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klovers pov


we arrive at the party which was in one of the hotel rooms, one of the bigger ones. there was a balcony with a 2-person couch, inside there was the mini kitchen, living room, bathroom and not too small bedroom.

It was lowkey kinda full in here.

there was a table with drinks on it and some people smoking here and there. I saw drew sitting on a couch by herself, looking down at her phone. 

billie shouted at one of her friends and walked off, completely forgetting I was behind her so I let her be and walked towards drew. 

"not gonna be with your lover girl?" I heard her ask making me smile and blush just a little. 

"well, lover girl is busy and I wanna sit with you." I said, throwing my legs over her lap and laying back making her laugh.

we talk for a while; judging people, making fun of drunkies and others who look funny. 

we took a few breaths before we continued talking. I looked around and something caught my eye. 

zoey is literally hovering over billie. I huff and drew notices before looking over at where I was. 

she lets out an annoyed groan and whispers 'attention seeker' before grabbing her phone. even drew is getting tired of her shit and drew doesn't care about others. 

I pull out my phone just as drew did. 

william 🗣

billie if you don't get her dirty ass off of you I will myself.

oo feisty princess 🤭

girl. I will not hesitate 🤨

okay okay, I'll get her off, don't attack doggy 😰


I look up and see her laugh a little before pushing zoey off of her, telling her to just sit down and stay still. she looks over at me and smirks, and I roll my eyes in response. 

I look away trying to ignore her but I suddenly feel someone looking over my figure. I look over to the side and see billie smiling down at me before she grabs my hand, pulling me up. 

"jealous, weren't we babe?" she said, her arm circling my waist. 

"of course I am bil, she was over you like a whore." I said, crossing my arms and scoffing while rolling my eyes.

"don't roll your eyes at me, klover." she said sternly. as much as I wanna be a brat right now I can't help but listen to her, not when she looks this hot and is acting this way. 

I mumbled a whatever before pushing her down where I was sitting, so I could sit on her lap. 

I sat down kind of aggressively which made a groan escape her lips. I giggled a 'sorry' before getting comfortable.

I feel her hands on my hips holding me still. "quit moving klo" I heard her say which makes me a blushing mess. I apologize once again and lay back on her.

I feel something poking my ass and I move up a little, trying to figure out if it was what I was thinking. I heard billie let out a small whimper and I slightly smirk, moving again.

It was what I was thinking.

"klover, please" she begs, her nails digging into my sides. 

"please what, billie? I'm not doing anything" I said, acting innocent while slightly still grinding on her lap. I feel her rest her head on my upper back, now moving me harder against her. 

I feel her getting bigger and bigger and her now letting out small moans. how big can she get? goddamn.

luckily, drew got up to get a drink before billie got there. 

I look up and see zoey burning holes through my head and I smirk, throwing my head back and grinding harder. 

I know she's watching, and I want her to watch me.

"kl-klover- fuck baby if you continue I'm gonna cum in my pants" says a breathless billie, who slightly raised her hips, trying to get more friction. I stand up hearing her whine, before sitting down on her, now facing her. 

I feel her dick pressing right on my pussy which makes my breath hitch. I start grinding, now feeling pleasure as well. me and billie both let out small moans trying to not be obvious. suddenly she stops me and makes me frown. 

I feel her pull her pants down enough where her dick is out, but only seen by me and her. she pulls my underwear to the side and slides her dick through my wet folds, earning a moan from me. 

she lets out a shaky breath before continuing to move my hips on her, us now rubbing together. 

I feel her tip rubbing over my entrance and that makes me go wild. I grind a little harder but still at the same speed. 

"bil I'm gonna cum" I choked out, setting my face in the crook of her neck. "me too princess, wait for me." she groans and grinds a bit faster, not caring if anyone sees us anymore. 

both of our breaths get uneven and we slightly arch, releasing on each other. "fuck klover" I heard her moan after I moaned her name as well, sucking on her skin. 

we slowly keep grinding, riding off our high before completely stopping. I pull always from her neck and look at her, her cheeks slightly red. "who knew you could get so wet for me baby" she said with a smirk, making my eyes slightly widen. 

"shut up!" I say, louder than her, and hide my face back in her neck. she let out a small laugh before pulling me closer to her, kissing the side of my head. 


thought it was time 🤷‍♀️ - K 

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