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klovers pov

[smut continuation]

I walked to the bedroom and stripped on the way there, dropping my clothes on the floor and making a trail. I heard billie's footsteps behind me and her belt jingling, signaling that she was unbuckling her belt.

I entered my bedroom and got on the bed, leaving my undergarments on.

"on all fours." billie took off her shirt, leaving her in a sports bra. her dick was literally about to break through her pants. I got on all fours and arched, my ass moving side to side in the air.

"you look so sexy for me right now my love," said billie, her voice now low and raspy.

"only for you mommy" I moaned, feeling her hand rub my asscheek.

"better be only for me slut, your body is mine." I felt shivers run down my spine at her words, a whimper leaving my lips.

she slapped my ass making me jump before pushing down her pants, and taking off her bra and boxers. one thing: her tits are huge.

It's always as if I'm seeing them for the first time.

or maybe they got bigger? who knows.

"were you a good girl for me earlier, klover?" she asked while kneeling down on the bed behind me, my ass now positioned in front of her dick.

I shake my head no and feel a hard slap against my ass. "words babe."

"n-no mommy" I breathed out feeling my pussy getting wetter by the second.

"good girl baby. will you do it again?"

"no mommy"

"that's what I thought."

I felt her hand grab my waist before I felt her tip sliding in between my folds making me arch lower and my legs open wider. I let out small moans at the feeling of her throbbing tip in my wetness.

a groan left her mouth when she slightly pushed the head in making me slightly open my mouth.

"no foreplay mama, I need to have my cock buried deep in you." with that she pushed all of her inside making me let out a muffled moan, my eyes rolling back at the feeling of her filling me up.

"holy shit it's like you get tighter every day" she grabbed my hair, pulled it, and started thrusting into me making a moan leave my mouth with every thrust.

"fuck baby, faster please," I begged, moving my hips and meeting her thrusts making us both get more friction.

she moved faster and so did I, driving us both crazy.

"what do you want baby? tell mommy what you want," she said, breathing hard.

"I want mommy to keep fucking me," I exclaimed feeling her thrust in harder and deeper.

I felt myself reaching my high making my moans get louder until she pulled out, making me groan. she sat down with her back against the headboard of my bed and pulled me into her lap.

"you're gonna ride me like the whore you are for me, understood?" she asked, positioning her tip in my entrance.

"fuck yes mommy"

"good." she pushed herself in making me throw my head back and a low moan escape my mouth.

I started jumping on her cock while she leaned forward and grabbed one of my boobs, her tongue meeting my nipple. she sucked on it while rolling my other nipple in between her other fingers.

"fuck billie, you feel so good in me" I moaned, feeling my eyes roll back.

she picked her hips up and started thrusting as well making a string of curse words leave my mouth.

"such a dirty talker baby aren't you? all because of mommy's cock." she mumbled into my tits, the vibration driving my nipples insane.

"baby- fuck baby! I'm gonna cum" I said, feeling the high reach me once again and gripping onto her shoulders making her groan. she pulled away from my boobs and kissed my neck, resting her face on it.

"I'm gonna cum too baby wait for me" she begged, moans leaving her mouth.

all you could hear in the room are moans and our skin slapping mixed with her cock thrusting into my pussy.

"are you on pills?" she asked in a moany whine.

"yes, baby"

"fuck I'm cumming princess, cum with me," billie moaned making me let go, euphoria shooting through my body.

I felt her dick throb in me and then all her seeds spilling.

we both ride out our highs, small whimpers leaving both of our mouths.

"holy shit baby" I breathed out. billie pulled out of me and laid me down on the bed, standing up and walking into my bathroom.

she came back with a damped rag in her hand and wiped me, along with herself. she grabbed a pair of new underwear from my drawer and slipped them on me after she put on a pair of my boxers.

she put her bra back on along with mine and then lied next to me, backhugging me and kissing my shoulder.

"you did so good for me baby" whispers billie making me get butterflies.

"shh" I pushed here away, or tried to, but she pulled me back in making me giggle. she smiled and kissed my shoulder again before speaking up.

"wanna buy some food baby?" asked billie, pulling her phone out. I nod and hear her small 'okay'


"god that was so good!" said billie while leaning back and rubbing her stomach. I laughed and shook my head, sitting next to her.

we both went quiet, but a nice kind of quiet. the one where you know you have company and you're safe.



"can we try again?"



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