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I teleport Cybernova into the room (my original favorite Royale high youtuber by the way) And show her the dare

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I teleport Cybernova into the room (my original favorite Royale high youtuber by the way)
And show her the dare.
"YES! Finally a dare, I've been waiting for one for ages, even if I have been gone for months" Cybernova said, she goes to adopt all of the s1 competitors and takes care of them for a while at the Royale high trading hub because she is part alien after all, most of the competitors hated being babied but she disregarded that they hated it and continued to care for them.
I then left them alone and turned most of the s2 competitors into children and left Keyin (however you spell it) to take care of them all, it was a struggle but he did it all on his own without my help Russos sword: *error lie detected*
Well maybe not all on his own- with help from me of course since I'm an expert at taking care of children. It was chaos though- and hard to take care of them all but we did it for a day until my spell wore off and they turned back into adults (since there were only adults in s2 even if some acted like children.)
I then teleported Thinknoodles in a room and showed him the dare, he begged me to teleport us into that camping story game so he could be in a spooky vibe while telling the spooky story.
He told a more darker version of Piggy since you know he was and still is a piggy nerd. Everyone cried, including Tanqr which Kreek was shocked at that since Tanqr isn't the type to cry at all. Except for if he cares which this time he does care, I guess he gets scared easily but Kreek didn't know that? Hmm- I don't know.
Kreek and Tanqr then played camping pranks on each other like testing what they were scared of.
Kreeks scared of everything except for stupid things.
Tanqr is just scared of spiders and some other weird animals, no spiders aren't weird but I'm just saying other weird animals in general.
We then end off the camping trip with what normally happens in the game ofc and s'mores! Everyone enjoyed the camping trip and time away from devices and from the studio.
After we were done camping though I had to teleport everyone back into the studio since we had to get back to normalcy after our vacation ended.

I teleport Russo into the room and he looks really confused until I show him the dare that he has to do, I also teleport Devoun in the room since he's gonna be helping Russo

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I teleport Russo into the room and he looks really confused until I show him the dare that he has to do, I also teleport Devoun in the room since he's gonna be helping Russo.
"Can you guys work together to investigate Ashley's basement?" I asked
"Yeah, we're cool" Devoun said
"But I- stole your job earlier" Russo said
"I know but it's your job as well to be a detective" Russo said
"Oh- alright then let's do this!" Devoun said i then teleport them into Bloxburg and they find Ashley's house, it was pink with a white roof. Devoun was about to knock on her door but Russo pulled him back
"Are you crazy?!" Russo exclaims
"Oh right, she can't know we are here" Devoun said
"Exactly!" Russo said and they found a way to sneak into the house without Ashley seeing. But when they found the basement disaster struck. Ashley was just feeding her kids some rations that she found but when she turned around she saw Devoun and Russo.
"Uhm- this is nothing!" Ashley said, covering the door in front of Devoun and Russo. *error* Russo's sword beeps meaning that she's lying.
"Lier!" Russo yells
"I'm not- ugh fine I have children here in my basement I'm guilty" Ashley said
"We aren't arresting you if- you let us hang out with you" Devoun said
"Alright, let's do it then I don't wanna be in bloxburg prison" Ashley said.
And they hang out with Ashley and the missing children for a while.
Ryguy plays the soccer game with BigB but they don't verse Ryguy just teaches him how to play since he literally lost with 0 points in rb battles season 1 (or 2 but I think 1 tbh I wish he came back- and BigB as well since I've been a fan of him since my Minecraft story mode phase came back which was last year now.)
"Ryguy your an amazing teacher, now let's verse" BigB said
"Sure, your on!" Ryguy said and they verse, Ryguy wins but that's because BigB needs more practice, they practice again and again until BigB gets the hang of it and then verse again and BigB finally wins.
"Oof you beat me, good game" Ryguy said
"Yeah man, good game" BigB said, they then come up with a secret handshake that only they know and continue playing for a while until they get tired.
When they do get tired though they just sit on the sidelines with their water bottles and talk about what they've been doing lately.
I then teleport Kreek into the room after seeing what Ryguy and BigB were up to since I am the mastermind of this world lol.
And I show Kreek the dare "haha this a perfect dare" Kreek said and he goes to find Tanqr, I follow since I'm seeing him do the dare. But I use my admin commands to camouflage in the wall.
"I know your secret Tanqr" Kreek said
"You, WHAT?!" Tanqr said, raising his voice
"Just kidding I don't haha" Kreek said
"I was- worried for a second" Tanqr said
"Your reaction was priceless though you gotta admit!" Kreek said
"I mean- true" Tanqr said. Annd then they filmed a video together which was 1v1ing in arsenal since he wanted to brush up on his arsenal skills since he was rusty Tanqr was not Kreek.
I then teleport to Ashley's bloxburg house to show her the dare, she reluctantly does it.
"Hey can I kidna- I mean adopt every child and have your money?" Ashley said
"Erm suspicious but you'll get caught soon enough so sure" a worker said, didn't know she was pretending to just get the children though hehe.
"Thanks now come along children" Ashley said and all the children follow her to her lovely pink house with a while roof.
"I have a lovely room for you all to stay in" Ashley said as she led them down to the basement. It was pink but a rusted pink since it was a creepy basement.
After she led the kids down there she locked the door and put caution tape on the door again which that was on purpose since it was technically under construction and she didn't want anyone to come in.
I then moved onto the questions after that dare.
I teleport Sabrina and Dj into the room and show them the question.
"Well it's classic Ashley but I think it's saddening for the children but I mean the children in the orphanage don't have any parents so I guess that makes sense and she's still taking care of them. So it's fine I guess" Sabrina said
"I feel the same way as Sabrina, it is classic Ashley though" Dj said
"Thanks for answering, also you may wanna check on Albert- Devoun was looking all over for you two since he's still trapped in that cell with leftovers for food" I said
"Oh- erm we didn't know he was trapped in there we were on a date" Dj said
"Yeah- we should go check that out" Sabrina said and they went over to the cell in another part of the studio. (You guys still get to choose another punishment for Albert though!)
But anyways- I teleport Ashley into the room and show her the last question of the dare and question session.
"Well of course I feed them- but that's every other day, on the off days they do eat the rats, they use fire to cook the rats which isn't that dangerous since they don't burn down the house and I reluctantly give them fire privileges but only when I'm around which I'm around on off days I just refuse to give them actual food" Ashley said.
"Thanks for answering honestly, see you later Ashley" I said
"Cya" Ashley said before leaving the room.
(I liked writing this, my favorite dares are the funny ones and the platonic friendship ones) :D

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