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klovers pov

finally, we were all going back home. It's been a week and some days and billie has healed enough to go home. she won't be able to perform for some months but that's okay, she can always go back later.

her safety comes first and I won't ever change my mind about that.

we were currently on the plane back to California and we had a good 4 hours left to get home. I and billie sat together, maggie and Patrick, and finneas with claudia.

"remember what we did last time we were on a plane together?" said billie, nudging my elbow and smirking at me.

"don't talk to me," I mutter, grabbing my book and opening the page I left off at.

"wanna recreate it?"


"but why not? I know you'll like it, I mean I'm the best at-"

"billie!" I exclaimed, whipping my head to look at her. she gave me a cheeky smile and tilted her head, her eyes shining.

I sighed and look away, smiling a little.

suddenly I hear small wheels rolling up next to me and I look up meeting the stare of the flight attendant.

"would you ladies like anything?" she asked, pointing at her cart.

"um... can I just have a sprite please?" I asked, smiling politely. she returned the smile and passed me a sprite.

"and you, young lady?" she asked billie, giving her a way too-sweet smile. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked over at billie who was staring intensively at the woman.

I huff and sit back, grabbing my phone and unlocking it. I hear billie talk to her but I tune them out, not wanting to witness their horrible interaction. I'm not jealous, why would I be?

okay, maybe I am.

I put my phone down and leaned over to billie's side, kissing her cheek which made her stop talking immediately. I looked over and saw the woman with an uncomfortable look now sitting on her face.

I look back at billie and smile, rubbing the back of her hand with my fingers. "I'll be back my love, I'm gonna use the restroom real quick."

I stood up and walk away, hearing billie stutter and dismissing the lady.

I smirk to myself, victory.


I washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom, walking back to my seat and sitting down. "what was that??" asked billie, turning her body completely to face mine.

"what was what?" I asked, grabbing a magazine from the back of the seat in front of me.

"that! you kissing me and rubbing my hand- oh and the calling me my love?" she said, a confused expression sat on her face and I looked over to her, raising my eyebrow.

suddenly her look went from confused to surprised to smirking. "so you were jealous." she said, a wide smirk displayed on her pretty face.

I shrugged not answering her comment making her laugh. "aw my baby was jealous! fuck that's so cute." she mumbled the last part and grabbed my head, kissing all over my face. I pushed her away and laughed.

"get off of me! and I'm not your baby!" I said, still laughing as she fell back into her seat.

we both take a breather and sit there, catching our breaths.

"god you're so cute, I'm so in love with you," she said, making both of our eyes widen. "I-I mean... I don't love you I hate you!" she yelled, making me look at her with a 'wtf' look.

"girl.. I know you're in love with me. who isn't" I said, flipping my hair.

"now I for real do hate you," she murmured making me laugh.


"klover baby wake up" whispered billie while rubbing my arm. I open my eyes and look around seeing everyone has left but us.

"huh?" I asked, sitting up.

"everyone left but us, come on baby we gotta get off now," she said while offering her hand. I nod and grab her hand, walking down the hall of the plane and stepping off.

"why didn't you wake me up sooner?" I asked.

"because you just looked so pretty sleeping I couldn't help it," she said, a smile creeping onto her face.

I looked at her and shook my head while whispering 'weirdo'.

we went through security once again and grabbed our bags from the baggage pick-up.

we waited for billie's driver and when he arrived we all rushed into the car, some of us taking a tumble and falling in front of all paparazzi. *cough cough* finneas.

the car ride wasn't all loud but it wasn't quiet either. it was a van so maggie sat in the passenger seat, Patrick finneas and claudia were in the middle row while I and billie sat in the last row.

"I'm so excited to go home!" exclaimed billie, she was currently playing with my fingers.

"me too!" I joined, a smile displayed on my face.

"we get to play in the pool together and play with shark and pepper!" said billie, excitement now radiating off of her.

"billie baby, we don't live together," I said, my eyebrows furrowing. suddenly her expression fell and sadness replaced the excitement.

"that's right sorry, I forgot," she mumbled, dropping my fingers. I felt my heart ache at the feeling of her not touching me anymore but what can I do? I have a home to get to.


poor billie - key

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