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I teleport all of the finalists into a music room that's in the studio, Sabrina, Dj and Russo were there practicing their instruments

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I teleport all of the finalists into a music room that's in the studio, Sabrina, Dj and Russo were there practicing their instruments. So the finalists Pinkleaf, Tanqr, IBella, Denis and Kreek decided to join them, I also joined. I sang with Russo, Pinkleaf and IBella fought over the piano but they both decided to play it together, they fight like siblings to be honest.
Tanqr tried to play the clarinet, Kreek tried to play the violin. And Denis tried to play the cello, they all were just attempting it but Sabrina and Dj guided them through most of the notes that they had to play to match up with them and mine and Russo's singing, Russo was guiding me through the notes of course and showing me the lyrics since we were sharing a music paper. But we all just needed practice because practice makes perfect.
Suddenly Albert busts down the door
"YO TENGO" Albert screams and then he leaves. I guess that would be a good addition to the song me and Russo were singing and recording but we would probably wanna edit it out depending on how it sounded. (If that's ok that I did the dare that way lol.)
After we were all done recording I left Sabrina, Dj and Russo alone with the dare and put the finalists in the kitchen since IBella had the idea of cooking for everyone and teaching the other finalists how to cook.
Evil Liv and Daybreak then set fire to Hyper's bloxburg house.
"Hey! I spent a lot of money on that- get back here!" Hyper said, chasing after them but they teleported away before he could even catch them. Hyper sighed and began repairing the damage with Cari helping him since she felt bad.
Evil Liv then attacks Liv with her staff and Daybreak attacks Midnight with his knife.
"Evil Liv, your in big trouble- I mean you have done worse before" Liv said, beginning to bandage her wounds with bandages she found around the studio (Sabrina gets concerned so she puts them around)
Liv also helps Midnight with her wounds as well.
"I'm- used to it don't worry" Midnight said
"Oh- yeah since your twins, well me and Evil Liv are twins as well but she's used to picking on someone else" Liv said
"Oh- I guess so" Midnight said, she chases after Daybreak but they are already gone and she soon realizes and then teleports away to find him. Evil Liv was gone as well which I was disappointed at since I wanted to stab her back.
I then teleported Russo and Dj into the room and showed them their dare.
"I know the perfect way, follow me" Dj said
"Alright, let's do it then, Together" Russo said
"Yep" Dj said with a wide smile.
"Oh Brina" Dj said
"What you know I hate when you use that nickname sometimes" Sabrina said
"Have you eaten today? Is your sword healing well?" Dj asked, acting like a dad friend to Sabrina
"Does the truth always come out as a lie?" Russo asked
"Well sorry Brina you did that to us before" Dj said
Sabrina just sighs "fine you got me back" Sabrina admits
"Now answer the questions" I suggested
Sabrina just sighs again "fine seeing as I liked the questions they asked I will" Sabrina said, accepting her fate.
"Yes I have eaten today, my sword isn't broken- so I don't know why you asked that Dj and Russo no the truth doesn't always come out as a lie" Sabrina answers
"Makes sense" Russo said
"Yeah I guess so" Dj said.
"Now we are even" Sabrina said with a sassy flip of her hair
"Yeah we are even now" Dj said
"Yeah, and I'm glad about that" Russo said and the hosts except for me decided to hang out for a little bit since I would join them later.
Because it was question time~
I teleported Evil Liv back here since she left, which she shouldn't have left at all. I showed her the question that we both had to answer.
"Well uhm most of my powers I haven't really discovered but my main ones I can explain. I can turn people into frogs and stone and I have evil queen like powers, Liv hasn't got any evil powers like I do" Evil Liv explains evil laughing at the end while floating in the air.
"Yeah- I only have the heroic powers but I can fly and I have my sword of dreams like all of the other hosts have swords of course. And my instrument is a microphone, I know the same as Russo's but it's pink so it's different then his blue, since I didn't wanna copy Sabrina and Sabrina didn't want me to copy so I chose pink, since we dyed our hair together one time after Sabrina and I met for the first time." I explained, Evil Liv teleported away in a cloud of red smoke, I coughed at the smoke but it wasn't that bad since it faded away immediately.
I then teleported Russo, Ashley and Peetah into the room so they could hear Russo's answer to the next question.
"No- I never have before so I guess I gotta go do it with this chaotic duo" Russo said
"Exactly, now go set Cari's house on fire" I said
"Yes!" Ashley said, doing a mini celebration for herself
"Hah let's do this Russo!" Peetah said, dragging Russo along to Cari's house, they then of course teach Russo how to set things on fire and set Cari's house on fire (rip she just fixed Hyper's and now she has to fix her own and buy new shoelaces.)
Since she was just getting home from fixing Hyper's house she was shocked to find her house in flames as well and began to fix it, Ashley, Peetah and Russo left before she found out who did it so they were in the clear!
Russo was proud to have done it with them for the first time and got good sleep that night since he felt accomplished.
I then teleported Kreek and Tanqr into the room for the final question of the session.
"Yes we have seen each other out in public" Tanqr said
"Yeah- It was really awkward but I mean we are trying our best to get along" Kreek said
"Yeah right" Tanqr said rolling his eyes, they went back and fourth with arguing about trying not to argue but I left before I could hear it since I was getting sick of the arguing.

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