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klovers pov

It was now the next day. I just walked out of my first period, on my way to my second. I was hoping my teacher assigned me to someone nice, someone who actually did their work. 

I walked into class, walking to my everyday seat. kierstan came in and completely ignored me due to our conversation yesterday. I thanked the gods above for such a nice day today. they finally gave me a break. 

billie came in and also walked passed me. what? don't get me wrong, I despise it when billie bothers me but this isn't her usual behavior. I did my little dance before smiling to myself. today is gonna be a good day! 

the teacher walks in and gets situated. we start class and for the first half of class, we wrote down notes and finished an online worksheet. 

"okay students, let's talk about the trip now." she announced, some clips clapped from excitement and some nodded. I was one of the kids who just nodded. 

at first, she just explained where we were going. apparently spain. we were all gonna stay in a hotel, but girls with girls and boys with boys for obvious reasons. 

we don't want a baby-making factory on this trip.

soon enough we got to the partners' information. she started calling out names.

atherine and zoey.

matteas and cole.

miles and red.

kierstan and martica.

the list went on and on. 

"lastly... billie and drew." 

I heard some kids high-five and some groan. I raised my hand. "yes klover?" asked my teacher. trying to get the other kids to shut up.

"um, I didn't get called." I said, fiddling with my pencil. I despise talking out loud. "oh! I'm sorry dear. let's pair you up with a group okay?" she said, making me nod. 

she looked around, biting her lip. she decided. "you'll join billie and drew, you guys will have the biggest room." I smile and nod, even though I was mentally groaning. the trip was on monday and it was friday, we had the weekend to pack. 

the rest of my day went normally. billie didn't appear in lunch either which I really didn't care about but she was always the first in line. I ended school and usually I walk home but to my surprise! it was pouring outside. 

I groan and reach back to grab my umbrella but it was gone. I groan for the second time before sliding my hood on and starting to jog, the rain was so heavy the hood was barely even doing anything. 

I start to slow down, accepting my fate once again. I swear the universe has something against me.

suddenly, I heard a roar beside me. I look over and see dragon, billie's car. she's driving at a slow speed, matching mine. her window rolls down and she looks over at me, an unamused look on her face. 

"get in wells." she says. keeping up with me. I shake my head, "get it going eilish, I'm going nowhere near you." I reply, now walking a bit faster. she also speeds up, matching my speed once again. 

"listen klover, if you don't get in the car I'll literally run you over." she threatened. I rolled my eyes and stopped in my tracks, turning my body to her. She also stopped the car. I thought for a second before walking to the passenger seat. 

I would walk off but I know she would actually run me over. She's done it before with one of those little play-driving cars kids have. 

I get in and thought of slamming the door but dragon didn't deserve in. I buckle myself and sat without saying a word. 'all that matters' by justin bieber was playing.

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