyes, letting sleep take me away. 

"klo, babe, wake up" 

I open my eyes rather slowly and see billies face inches from mine. she was squatting down next to the bed, whispering and asking me to wake up. 

I look at her face for a good minute before sitting up, completely ignoring her smile. 

I stretch back a little before grabbing my phone and looking at the time. 

6:00 pm.

I slept a good 4 hours, damn. I wasn't only physically tired but also mentally, so I understand. 

"you okay?" I heard from beside me. I nod, looking down at my feet and standing up. 

I saw everything go dark for a second, stumbling to the side. 

"woah princess, be careful. you just woke up, give yourself time" billie said while holding me up, keeping me from completely collapsing. 

I gave her a firm nod before shaking off her hands and starting to walk away. 

I don't want her filthy hands on me after she touched trash.

I leave the room and look to the side seeing that matteas is still here and zoey is here as well. of course she is. 

"klover! I see billie woke you, good. we're gonna eat some pizza." said drew, smiling. I smile back and nod before walking to the bathroom. 

before I got to open the door someone pulled me back, my back hitting the wall. I look up and see billie looking at me with a concerned look on her face. 

"are you okay? you're acting weird love." she said, her hand now sitting on my waist. 

as much as I wanna pull her in right now and kiss her, it's not my job. 

I sigh, looking away. "I told you I'm fine, billie." I said, trying to get out of her hold but it was no use. she was too strong. 

"you're not klover. what's wrong?" I looked up at her and saw her genuinely concerned. I sighed, giving in.

"why is she here billie?" I asked, looking over a zoey who was too busy taking a picture of her.

"I-I thought it would be nice to invite her since she paid for my food earlier today" she said, never taking her eyes off me.

"I see." I nodded. "I need to go to the bathroom so go put the table." I said, turning around and walking into the bathroom hearing her little 'okay'. I closed the door and did my business before walking back out and towards the table. 

the pizza had already gotten there and was set on the table. 

I sat next to billie and drew while billie sat next to matteas, matteas to zoey, and zoey to drew, and so on. 

we all grabbed a slice and started eating while having a conversation. they were talking about the hottest people in our class and who had the smallest dick? whatever. 

I stayed silent and nodded my head when they asked me questions. 

"princess, can you pass me the cheese please?" asked billie besides me, interrupting the conversation. I reached my hand out to grab the cheese until I see another hand reaching for the same condiment. I look up and make eye contact with zoey, slowly feeling my blood boil.

so I'm not the only one she calls princess huh. 

I nod my head slowly and take my hand back, focusing on my own pizza. I feel the awkward tension in the air. 

they're all looking around trying to avoid what just happened while billie's face goes red. 

"I'm done." I said, before standing up and throwing my plate away. 

I walk towards the bedroom and sit down on the bed, getting under the covers. 

guess who's sleeping with a pillow in between them from now on? 


whoop whoop finally another chapter. i'll update le vie en rose laterrr - k 

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