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I start to feel lightheaded and the voices in my head blare like the music in Dj's headphones

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I start to feel lightheaded and the voices in my head blare like the music in Dj's headphones. Sabrina stares at me, she had a confused look on her face. Russo came out of his room since I heard screaming from Sabrina for him.
"What's going on?" Russo asks
"Well- Liv our fourth host is about to faint and I can't heal fainting that well yet" Sabrina said, Liv has a green necklace on and it wasn't there before.
"And Dj isn't helping-" Sabrina said, Russo nudges Dj since he was asleep with his headphones on on the couch.
"Ugh why would you wake me?" Dj asks, Russo points to what's happening to me, Dj comes over and just looks at what's going on. Russo hugs me since he knows he's the favorite of the three original hosts, Sabrina joins since she's also a favorite of mine, Dj's just chilling there kinda internally freaking out.
My necklace glows as I turn into Evil Liv the alternate version of myself.
"Hahahaha I'm your new host now" I said
"So this is what it was, not another Daybreak" Sabrina said, rolling her eyes
"I'm not Daybreak, I'm Evil Liv" I said, my necklace still glowing and my old self just floats in mid air.

This is a reference picture for her (I really wanted to do that dare first) Evil Liv struggled to get out in the first place but I struggled to get back to normal Liv, it was like I was in chains

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This is a reference picture for her (I really wanted to do that dare first) Evil Liv struggled to get out in the first place but I struggled to get back to normal Liv, it was like I was in chains. But I got out without her causing- more damage then the voices. (If you have any more dares or questions for her I'll bring her back!)
But I relaxed as normal Liv, Sabrina healed my scars from Evil Liv's scars having an effect on me, Russo hugged me, Sabrina and Dj joined into the hug.
"Liv it's ok, your ok now" Russo said as he wiped my tears (PLATONIC! Just to say it! Annd Liv is dating someone already and that person is Devin which if you want him to come here lol)
"I'm sorry you had to see- eh- her-" I said a twinge of hatred in my voice
"It's ok Liv, we understand, Russo also has an alternative version of himself, Dj and I also have the same" Sabrina said
"Oh, well I guess I'm not alone" I said (also evil Liv didn't take over- this time)
"Of course not!" Sabrina said, then I checked for more dares and realized that I did have more and moved onto the next one which was above this one that was just done a couple minutes ago.
I teleport Daybreak and Midnight here and trap them in a room together for 24 hours but I of course am not evil and I bring them food. During the 24 hours they fight, hug and do many more things but you can just imagine, they are enemies but they still love each other deep down that is. After the 24 hours I reluctantly let them out.
"I hated that" Daybreak said honestly
"Same, I never really wanna see you again" Midnight said, lying and not being honest
Russo's sword: ERROR
Russo was in the- room I guess.
I pulled out the sword of dreams on him since I was surprised.
"Geez no need to pull out your sword-" Russo said, I put it back on my back
"Fine, I don't even know how to use it anyways except for combat reasons~" I said.
"Good that you don't have your powers even known so you can't use it" Russo said, The twins Midnight and Daybreak teleport by themselves back to their own au.
"Ugh! I wish you knew my powers" I said, sighing
"Well I know someone who does but I'm not gonna say who since you pulled your sword out at me" Russo said, crossing his arms.
"Fine" I said, rolling my eyes.
I then go into a random room with purple walls, it wasn't Sabrina's room but I teleport her into the room with IBella.
"Y'all have to take the other finalists shopping" I said
"YES!" IBella said
"I always wanted to go shopping with the guys- not really but still, can Dj come?" Sabrina asks
I look at Midnight but realize that she's not here anymore since she took her and her twin brother away to who knows where.
"Ok fineeee but ONLY if I can come as well" I said
"Of course you can come!" Sabrina said, then we gather up the boys and go to the mall.
Tanqr gets a couple new masks since he's getting sick of his old one (he just got different colors so depends all on his mood.)
Dj got different colored suits and started begging the store workers to start selling brite merch, they reluctantly agreed and Dj started making it with the supplies that they supplied him with which was funny.
IBella got her hair touched up with Sabrina by her side. After they did get their hair done they got some new clothes and stuff that they needed.
Kreekcraft and Denis just chilled together, Denis got a new pet which was understandable. He got another cat of course but this wasn't replacing sir meows a lot, it's name was mam meowed alot and it was gonna be sir meows a lots girlfriend since in the store sir meows a lot stared at her a lot and Denis gave in and got her for him.
Kreek was surprised but not at the same time that Denis had gotten another cat.
I was just hanging with myself when Dj tapped me on the shoulder he looked exhausted but still held his sword in his hand, he made the merch with his sword. I snatched his sword out of his hand
"DJ you need to rest!" I said and I begged him to sit in the message chair and I payed for him to stay there. Then right after his message was finished everyone was ready to go, Kreek left with a bunch of new flannels, Tanqr masks and hoodies, IBella a bunch of watermelon themed things and touched up hair. Sabrina touched up hair, Dj new suits, me new clothes and feeling accomplished for making Dj rest.
We then went home and when we went home all of the competitors turned into kids, around 5 years old exactly, we had to take care of them all but we worked together to do so, Tanqr, Kreek, Flamingo and Jayingee we're the more chaotic ones so we had to band together to stop them from causing trouble.
It was hard but they were like this for about half a day.
"I wonder how this happened-" I asked
"Don't know" Sabrina said
"Same" Russo said with a shrug
"Yeah me too!" Dj said, then they put the kids to bed
Then after everyone is back to normal they don't know what happened but they go back to their normal activities like trying on new clothes.
I went into Kreeks room and dragged him into Tanqrs room and put a chair In front of Tanqrs desk for Kreek and put Kreeks computer down on the table as well. I showed them the dare, Tanqr looked upset that he couldn't troll but went with it anyways and they played Bedwars in silence since they didn't feel like talking to each other which made sense but wasn't normal. I then left them be and went to Ominous and Lego next to have them play piggy again.
When they are together Lego (yes he's awake now after the chaotic infection incident sorry if you didn't read last part but this is a spoiler) teaches Ominous how to play more since he needed to go to Lego's piggy bootcamp again. Ominous died a few times but Lego hyped him up after each death because Lego knew he could learn the game, I then left them to continue playing and checked on Tanqr to make sure he hasn't trolled and Kreek said he didn't so I just left them alone and looked at the questions.
"Uhm most of the S3 competitors are chaotic so they can be very chaotic" I said
"I agree" Sabrina said
"Not only the competitors but me as well" Dj said with an evil smile.
"Definitely, you wanna rule the world all the time" Sabrina said
"I second that Dj, I am chaotic somewhat as well, listen to this, iN tHe aRmS oF aN aNgEl, LA LA LAAAA" Russo sings very off key (if you get the reference oh my gosh- lol)
"Uhm- yeah- we hosts are chaotic as well" Sabrina said
"Yep" I agreed. Then after an hour of chilling since I wanted to leave Kreek and Tanqr to continue to play Bedwars I teleported the competitors back and showed them the question, Denis immediately shoots up his hand, I call on him (reminds me of school but erm yeah lol.)
"I wanted to quit- one time" Denis said
"Makes sense" I said, everyone else didn't answer since they didn't quit or wanna quit one time so I just teleported them all away and hung out with Russo, Sabrina and Dj some more since we hosts hang out a lot.

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