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klovers pov

after falling asleep to billie ignoring me, I've been texting her all morning but I've gotten no response back.

william 🗣

8:25 AM


I miss you wake up soon loser

*one attachment* look at my breakfast 🥹

my love I miss youuuuuu AHHHHHHHH

can we, we keep... keep each other company oHHH MAYBE WE CAN BE- BE EACH OTHERS COMPANY 🤤

11:34 AM

billie dude it's been 3 hours this isn't funny no more

just text me when u want, wtv

I called her a few times to see if maybe she was asleep but no, they all went to voicemail. I decided to go over to her place to cheer her up since she's been so down. I throw on a simple outfit, brown sweats, and a grey sweater. I slide on my beat-up airforces and put on billies hat.

I walk towards the front door and open it before shouting for my mom. "mami I'm going to billies!"

"okay mi amor, be careful please!" she yelled back, letting me know she heard me.

I walk out and close the door behind me, locking it.

I walked towards my white BMW M3 which was sitting like a pretty girl. I unlock it, get in, and turn the car on. I buckle myself up and type 'flower shop' into my GPS.

I turn on the radio and hear 'Maps' by Maroon 5 playing. I start humming along with it.


I walk into the flower shop, being embraced by a plant smell. I smile at the lady behind the counter before making my way to her.

"hi! how can I help you today?" she asked, giving me a smile.

"hello, can I please get a bouquet of um.. dahlias mixed with daffodils," I said, slightly smiling back.

"of course sweetheart! please give me a few minutes," she said and I nod in response. she said it'd take her about 30 minutes to get everything ready so I headed to the mall nearby, going into a jewelry store.

I go towards the ring section, finding 'promise rings'.

I look at the rings and another lady comes up to me, she's a little on the older side though.

"hello young lady, can I help you?" she asked, also with a sweet smile.

"hi, do you guys have promise rings with the birthstone of tanzanite?" I asked. I wanted to get billie a promise ring with her birthstone.

"let me check for you," she said before walking off to her computer. I nodded and tapped my fingers on the glass, waiting for her to come back.

"we have a few!" she said with a smile on her face.

"perfect, can I see them please?" I asked, grinning.

we went over the rings and I settled on a simple one but with a semi-big diamond.

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