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billies pov

It's been 3 hours since the plane took off and zoey sat back down with her friends. drew moved back and she's been listening to music. klover fell asleep 2 and a half hours ago and hasn't woken up since. 

I met zoey a year ago in chemistry, we are now seniors and often hang out in our free time. 

she's a really nice girl, she's also stunning and has a lovely heart. 

I grab my phone and scroll through twitter. a video of a woman inserting a chord up her pussy comes up and jumpscares me, making me drop my phone. 

what the fuck is wrong with twitter, be fucking for real.

I heard a groan beside me and I noticed I dropped my phone on klovers foot making her wake up. her face was a bit stuffy but I noticed that after she came back from the bathroom.

I'm not sure what happened but since she didn't comment on it I didn't either. 

she hisses when the phone hits her foot and whines. "billie what the fuck?? are you trying to amputate my toes?" she hisses at me, making me hold back a burst of laughter.

"sorry, it slipped out." I mumbled before bending down and picking up my phone.

she ignores my apology and turns around about to sleep again. a flight attendant makes her way down our aisle. 

"can I get anything for you young ladies?" she asked us, pointing at her cart. 

drew asked for a soda and some doritos.

I asked for a sprite, nothing else. I wasn't really hungry since I just stuffed myself with 2 burritos my mom made me.

I snuck them into the plane, shit tastes heavenly even off the ground.

klover wasn't paying much attention but I know she likes apple juice so I got her some of that and placed it in my bag for when she woke up.

I know she hates me but I still care for her, I tried to protect her and this is where it got me.

I sigh, closing my eyes and rubbing my temple. I always get a headache high up in the sky. I insert my airpods into my ears and lean back, relaxing a little bit. 

before I got to drift off to sleep I felt a small tap on my arm, making me look over. 

I saw klover with her eyes half closed and half open. she looked like she was still asleep which she probably was. sometimes she does things while unconscious. I raised an eyebrow waiting for her to say something. 

"billie" she whispers, slowly leaning over to me. I hum, looking back at her backing up a little. 

her hand suddenly went to mine and she intertwines our fingers. "hold my hand please, I'm scared I'll have another attack." she says before turning her body over and keeping her hand in mine.

I let out a shaky breath, so that was what happened. she was having a whole-ass anxiety attack while I was out here cackling my ass off. 

I feel guilt overtake me, I know how she gets during those attacks. she needs someone to hold her and someone to be there for her when she enters those episodes. 

 I hold onto her hand not letting go.

I love her touch, her scent, and her voice. 

anything of her's makes me get butterflies. I like her, yeah, but she despises me.

I finally lean my head back and feel myself drift off to dreamland, feeling klovers hand in mine. I smile to myself before being completely gone. 

I felt someone's hand slip out of mine and I groan feeling nothing but air. I open my eyes and see klover staring at me. "why was my hand in your hand, eilish?" she asks, almost as if she's about to call me a creep for holding her hand.

"you woke up and asked me to hold your hand while you slept." I simply said. she looked taken aback but I don't know why? she's done that before.

we both walk out of the plane with drew behind us. there was an awkward silence so I decided to break it. 

"why didn't you tell me you had an attack?" I ask her, giving her a glance before looking ahead. she furrowed her brows and looked at me before doing the same.

"how did you know?" she asked, making me point at her.

"you told me while sleep talking" I said, making her drag her hands down her face.

"sorry about that." she said. "don't apologize, but why didn't you tell me?" I ask her again, making her look at me while raising a brow. 

"I don't have to tell you jackshit, eilish." she mumbled. 

we went through security again and continued our conversation from earlier. 

"klover, I care about you. please tell me next time." I fought back making her roll her eyes. 

"best friends that care would never leave each other for something as so simple and ugly as kierstan." said klover, I was just trying to protect her... I messed up I'm sorry I know. 

after she said that she walked off, leaving me feeling like total shit.


I wrote this while falling asleep but here's a little filler!  - K

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