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klovers pov

I woke up early morning which really was a bad idea. It's saturday and I have the weekends off, yay to me!

I woke up due to the construction going on outside, barely letting me sleep. If I could bomb them, trust me, I would.

I get up, walk to my bathroom, and brush my teeth. I throw on a lazy saturday outfit before walking out of my room to my kitchen. usually, I'd eat a good breakfast but I haven't been eating much lately, not after anna.

I walk towards my coffee maker and make a coffee to at least give me the energy I need today.

making my way to my living room while sipping on my warm coffee, I grab my tv controller and set the cup down on my coffee table before jumping on the couch.

I turn on the tv and surf through the channels, choosing Ellen. I mean why not?

a couple of episodes go by and I look down, fixing my blanket. I hear ellen greet someone but I don't care enough to look until I hear her laugh.

my eyes shoot up and there she is, billie eilish.

my breath hitched and I grip my mug, eyes stuck on the screen.

her hair is now completely black, some stuck behind her ear. she's wearing a black shirt with darkish military green cargo pants. converse decorate her feet while her makeup makes her blue eyes pop out.

she looks beautiful.

as much as I hate her for cheating on me, I can't deny her beauty.

I grab the controller about to change the channel but ellen asks her a question that makes me stop.

"but how are you doing? you're like headlining Coachella, you're playing stadiums, you're on tour, you're- are you staying grounded?" asks ellen.

"I'm- I'm so great, I'm just having the time of my life. It's been so much fun, the world has been coming back! I'm doing shows and... it's so good." says billie, smiling.

my eyes moving down from her eyes to her lips, memorizing her now new look.

I was paying too much attention to her interview, making me wish I was less interested.

the more I looked at her, the more I thought about that night.


I was pacing around the living room with both zoey and billie sitting on the couch. finneas was behind me watching everything go down.

zoey stares at me with a smirk while billie has a guilty expression on her face.

"so you're fucking telling me this past month you've been going out and staying at zoey's?" I ask, irritation present in my voice.

"yes- yes but baby I swear I-" started billie but I quickly cut her off.

"do not call me baby eilish! why the fuck would you hang out with the person who tried to kill me, someone who held me up to a knife!" I yelled, making her jump.

"she clearly didn't want you anymore, klover. get over it, god." comments zoey, making my eyes snap to her figure.

before I could think about my actions, my hand met zoey's neck and I pinned her to the couch making her gasp.

"klover!" I hear finneas yell, grabbing my waist.

"don't fucking touch me!" I yelled, keeping my grip on zoey's neck. he slowly let's go and billie just stares at us in a shocked manner.

"listen zoey, since you think you're so fucking pretty, you're not. your bitchass only makes people look away, especially with that ugly ego of yours. no one wants you when I say no one, I mean no one." I gritted through my teeth.

seeing her face slowly turn pale I let go, stepping back while seeing her gasp for air.

I look at billie and see her sitting there with her eyes pinned on the floor. she didn't try to help zoey which makes me feel slightly better, but that doesn't make up for what she did.

"and, you... billie." I said, making her slowly look up at me.

"we're done."

her eyes suddenly widen and I see her expression change from guilt to desperation.

"wait- wait klover please wait let me explain I swear-" she suddenly started, making her way to me. I quickly grabbed my stuff and walked to the door, tuning her out. I opened the door and before I leave I turn to look at her who was now being held back by finneas.

"I hope you enjoy your flowers... and promise ring." I said. I saw her completely break down into tears at that sentence making me walk out and close the door behind me.

I look up at the sky, finally breaking.

end of flashback.

"klover?? hello, earth to klover?!" I heard drew yell, her hand waving in front of my face.

"huh- huh? oh drew? when did you get in?" I asked, confused at her sudden appearance.

"uhh, I have the passcode? plus it's 4 already and we leave at 5," she added. sitting next to me.

"four?!" I yell, grabbing my phone. holy shit I must've replayed that scenario enough to make me stay here and stare at the tv for hours.

"yeah.. and your cheeks are wet. were you crying?" she asked, looking at me with a puzzled expression.

I quickly shake my head and wipe my tears, standing up. "no no of course not why would I?" I asked, chuckling and setting my now super cold coffee down.

I heard drew sigh and lean back onto the couch. "you saw the billie episode, didn't you?" she mumbled, a sad expression now taking over her face.

I nod silently.

"okay well... go get ready so we can go out," she said, suddenly changing moods.

I smile a little before turning around.

let's hope everything goes well.


listen to reckless driving by Lizzy rn. ALSO, NAME REVEALLLL - key :) 

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