Dares 1 and 2

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The dare 0-0*I appear in a cloud of smoke in a room with Pinkleaf and IBella* "Hello IBella, come with me" I said, I lead her into a separate room and show her the dare, she smiles evilly and goes back into the room with Pinkleaf

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The dare 0-0
*I appear in a cloud of smoke in a room with Pinkleaf and IBella*
"Hello IBella, come with me" I said, I lead her into a separate room and show her the dare, she smiles evilly and goes back into the room with Pinkleaf.
"Hello Pinkleaf" IBella said, beginning to ruin Pink's clothes with random scissors she found in the room, she basically cut holes into his sweater and pants to make them kinda look like jeans.
"Hey- Bella, wait what are you doing?" Pinkleaf asks
"Ruining your clothes" IBella said, laughing like crazy at how he looked right now. I just sat down in the room with a bag of popcorn watching the chaos insue. IBella kept laughing at what she was doing, when there were enough holes in his hoodie and pants she sat down and just looked at her masterpiece and continued laughing like a maniac.
"This was the dare?!" Pinkleaf said, finally noticing that this was a dare.
"Yup, and now you have to go out in public with those clothes" I said
"Dang it IBella" Pinkleaf said
"Haha you have to go out in public like that" IBella said, they teleport out of the room and I go to my device and pull out the next dare.

 "Yup, and now you have to go out in public with those clothes" I said "Dang it IBella" Pinkleaf said "Haha you have to go out in public like that" IBella said, they teleport out of the room and I go to my device and pull out the next dare

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Haha next dare!
I teleport Denis, Pinkleaf, IBella, Kreek and Tanqr into a fancy restaurant and get a table for them and get them menus and then disappear to the top of the stands to watch.
"Seriously assigned seats?" Kreek said, sitting where his name was, Tanqr and the others did the same.
Tanqr was sitting across from Kreek, IBella was sitting next to Pinkleaf and Denis was sitting across from IBella and Pinkleaf.
"Why do we need to sit next to each other, ugh" Tanqr said rolling his eyes under the mask and Kreek could tell
"You always complain" Kreek snaps at Tanqr.
"You always complain" Tanqr mocks
"Guys, guys we are here to have a good time now stop" Denis said, suddenly a waiter came and took everyone's orders and immediately left afterwards.
"We were forced here idiot" Tanqr said
"Geez no need to be so rude" Denis said
"I am rude, it's my personality" Tanqr said
"You don't always need to be like that, it's not your personality it's how you act" Pinkleaf said
"Yeah, and we were sent here to get along" IBella said
"Shut up child" Tanqr said
"NO YOU SHUT UP!" IBella yells
"No you!" Tanqr snaps at Bella
"YOU!" IBella yells, Denis covers his ears and grabs his sir meows a lot plushie for comfort.
"Guys your making Denis upset!" Kreek said
"Fine, Denis?" IBella said, getting Denis's attention
"Hm?" Denis said
"You ok?" IBella asks
"Kinda, you guys were just loud, sorry if it seemed like I was acting like a child" Denis said
"It's ok, I like plushies as well, can I feel him?" IBella asks
"Sure, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes plushies haha" Denis said, IBella pats the sir meows a lot plushie on the head.
"Very soft, I love him!" IBella said
"I should get you one then" Denis said with a subtle laugh
"I would like that" IBella said. Suddenly the waiter came back with the food and everyone began eating but talking about random stuff like their YouTube channels and roblox games that they should play together. Then dessert came- and chaos insued again
"You can't have pop tarts that's a breakfast food" Tanqr said
"I can have whatever I want, I'm an adult" Kreek said, crossing his arms
"Well you act like a child" Tanqr said
"I'm not a child! IBella is!" Kreek said
"No- I'm not" IBella said
"Your a minor so you are" Kreek said
"Quit it!" Pinkleaf said
"Shut up Pingleaf!" IBella said, realizing that she's made a big mistake with saying that
"I-" Pinkleaf said, the rest of the dessert was quiet until the end of it.
"I'm sorry Pinkleaf" IBella said
"It's ok" Pinkleaf said with a laugh "I just blamed the game all on my ping and stayed silent since I didn't wanna talk anymore" Pinkleaf adds.
"Oh-" IBella said, Kreek and Tanqr also stopped bickering and Denis put his plushie back in his bag and grabbed one for Bella since he had tons randomly In his bag.
"Bella" Denis starts, holding a plushie in his hand, he hands it to Bella, Bella smiles and hugs the plushie and then hugs Denis.
"Thank you Denis I didn't know you had another one at all" IBella laughs.
"Oh- I have tons just brought two right now" Denis said with a laugh, I pay the bill for all of them since they were done with dinner and done with the dare.
"Thanks for cooperating, your all done" I said and they all got teleported out of the restaurant.
Tysm for the dares MidnightF3line and justaplaintechnofan
Hopefully I did them justice! Please everyone suggest more so I can keep this book alive! :D

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