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[billies pov]

I think I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. I can't believe she's my fiance now.

well, I woke up with a smile on my face and a smack to my face.

I groaned and looked in between me and klover, seeing devyn fast asleep.

she smacked me by moving her arm out. starfish ass.

I sighed and sat up, getting up from the bed and stretching. I walked to the bathroom and freshened myself up as well as changed into some fresh clothes.

I walked downstairs and headed straight to shark, petted his head, put food in his bowl, and played around with him.

"hi sharkie, hi boy!" I ran around the kitchen island with shark running behind me. I started giggling from the feeling of having something following me, which made me anxious. I ran faster noticing shark was catching up with I regretted it instantly.

a 'boom' sound was the only thing heard at that moment. I missed one of devyn's toys on the floor, making my foot slip on it. I crash-landed onto the floor, making shark quickly rush to me.

he sniffed me making sure I was okay while I groaned at the pain in my hip.

"holy shit shark I just reseted my whole system," I say, standing up slowly still groaning. I limp to the kitchen and start making waffles but this time without any games.


I kicked klovers and I's room door open while holding two trays in my hands. one contained coffee and waffles with bacon and fruits while the smaller one contained orange juice with waffles, chocolate syrup and fruits.

I sat them both down on the dresser by the bed and walked towards the bed, softly sitting down. I leaned down and pecked devyn's forehead.

"wake up angel, breakfast is ready." I kiss all over her face, making her squirm. I kept on kissing her and whispering sweet things trying to wake her up.

I felt her small hand on my face pushing my face away from her. "mama, away" she made a 'go away' hand motion making me scoff and stand up.

as devyn fell back asleep, I walked over to klovers side and did the same but succeeded this time.

I kissed her a few times, some on the lips and some on her face.

"good morning my love" husked klover, smiling at me. that simple action made me get butterflies.

"good morning beautiful, I brought you breakfast." I smiled back, my thumb rubbing her cheek. her smile brightened up at the thought of breakfast which made me laugh. I stood up and brought the tray to her, making her sit up and place it on her lap.

she grabbed the fork and started digging in, moaning at the first bite.

let's just say little william liked that too much.

soon after, devyn ended up waking up and I fed her her breakfast as well considering she was only a year old.

me and klover had a conversation while I fed devyn, who was now chewing with her mouth open.

"dev baby, mouth closed." I reminded her which she immediately fixed, making me feel proud.

I think I'm parenting well.

I looked over at klover who was already staring at me and devyn with a smile on her face. I looked away and saw that devyn had some chocolate syrup on her lips.

"weirdo," I said which was directed towards klover, cleaning devyn's face.

I looked at klover again and saw that her smile dropped, her face now had a death glare making me break out in laughter.

- 2 weeks later

me and klover sat at the kitchen table while devyn took a nap on shark. yes, on shark. they were both on the floor like they didn't have a bed but whatever.

"what about blue? I think that would be a beautiful theme for a wedding." said klover, flipping through our wedding binder.

"yea but so much mix and matching, plus I personally don't think our bridesmaids would look good in blue," I said, looking at some pictures of weddings on my laptop.

klover nodded, agreeing with my point of you.

"well.. I've always wanted to get married in a castle." pointed out klover, looking at me. I smiled and held her hand from across the table.

"then we'll get married in a castle. let's do champagne, gold, and white." I said, researching some photos of people getting married in castles.

klover eagerly nodded and wrote down the new idea in the binder.

"what about the cake my love? how many stories?" I looked up some bakeries to see which ones were the best. I need the best of the best for my princess.

"well, what about 3? and make sure it's chocolate," she responded.

I nodded and chose a bakery, planning on calling later on.

"oh and baby, should devyn be our flower girl?" she asked, looking at some dresses for devyn on her phone.

I nodded, wanting to include our babygirl in the wedding.

"okay and what about your wedding dress?" I asked, trying to get something out of her. I've been dying to see her wedding dress and what style she's choosing but she won't let me see it until the wedding.

"baby I told you already, you'll see it when we get married" she shook her head and closed the binder, looking at some pictures scattered around the table.

"but mama, I'm too impatient," I said, biting my lip while imagining her in her dress.

"too bad, anyways wake up devyn, finneas and claudia wanna meet tonight," she said, standing up and leaving me pouting.

this wedding better be perfect.


plot twist or ending?????? who knows! - key

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