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More dares :>

Kreek pats everyone on le head and everyone is very confused :,) But this is just how he does the dare lol

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Kreek pats everyone on le head and everyone is very confused :,)
But this is just how he does the dare lol.
Tanqr takes everyone's weapons and goes crazy with them, he is the most powerful with the hosts swords which the hosts are very upset that he took them but after he goes crazy they take them back and Sabrina heals everyone's wounds from Tanqr hurting people with the weapons.
I then drag everyone to a closet full of stuff and shove dresses into the males hands, the hosts got out of it since it said competitors.
I shoved suits into the females hands, they reluctantly put them on, the outfits were all in the competitors colors, and the ships (like Calixo and Denis) decided to go on a date when wearing these outfits.
One last dare before I peace out since I gotta post this today since this dare is for Kreeks birthday!

Kayla distracts Kreekcraft by taking him on a date, but it was just a normal date since Kayla had to pretend that she forgot his birthday and didn't say happy birthday to him at all since Sabrina and I said it In the girls only group chat that we had

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Kayla distracts Kreekcraft by taking him on a date, but it was just a normal date since Kayla had to pretend that she forgot his birthday and didn't say happy birthday to him at all since Sabrina and I said it In the girls only group chat that we had.
And while they were on our date, IBella and I were the ones baking the cake for Kreek, everyone else was either decorating or wrapping gifts. Tanqr had a really special gift for him, he had a custom made sword and was wrapping it up. Sabrina was wrapping a custom rbb trophy for him being in the rbb championships for all seasons so far since he's been in all 3 and won one of them, that was the gift from the hosts. Everyone else didn't have custom gifts except for mine, I made him a custom new bear ear hat with crochet that I learned (I don't actually know how to crochet irl but for this dare yes I do.) me and IBella then put the cake in the oven and waited for it to be done, we helped decorate which Lego and others were doing, they were mainly piggy and doors decorations that they found/made. And happy birthday decorations in Kreeks colors, which me and IBella put up, after we were done with that we wrapped gifts with the others. We then we're basically finished with everything but still waiting for the cake, it was a chocolate cake with sprinkles on it and vanilla frosting, it looked like a poptart which was on purpose. After we were all done I texted the group chat so everyone in there rooms would also know that we were done.
Me: ready! Kayla come back here but please keep doing what your doing to not make him question anything
Kayla: alright!
Everyone in there rooms: I'll get out now, thanks for telling me to get out of here, now let's hide hehe
Me: yEs let's hide for the party to commence!
And we hid and popped out when Kreek and Kayla came
"Surprise!" I yelled and everyone else also popped out and said surprise with me.
"Oh my gosh! I thought that you forgot all about my birthday!" Kreek said
"We would never forget such a special day" Kayla said, kissing Kreek on the cheek. And we all did party things, like opened presents, ate dinner and cake, ect.
Opening gifts! Kreek opened mine first and immediately swapped his original hat that he was wearing with mine that I made for him.
"Thank you Liv, I love this hat!" Kreek said
"No problem!" I said and then he opened Sabrina's gift
"Oh my- goodness this is so- awesome!" Kreek said
"I know right!" Sabrina said
"Yeah! Glad you like it!" Russo said
"Yup" Dj said
"I love it!" Kreek said, he then opened Tanqr's and was careful because of how he wrapped it and it said fragile on the packaging.
"A sword, classic Tanqr" Kreek said
"Yeah, classic me but read what is engraved on it" Tanqr said trying to hide his laugh.
"Tanqrcraft?" Kreek said
"Hahahahaha, I know how much you love that character ship" Tanqr said
"Yeah I can't believe you knew so much about how I love the character ship" Kreek said with a laugh.
"Yeah, now open the other gifts!" Tanqr said, and he did which everything else was normal and not custom, like socks, clothes, robux cards, etc. Then they moved onto the next party things and then when they were done they went home with the gifts packed in their car carefully.
This was fun to write lol
Thanks for the dares guys I would love to do more! And Happy birthday Kreek, your 26 now! :D

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