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billies pov

I woke up with my arms wrapped around klover. we ditched the pillow a long ago.

I kissed her shoulder before letting go and stretching my body, seeing drew already awake.

"good morning drewdett" I said, knowing she despises that nickname. I smile widely when I saw her give me a glare.

"billie I told you to not call me that" she said, throwing one of her pillows at me.

I dodge it and it misses klover by inches. me and drew look at each other and we start giggling.

once we stop I stand up to go but drew calls my name stopping me. "billie, wait" she said, setting her phone down.

"what's up?" I asked, opening a drawer and grabbing my t-shirt and pants.

"she's bad news, bil" she said, getting out of bed and making her bed.

"klover?" I asked, genuinely confused, turning to look at her. she sighs before throwing a pillow in my direction, it hitting me in the face.

"no you dumbfuck, zoey." she said, picking the pillow up and dusting it off, placing it on her nicely made bed.

I nod, understanding where she was coming from. "I promise, nothing's going to happen." I assured her, walking out of the room before she got to respond and entering the bathroom. I usually don't shower in the morning because what the fuck?

but I felt dirty so.

I started undressing and look in the mirror to see polaroids of me that klover took, a smile taking over my face. she was adorable.

I turn my phone around and grab a polaroid from the back since I had multiple.

I slid it under the edge of the mirror, watching it sit under mine with a satisfied smile.

It was klover while she was studying with drew

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It was klover while she was studying with drew. I managed to get a snap of her.

she's so beautiful. I love everything about her, even her attitude. my little brat.

I finish undressing and turn on the shower to hot before entering, feeling the burning liquid touch my skin. I feel chills run down my back and my body relaxes.

I loved showering. I loved the time I had in there for myself.

I took care of my body and thought about things in the process.

I loved 'me' time.

but that soon ended when someone interrupted my thoughts by knocking on the door.

"yes?" I shout, washing the soap off of me.

"billie hurry I need to pee" says klover, dragging out the e.

"princess just come in and pee. the door is unlocked." I said.

soon enough, I heard the door open and shut. I could see her figure through the glass door but the fog kept my body hidden from her.

she sat down in the toilet and peed, not saying a word.

"you know.. you could join me." I said, half joking half not.

I heard her scoff and the toilet flush. "in your dreams eilish." she said before walking out.

I smile to myself before finishing my shower.


I need xanny 🤞🏽

drewdett 🤏🏽

technically I'm not a whore if I take breaks.

klown 😍

yes the fuck you are bitch, u still serving pussy 🙁

at least she's serving sum..

drewdett 🤏🏽


klown 😍



klown 😍


drewdett 🤏🏽


we were currently talking through the group chat while I was taking a shit. drew was with friends and klover was out buying something to eat.

I heard the front door open and klover called out for me.

"I'm shitting!" I shouted. suddenly the door opened and I came face to face with a teary klover.

"baby what- wh" I started but my words came to a halt when she sat on my lap and broke down with her face in my neck.

I rub her back, helping her calm down.

when she's finally calm, I speak up, "what happened my love?"

"I-I was at the store, right? and I grab ev-everything I need and- and when I got to pay this mean girl starts yelling at me and I'm confused and she keeps yelling at me and she-" she pauses to take a break and I nod letting her know I'm listening.

"and then she knocked the food out of my hand and kept yelling at me until someone kicked her out..." she said looking at me with teary eyes.

my baby.

"do you know why she was yelling at you, baby?" I asked, now rubbing her bare back.

she shakes her head, slightly pouting. "I couldn't understand.." she said which made me giggle a little.

I pulled her into my embrace. "don't worry baby it's all over now." I said, kissing the side of her head.

"bil?" she whispered.

I hummed, waiting for a response.

"It stinks in here."


should I make a second book to this? 🧐- K

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