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klovers pov

It's been a couple of days since me and billie made up, forgive but never forget. I forgave her because it's been years since that event and I don't wanna drag a grudge that can be solved.

we've been texting none stop, her being clearly excited that we were reconnecting. even though I missed her as a lover I just can't bring myself to enter that after shortly just breaking up with anna, even maybe risking getting cheated on again.

billie ❤︎

I'm kloverphobic

billie do you not have anything better to do???


ofc not 
what do u want

i miss u ☹️

i don't

yes u do tf
I'm actually so bored like idk what to do

get head from someone idk

well i preferably prefer head from u.

girl wtf is preferably prefer
don't u have a concert to do 😭

yes but I'd rather hear u scream 🤤😘😏

I'm gonna bash my head with a brick bc of u 
you're my 13th reason
you're the first name on my death note
i hope you get dragged off the stage
break an ankle
nvm u already broke both
i hope sully punches u


bye* homeschooled ass


I laugh after seeing her last text, finally defeating her. she's actually so annoying, but I enjoy it.

I play 'If I killed someone for you' by Alec Benjamin and start grabbing cleaning supplies. I decided today would be a lovely day to clean considering the cool weather outside.

I start by wiping down the kitchen counter, cleaning the stove, sink, fridge, floor, and everything in the kitchen. I continued this process throughout the whole house.

a couple of hours pass and I'm finally done. I jump on the couch and sigh, looking around feeling satisfied.

I lean back, deciding to rest but my phone started ringing making me come to a stop. I started laughing which quickly turned into a 'leave me alone' yell. I swear I'm no psycho but a bitch is tired of getting bothered.

I groan and stand up, dragging myself toward the kitchen. I grab the phone and swipe on the call button, not caring to see the name.

suddenly facetime appears and billie also appears. she's in a red jersey and her hair is all messy and sweaty. my mouth falls open and I stare in disbelief at how hot she looks.

"you know if you screenshot this call you can stare at me for way longer," said billie, a smirk displayed across her face. I roll my eyes even though I'm embarrassed about getting caught.

"shut up you're so annoying," I mumble, setting my phone down at an angle where she can see me.

"oh but you love me" she continues and also sets up her phone. she man spreads, her white shorts and stockings now on display. I look away from the phone trying to not get caught staring again.

"no comment," I grab a pot and take out a packet of ramen, feeling too lazy to actually cook a whole meal. "oh so you do love me," she said, victory present in her voice.

I groan and throw my head back, rolling my eyes in the process. "billie please shut up you make me wanna jump off a 14th floor." I said, pouring water into the pot and turning on the stove. I lean back onto the counter and wait for the water to start boiling.

"no, I won't shut up. okay anyways let me tell you about how the concert went. first, it was so cool! I jumped out of the stage and..." I smile at her behavior. she suddenly starts talking about her day which I don't mind.

I pretend like I'm not interested but I'm always listening. she continues talking about the whole experience and how nice the fans were.

"I wish I was near you right now, I miss you," she said, pouting.

I smile and pour my ramen into a bowl, grabbing a fork. "I miss you too bil, but don't worry. you'll have so much fun with your fans." since billie is in a different country right now our only way of communication is through the phone.

"I know but you," she whined making me roll my eyes.

"klover you better stop rolling your eyes at me," said billie, her voice now low.

I feel my heart start to pump faster and my checks slowly go red. I don't say anything and continue eating.

"don't be shy baby, I've seen you roll your eyes just like that before. remember that plane ride?" she added making me choke.

I reach for the water and start coughing, making me tap my chest. she annoyingly laughs, asking if I'm okay between laughs.

I calm down, still letting out small coughs. "shut up eilish, you're so unnecessary." I rasp out, rubbing my throat.

"my bad angel." I continue eating and ignore her.

"klover, do you wanna hang out when I go back?" she asked, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

"when are you coming back?" I grab my bowl and my phone, setting her up in front of the sink, and start doing the dishes.

"umm wait let me check." she clicks around on her phone and I'm assuming she's on her calendar.

suddenly I hear a door slam open and sully shouting for billie. billie mutes herself and her facial expression changes from happy to angry in seconds making me furrow my eyebrows.

she picks up the phone and seems like she's shouting, suddenly hanging up on me.

I see a notification from her and quickly wipe my hands, snatching my phone off the counter.

billie ❤︎

sorry, emergency.


can someone buy me a flight to london so i can see my gf - key

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