Midnight you deserve this 👑

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Everyone goes into the streaming room in the studio to play roblox and to get ready for the final battle

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Everyone goes into the streaming room in the studio to play roblox and to get ready for the final battle. But it turned out that roblox was down, Tanqr slammed his fists against the table in anger, Kreek slapped him.
"Mate why did you do that?" Tanqr said
"Because your being annoying by slamming your fists against the table" Kreek said
"Uhm- I guess I did deserve that" Tanqr said
"Yeah you did" Kreek said, suddenly Tanqr slaps Kreek back.
"I guess we are even now then" Tanqr said with an evil smile
"Sureeee" Kreek said
"Will you guys stop we are looking at the problem at hand" Devoun said
"Fine" Kreek said.
"Uhm- I think I know what Roblox's issue isn't" Koneko said, taking a sip of his coffee
"What is it then?" Jayingee said
"Well it's not Adopt me or Rb battles fault for this, it's probably because there's a ton of people on the servers" Koneko said, petting Lucia which came into the room, they had a bond of sorts, probably because Koneko was also a cat.
I tried to calm everyone down but it was hard to do so
"Guys, guys calm down we can do something different" I said
"But- we have the final battle today" Sabrina said
"Yeah we do" Dj said
"How about we push that till later and do something else" I suggested
"Yeah, I agree but I need to film so bad for my channel as well but roblox is down" Russo said
"You can post later Russo" I said
"Fine" Russo said.
"Well what can we do?" Calixo asked
"We can go on a date" Denis said
"Yes, but what about the others?" Calixo questioned
"They can figure it out, now let's go" Denis said, picking up Calixo bridal style and leaving the studio.
"Welp we don't have Denis and Calixo now" I said
"Yeah but they deserve a break" Flamingo said
"Mhm" I agreed.
"Hmm, what should we do?" Koneko began thinking, taking another sip of his coffee and petting Lucia a little more with his free hand.
"Well we could play two truths and a lie" Kreek suggested
"Good idea" Sabrina said
"Yeah, let's do it!" I said and Kreek started
"One, I'm Tanqr's rival, two Theo keeps peeing on me, three I hate Poptarts" Kreek said
"Three is the lie" everyone said
"Shoot, forgot everyone knew that" Kreek said with a laugh and everyone took turns playing until roblox was back up, when it was back up Dj and Sabrina worked on the final battle and then published it but would do fixes later. The next night we decided that it would be fun to go camping! So we did, Sabrina drove the girls in a camper and there were two campers for the boys, one Russo was driving and one Dj was driving, when they got to the campsite the three campers parked by each other so we could all be by each other and hangout as well.
Jayingee and Flamingo hung out per usual, the hosts hung out as usual as well but Russo was acting- weird, he was beginning to tear up which he doesn't normally do and this is supposed to be a fun trip.
"Russo, what's wrong?" Sabrina asks
"I-I can't really explain it well" Russo said
"Just say it I'm sure we'll understand" Dj said
"You know how- that guy that the battler defeated right?" Russo asks
"Yeah we do, why?" Sabrina asks
"He's-" Russo cuts off because Kreek comes up from behind
"Russo's dad in the storyline and we killed him since he was killing us" Kreek finishes before Russo even says anything, Sabrina and Dj pull him into a group hug.
"Thanks for telling us Kreek, now leave us to have our moment, and Russo we will be with you for all the stages of grief that you may have" Sabrina said
"T-thanks guys" Russo said and when it turns night they go to a campfire and roast marshmallows and have s'mores which were really good.
"Guys- I have something to announce" Russo said, kinda having anxiety from saying it out loud.
"Some people already know-" Kreek said
"But most people here don't know, so I'll just say it, that guy that we met at the final battle- is my dad and I-I don't know how to feel about him being dead" Russo announces.
"Well everyone will be here with you every step of the way" Cari said
"Yeah" Hyper said, holding Hyper's hand and standing with her.
"And everyone else will as well" Keisyo said with her fist in the air, everyone else did the same and Russo felt- comforted for now. Then after that whole scene played out everyone went to sleep, Russo had trouble sleeping so Meg came in bed with him, Sabrina and Dj also joined him because he screamed a couple times from nightmares and they were in the same camper.
In the morning Lucia climbed onto Russo and Meg's bed, she was mainly with Koneko in his room in the hosts camper but saw Russo in the morning anyways.
Everyone then gathered for breakfast, ate and then got on the road again since camping was just for one night but everyone had fun camping but we're glad to be back in the studio with me still sleeping over.
Then I pulled Flamingo aside since it was his turn to go grocery shopping, I shoved him in the car with his keys in my hands and threw the keys at him, he caught them with ease and then started driving away to target to get groceries for us.
Once he got there I sent a list when he asked and he picked up the food that I asked for and other people also added to that list for me so we knew what everyone liked so he could just go to the store since he's so good at talking to employees since he's trolled here before. Even if he was banned from roblox target he's mature at the real life one when he needs to be.
After he picked out all of the food he was at check out and the employee started talking crap about Albert even if she barely knew him, she had the Karen haircut as well.
"NOOB" Albert screamed at her
"I'm not a noob I know how to package stuff, now I need to see your manager" the employee who's name was apparently Karin said
"Ironic your name is Karen" Albert said rolling his eyes at her.
"Don't give me that sass Mr" Karin said
"Well I'm just gonna pay and leave then-" Albert said
"Bye now, have a nice day" Karin said with a creepy smile on her face, she looked like she was about to snap at any second. But Albert left and texted me the whole story about what happened, he was annoyed but got everything that we needed and headed home to see everyone again and to explain to everyone the whole story, which he did.
Fun thing to write!
Also I included one of my theories (and maybe Kreeks since he mentioned Russo's mom 🤣)
So yeah! Have a great day/night and suggest more dares and questions everyone!

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